Lawsuit documents released by the US CFTC involve CZ's Signal chat records.

2023-03-27 23:44
According to a lawsuit filed by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on March 27, BlockBeats reported that there were multiple chat records in the file about CZ using the Signal chat app, including conversations between him and Binance employees, US customers, etc. The chat records also mentioned instructions given by CZ to employees to use Signal for communication regarding the "US ban". CFTC stated that CZ communicated with numerous Binance executives, employees, and agents through Signal with an auto-delete function. It is currently unclear how CFTC obtained the Signal chat records related to CZ, and this has sparked widespread discussion in the community. Note: Signal is a cross-platform encrypted messaging service developed by the Signal Technology Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC. Signal sends one-on-one and group messages over the internet, which can include images and videos, and it can also be used for one-on-one and group voice calls over the internet. Signal uses standard mobile phone numbers as identifiers and uses end-to-end encryption to protect all communication with other Signal users.
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