Safe launches token transferability proposal, voting ends on April 15

2024-03-29 19:48
According to BlockBeats news, on March 29, the smart wallet infrastructure SAFE token is about to usher in an important proposal to enable transferability. The proposal is expected to be voted on by April 15, 2024, and if successful, the transfer function will be enabled on April 23, 2024. This proposal aims to make SAFE tokens transferable by calling the token contract's unpause method, while unlocked tokens will remain in the vesting contract unaffected. The proposal includes three voting options: enable token transferability, make no changes, abstain, and adopt a single-choice voting system. Upon successful adoption, anyone can execute the proposal within a specific period, making the token transferable. This proposal not only enhances the immediate application of the SAFE token, it also opens the door for external contributors to participate in the Safe governance voting mechanism, supporting the growth of the Safe ecosystem.
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