SBF sentenced to 25 years in prison in New York for multi-billion dollar fraud

2024-03-28 23:46
BlockBeats News, on March 28, Reuters reported that SBF was sentenced to 25 years in prison in New York for a multi-billion dollar fraud. Judge Kaplan in the SBF case said at the final trial: "I know that the government (prosecutor) recommended a sentence of 40 to 50 years, which was unnecessary. But SBF clearly has no remorse. I would like to add that. I do not think that spending Time to clarify each lie is productive. When he's not lying, he's evasive and restless, trying to get the prosecutor to rephrase the issue for him. I've been doing this for almost 30 years and I've never seen For such a performance, the court sentenced SBF to a total of 300 months in prison (25 years).”
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