Framework may have sold $24 million worth of SNX in the past month and a half

2024-04-26 11:59
According to BlockBeats, on April 26, according to the monitoring of on-chain data analyst Ember, the largest individual/institutional holder of SNX, the crypto investment institution Framework Ventures, may have sold 6 million SNX (about 24.03 million US dollars) at an average price of US$4 in the past 49 days. It is reported that: · Framework Ventures has accumulated 27.18 million SNX from the Synthetix reward custody contract since October 2021. · In the past two months, Framework Ventures transferred 6 million SNX from the OP network back to the ETH main network and then transferred it to Coinbase Prime. · Framework Ventures still holds 17.29 million SNX (about 50.68 million US dollars) in the OP network, and is currently the largest individual/institutional holder of SNX.
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