Ethereum developers have reached a consensus on the Dencun upgrade across all areas.

2023-06-09 01:09
According to BlockBeats news on June 9th, Ethereum developers have reached a consensus on the Dencun upgrade, which includes five Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) aimed at increasing data storage space and reducing costs, expected to go live before the end of 2023. The core of the Dencun upgrade is EIP-4844, commonly known as proto-danksharding. This feature will expand the blockchain by freeing up more space for "blob" data, potentially reducing gas fees for Layer2. EIP-1153 aims to reduce the cost of storing data on the chain, improving block space. EIP-4788 improves the design of bridges and equity pools. EIP-5656 adds minor code changes related to the Ethereum Virtual Machine. EIP-6780 removes code that may terminate smart contracts.
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