The 2023 Web3 Social Transformation and Innovation Global Summit was grandly held in Kuala Lumpur.

2023-12-09 15:46
BlockBeats reported on December 9th that the "2023 Web3 Social Transformation and Innovation Global Summit," sponsored by the world-renowned Web3 social application INTO, was held in Kuala Lumpur. The summit received strong support from many well-known institutions and media outlets worldwide, attracting hundreds of top experts, industry leaders, and technological pioneers in the field of Web3 social networking. The summit focused on "INTO Web3·Lighting up the Future," covering many key topics including the application of Web3 technology, Web3 social graph, data sovereignty, and the globalization trend of social networks. The aim was to explore the role of Web3 technology in social transformation, and to pave the way for the future development of Web3 social networking.
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