Which city would you choose in a Web3 world

22-01-31 11:00
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Different cities attract people with different needs to visit and settle down because of their different characteristics and unique advantages.

This is very similar to different blockchains. Ethereum, the first platform capable of implementing top-level applications in the form of smart contracts, has accumulated its first-mover advantage among the first Web3.0 innovators. So DeFi, the first decentralized application that created the wealth effect and broke through critical scale, landed on the Ethereum platform naturally. The rise of urban economic volume and the rapid growth of economic activity frequency lead to the shortage of resources in the city, the lack of supply side makes the excess demand cannot be satisfied, and the urban consumer price index remains high. While most of the builders and indigenous people here have reaped the benefits of the city's growth and opted to stay, where has everyone else gone?

The first choice of many late builders and new workers in Ethereum cities will be a centralized Ethereum fork like BSC, which is less democratic, but has the same geology and much larger land area. Developers are building on the land, and workers are doing the same things on ethereum for a fraction of the cost of living. Such cities tend to be self-propelled and mature very quickly.

But look at cities and villages on the coast and in hilly areas, and they seem to be growing much more slowly. Although the environment is pleasant and the geology is excellent, the trial and error cost of building in these areas is too high. As a group of new public chains like NEAR, Solana and Avalanche, their technological advantages enable them to provide users with excellent user experience, but the lack of number of developers makes the ecological construction speed very slow, and too many uncertainties make developers balk at it.

Characteristic towns have always been the first choice for people to go on vacation, because they can make their characteristics to the extreme and bring people irreplaceable feelings. App chains are the only way to make an application as good as it can be without compromising on a generic framework. There are a lot of things that smart contract platforms will never be able to do. If you really want to move into Web3.0, the status of the app chain will not be underestimated.

The Ethereum natives may travel to different cities from time to time, travel on business for a while, or even one day move to another city, where all his needs are met and where he belongs.

In this article, Haseeb from Dragonfly Capital, a top crypto venture Capital, compares blockchain to a city, reviews the expansion plans of the city, and finally compares different blockchains to different cities. BlockBeats translated the text:



人们通常将 L1 区块链称为网络,如 Ethereum 网络、Solana 网络等等。这也就意味着,区块链和互联网、Telegram 或 Facebook 一样,可以无限化的扩展。不过,如果区块链是网络的话,那么其所带来的网络效应将最终只能让一条链胜出。


智能合约链和我们的城市非常相似。一旦你接受了这个设定,就不会再觉得 L1 区块链的原理有多神秘了。

人人都在谈论 Ethereum 的各种不足——它要价高昂、容易堵塞、延迟缓慢。自很久之前创建以来,它就一直都没达到人们的预期,而它也没做出任何调整和改变。Ethereum 的交易费用之高,让除了富人以外的交易者都望而却步。

Ethereum 和纽约这座城市甚为相似。

Photo source:IntroducingNewYork

纽约作为美国的经济和金融中心,汇集了全世界所有规模最大的银行、数量最多的亿万富翁、最热门的品牌以及各大明星。同样,Ethereum 也拥有所有主流的 DeFi 协议、最高的总锁仓价值、最热门的 DAO 和 NFT。





图片来源:Erik Pendzich/Rex


L2 和 Rollup 就相当于区块链世界里的摩天大楼,而每个 Rollup 也都是在底层 L1 链的基础上搭建起来的区块链。Rollup 有着很大的容量,但如果要从一个 Rollup 访问另一个 Rollup,你也必须退出到下层的 Ethereum 上,并和其底层流通量打交道。

虽说建造高楼确实能让更多的人住进城市,但这并不是一个完美的方案。如果 Ethereum 现在已经非常拥挤了,那就算有了 Rollup 它也依然会很拥挤,因为那群亿万富翁们有钱支付 L1 上高额的交易费用并留在 L1 链上。


方法二:利用 Polkadot 或 Cosmos 这样的「可互操作网络」。

Polkadot 和 Cosmos 会为开发者提供 SDK,以便他们推出特定用途的区块链,也就是一个专门用于单一应用的小型区块链。所有这些区块链都由一个路由系统所连接,比如 Polkadot 链上的 Relay Chain,或者 Cosmos 上的 Cosmos Hub。


Sim City中的一个工厂小镇



这也是 Solana、Avalanche 和 NEAR 所做的事情。

当你在建设一个新的城市时,你首先需要做的是借鉴以往的基础设施。这种做法看起来似乎很是累赘,毕竟每座新的城市都需要建造一批新的道路,全新的警察局、学校和医院。同样,每一个新的 L1 也需要新的一批区块浏览器、法币入金通道、原生 AMM 和 NFT 市场。所以说,虽然它看起来有些多余,但每一个 L1 都需要这些基础设施才能加以发展。


以 Solana 为例,它就像是洛杉矶。与曼哈顿相比,它不仅面积广阔,且消费较低。即便你是一名底层演员,也可以在洛杉矶过得很好。你不用太在意去中心化,只需要把你的应用程序移到 Solana 链上,发布自己的 NFT,然后就能小火一把了。

当然,Solana 不是最为去中心化的链,但是去中心化也不是游戏和 NFT 发布的必需条件。既然这里气候宜人、消费不高,没人会真的斤斤计较。

那 Avalanche 又像是那座城市呢?在我看来,Avalanche 就像是芝加哥:它意欲成为下一个华尔街,但要比原先的更新颖、更便宜、更进取。虽然这座城市气候寒冷,但 Avalanche 在金融和贸易方面的专业性能够赋予它更多的活力与信心,让它快速地发展起来。

Photo source:ChooseChicago

至于 NEAR,我觉得它更像是旧金山——一座为 web3 技术员而建造的城市。这是一座理想化的城市,汇集了很多想要打造 Ethereum3.0 的人。在他们看来,分片(sharding)是唯一一个长期方案。

Photo source:Rough Guides




Photo source:ThoughtCo


虽然世界上不存在完美的比喻,但我认为,这种思考模式对于预测 L1 的发展方向非常适用。


1. The future world will be multi-linked.  

2.Ethereum could be the most valuable chain because, with one digitFamous bank robber"That's where the money is."

3. Other L1s will also be valuable, but they will continue to diverge. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston will be enduring cities because of their different systems and cultures.  

4.L2 will also be indispensable. While skyscrapers are essential to urban expansion, they are not the end of the story. L2 is a necessary choice, not an optional one.  

5. Special-purpose blockchains will continue to be niche chains.  

6. In the real world, transportation takes up almost all of the costHalf of housing GDP. If we see something similar in Crypto, the advantages of a cross-chain bridge will come into sharp focus.

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