Solana Status: The root cause of the exploit is not yet known, malicious actors have stolen money from approximately 7,767 wallets in Solana

2022-08-03 13:38
According to BlockBeats, on August 3, Solana Status posted on social media that the bug allowed malicious actors to steal money from multiple Solana wallets. About 7,767 wallets were affected as of 5 a.m. Utc (13 a.m. Beijing Time). The exploit affected multiple wallets, including Slope and Phantom, and both mobile and plugin wallets appeared to be affected. The root cause of the exploit is not yet known, but engineers have worked with multiple security research and ecosystem teams. There is currently no evidence that hardware wallets have been affected. Users are strongly advised to use hardware wallets, and do not reuse mnemonics on hardware wallets and create a new mnemonic. Stolen wallets should be treated as damaged and discarded.
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