Ordinals developers release a guide to avoid pitfalls in Runes minting: grasp the handling fee and timing, and estimate the market value in advance

2024-04-19 21:12
According to BlockBeats, on April 19, Ordinals protocol developer Leonidas shared several suggestions on Runes casting on social platforms, aiming to help participants avoid risks and participate in Runes casting wisely. Leonidas pointed out that due to the slow Bitcoin block time, when a Rune is about to be cast, users need to pay a significantly higher fee than others to ensure that the transaction is on the chain as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only will the casting fail, but the handling fee will also be lost. Mempool should be regarded as an auction site, and the transaction of the highest bidder will be packaged first. In addition, if it is expected that the Rune will not be cast soon, it is wiser to choose a period with lower handling fees for casting. In addition, it is necessary to carefully understand the casting mechanism before casting. Taking UNCOMMON•GOODS initiated by Casey as an example, its casting window is as long as 4 years. It is undoubtedly unwise to participate when the current Bitcoin fee is at a record high. Leonidas also reminded to pay attention to the pre-casting volume of Rune initiators. Usually more than 10% is greedy behavior, and about 5% is more reasonable. He suggested equating minting a Rune to buying one, and estimating the market value in advance. For example, if a Rune requires 100,000 mintings, and each minting costs $100, it is equivalent to buying the Rune with a market value of $10 million. Find the Rune with the least number of mintings, and you can get a Rune numbered less than 100 with the lowest market value.
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