Zebec Instant Card, a non-custodial financial card supported by the Solana Foundation, has officially launched.

2023-12-09 17:00
BlockBeats news on December 9th, Zebec Instant Card was officially launched with authorization from both VISA and Master systems, supporting over 180+ countries including the US and China. This product is the industry's first non-custodial financial card that can be used with just an email address and does not charge any fees, with a service range far greater than the tens of thousands of users currently using Zebec to receive their salaries. The Zebec protocol is supported by the Solana Foundation, and has been invested in by Coinbase Venture, Republic, and Circle. Since its establishment in 2021, it has become the world's first on-chain salary flow payment product with tax functions, with 50,000 salaried households in the US alone using Zebec to receive their salaries every week.
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