Brave, the privacy browser, has added currency inserts to the desktop version that allow users to trade directly

20-05-01 10:40
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Brave, the BlockBeats news, privacy browser, has added integration with currency placement inan update to its desktop version v 1.8.86, allowing users to access the currency and websites directly from the browser's tabs. To this, coin an zhao changpeng comments: my favorite browser is getting better again.

Brave and coon announced their partnership on March 24, as previously reported by pulse. Brave's browser has more than 13.5 million monthly active users, and this integration allows millions of users around the world to seamlessly trade and manage cryptocurrencies without shutting down Brave's browser.

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The new version of the integration feature provides the ability to manage, purchase, and trade cryptocurrencies:

Check the balance:Users can directly view the balance of the assets of the account;

Top up:List the assets supported in the account, search for specific assets, and view the legal value (select an asset from this list, and the deposit address in the form of text and QRCode will also be displayed);

Asset conversion:Conversion of one asset to another (conversion quote displayed for 30 seconds; The currency and security widget will reflect the new balance in the "summary" TAB shortly after the conversion completes.

Buy and sell:Buy and sell crypto assets.

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If the user wants to use the integration plug-in, he first connects the security widget to the security platform by clicking the link button of the widget itself. When you click this button, a window appears and prompts the user to authenticate with coinan. After successful authentication, the part is fully operational. Any assets that an asset has will be listed at this time. Because the widget is built into Brave's desktop browser, rather than a loaded iframe(remotely embedded document), it is designed to protect users' privacy. Only when the user authenticates through OAuth and interacts with the widget will the API call be converted to a token security.

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