Distributed computing network Cudos launches blockchain fund "Cudos Basis"

2022-08-15 11:09
BlockBeats News, August 15, according to Crypto News BTC reported, decentralized computing network Cudos announced the launch of blockchain fund "Cudos Basis" to promote the optimization and progress of Cudos blockchain network. Cudos Basis aims to provide funding and asset support for the development of Cudos blockchain ecosystem, as well as help and support for related groups and builders. Cudos Basis is launching a grant program that will fund developer tools, open source projects, and different infrastructure utilities in specific areas such as DeFi, NFTS, metaverse, gaming, etc. In addition, Cudos Basis will also serve as an educational portal to introduce builders to the Cudos community, Layer 1, and the subsequent Layer 2 distributed computing platform.
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