Pendle: Building Products that Ride the Wave
In each episode, you’ll hear a different story of entrepreneurs who started Web3 businesses, along with what went well, how they overcame challenges, and what to expect in the future. Both tactical and practical, their stories will help you thrive. Get ready for an exhilarating podcast episode! Join TN, the CEO of Pendle, as he shares invaluable entrepreneurial wisdom, emphasizes the importance of selective trend-following, and unveils Pendle's secret weapon for surpassing the competition.
EP19: Origin Protocol: Explore the Rise of LSDFi
本期播客邀请到了在 NFT 和 DeFi 领域都有着创业经验的 Origin Protocol 创始人 Josh Fraser 与我们一起共同探秘其创业之旅。本期对话里 Josh 向我们展示了他与Web3结缘的故事,也揭露了他们刚上线不久的OETH 在竞争激烈的 ETH 质押赛道的最新进展。 【播客重点】 - Background Story & Products of Origin - Initial Purpose of the Attempts in DeFi and NFTs - Challenges & Resistance - Strategies of OETH Applied - Insights of the Competitive LSD Sectors - The Long-term Goal of Origin in the LSD Sector - Possibility of the Demand for Hedging Volatility of Staking Yield - The Vision of LSD - The Next Diver for Bull Run: NFT Vs DeFi
00分00秒 2023-06-12