Tesla CEO Elon Musk's live content review: I should have bought Bitcoin 8 years ago, and I am late for this feast

21-02-01 16:15
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On February 1st, Tesla CEO Elon Musk conducted a live broadcast on Clubhouse, answering questions about Tesla batteries, epidemic vaccines, etc. in the live broadcast.

At the same time, the most eye-catching thing is that he also talked about the topic of cryptocurrency. He said that Bitcoin is a very good thing, and he supports Bitcoin of. In addition, he regretted that he should have bought Bitcoin 8 years ago, and he was late for this feast.

Of course, as the "former CEO" of Dogecoin, Elon Musk also mentioned that the emergence of Dogecoin is a form of entertainment in the cryptocurrency world. Perhaps the most ironic and interesting outcome is that Dogecoin ends up becoming a world currency.

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