Who else donated to Biden besides FTX?

20-11-05 20:09
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The U.S. election is still not over. The competition between the donkey and the elephant has created a sense of variety show. It seems that the $14,000 on the Bitcoin site is not so important anymore. Enjoying the viewing process and producing meme has become the currency circle current main topic.


During this global event, the cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform FTX also attracted a wave of traffic, relying on The prediction market products of its own platform, coupled with the rare reversal and reversal of the odds of both sides of the campaign, FTX successfully completed a traffic dissemination.


Many people did not expect that FTX is also one of the largest donors among presidential candidate Biden donors, in opensecrets In the displayed data, the name of FTX.US is impressively listed. Founder Sam Bankman-Fried himself confirmed the donation, though he said it was made through Alameda Research, a crypto quant firm he runs.


“To win an election, you need two things: the first is money, and the second I can’t remember.” This It's a famous quote from American financial tycoon Mark Hanna. The general election is a rather long-term event that requires a lot of funds, and the funds generally require donations or donations.


It is equivalent to soliciting sponsorship, but it is also promoting for individuals and organizations, and you can also see the influence of candidates . In 2016, Hillary received sponsorship from financial giant Soros and top director Spielberg.


As for the 2020 general election, according to the data provided by opensecrets, let’s take a look at the top companies that support it biden.



Source: opensecrets


Who are Biden’s supporters?


Bloomberg LP

Bloomberg Limited Partnership, also known as Bloomberg , the world's most influential media. Interestingly, the founder Michael Bloomberg also participated in the 2020 U.S. election. Among the candidates, he is known as the richest candidate, and "billionaire" is no longer enough to describe his assets.


However, the 77-year-old former New York City mayor withdrew from the general election after losing several states in a row. Choose to help Biden. Among Biden's supporters, Bloomberg ranked first, donating more than $57 million.



The world's top enterprise management software Asana Also a supporter of Biden, this To B company has top customers such as Airbnb, Uber, and Pinterest. They have donated more than $21 million to support Biden's campaign.


Paloma Partners

Also backing Biden is Donald Sussman, founder and chairman of Connecticut hedge fund Paloma Partners, best known for its investment in David E. Shaw. ), which has grown into a $40 billion+ business, generating over $10 billion in revenue for investors, and is a corporate director of Cathay Wealth Management, one of China's most successful direct investment funds.


Data show that in this year’s U.S. election, Paloma Partners donated a total of more than 9 million U.S. dollars to help Biden campaign .


Euclidean Capital

Euclidean Capital is giving thanks Deng’s campaign contributed about $7 million, and the most notable thing about this fund is that he is at the helm, James Simons, founder of the well-known hedge fund Renaissance Technologies (Renaissance Technologies), the latter is the world One of the greatest hedge fund managers in the world and a well-known math guru. Compared with James Simmons, investment master Buffett and capital tycoon Soros may both be in the back row.


Alphabet Inc


Top Alphabet, the parent company of Internet company Google, owns multiple business lines such as YouTube, Android, Google Cloud and Pixel mobile phone hardware. The company ranks 29th in the 2020 Fortune Global 500 list. On September 30 this year, Alphabet released its third-quarter financial report showing revenue of US$46.173 billion and net profit of US$11.247 billion for the quarter.


In this year’s U.S. election, Alphabet’s employees and political action The campaign committee donated nearly $6.4 million.


According to media reports, last month, some netizens accidentally discovered that Google’s Chinese-English translation mistakenly translated Biden’s failure into election , causing controversy.


< blockquote>Image: Network< /blockquote>


Simon Property Group

Simon Property Group was founded by the Simon family. It was established in the 1960s and went public in 1993. As of the end of 2019, the group owned, developed or managed 204 properties across the United States, including 106 Malls, 69 Premium Outlets, 14 Mills, 4 community retail centers and 11 other retail properties totaling 241 million square feet.


In 2012, Wang Jianlin made a high-profile announcement at the company’s internal meeting that he would surpass Simon in 2015, but now As you all know, Simon Real Estate is still the leader in commercial real estate in the United States and the number one in the entire REIT industry. The helm of Wanda said at the annual meeting that Wanda Commercial will gradually withdraw from real estate development.


Simon Property Group contributed approximately $6.12 million to this year’s U.S. election.


Y Combinator


Silicon Valley The top incubator Y Combinator is almost a household name. It has invested and incubated more than 2,000 companies in the past 15 years. Among them, there are nearly 20 unicorns with a valuation of 1 billion US dollars, including the Internet giant Airbnb and the largest cryptocurrency trading platform in the United States Coinbase. in Y Combinator's portfolio.


In this election, Y Combinator provided $5.3 million.



It is no exaggeration to say , this is the most innovative cryptocurrency trading platform, from indices, leveraged tokens similar to CBBCs, to gold and crude oil tokens, to the just-launched US stock tokens, FTX’s innovative ability has long been unproven . The founder, SBF, is also a senior and top trader. He hopes that FTX can meet the most immediate needs of investors.


Maybe in the near future, we will see FTX become the first company in the world to use portfolio margin to cover commodities, stocks, foreign exchange, etc. A platform for mainstream trading categories in the secondary market.


Renaissance Technologies (Renaissance Hedge Fund)

Hedge fund giant Renaissance Technologies has already mentioned in the content of Euclidean Capital that the average annual return rate of 35% for 27 consecutive years is unmatched.







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