Web3.0 Master Class first | Stepn: how do we get early users?

22-04-29 14:17
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Introduction of activities

Want to start a business in Web3 but don't know where to start? Rhythm Web3 Master Class series of activities to bring you to understand entrepreneurship must know the dry matter. At 22:30 on April 29, BlockBeats invited Jerry, co-founder of Stepn, one of the most popular projects, to talk about Stepn's experience in attracting and retaining seed users in the early stage. Web3 builders are welcome to share the conversation.

The activity time

22:30, April 29, Beijing time

Honored guest

Stepn co-founder Jerry

Broadcast address

Twitter Space:https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YpKkZELqrBxj

About the Web3.0 Master Class

Web3.0 Master Class is a series of events launched by BlockBeats for Web3 enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and practitioners. Invite experienced entrepreneurs, investors/institutions, developers, community and other industry pioneers to teach about their own entrepreneurial experience, product operation skills, project investment direction and other multi-dimensional dry content.

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