Decentralized derivative trading platform Rollup.Finance announces acquisition of CherrySwap.

2023-12-09 17:20
According to an official announcement from BlockBeats on December 9th, decentralized derivatives trading platform Rollup.Finance has announced its acquisition of CherrySwap, an automated market-making protocol. The acquisition statement states that the two projects will operate independently for the time being and will not integrate product functionality or services. CherrySwap token holders will be able to exchange their tokens for Rollup.Finance's platform coin, with the exchange ratio to be disclosed upon the issuance of Rollup.Finance's platform coin. In addition, both parties will work to promote the integration and cooperation of the two communities, and in the future, the two teams may work together to establish a comprehensive solution for accessing digital asset liquidity and addressing the development of the ecosystem in zkSync. It is understood that CherrySwap, an automated market-making protocol, is a leading DeFi project on the OKTC chain, bringing together trading, liquidity mining, Launchpad, NFT Marketplace, and the Cybercat chain game, among other content, and has been in operation for nearly three years. The project previously announced that it would expand and support the Layer2 ecosystem this year, and will first migrate its products, related services, and native token $CHE to the zkSync ecosystem. It is reported that CherrySwap has recently completed migration and cross-chain deployment work, retaining integrated trading, liquidity mining, and cross-chain bridge functions.
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