Be cautious and optimistic. Good projects are often born in bear markets

22-05-15 19:44
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原文标题:《 Advice from LD Capital for crypto builders 》
原文作者: Jack Yi & LD Capital 团队
CZGSWS, BlockBeats

最近市场非常动荡,无论你的项目处于何种阶段, 相信大家已经多少受到影响,。作为市场的长期投资者和老牌投资机构,我们已经经历过多次牛熊,我们有一些简单的建议给到大家,希望能够帮助到你和项目的长期发展。

首先,这次市场下跌受到宏观环境的影响,持续加息和美股的下跌, 以及行业内出现 Luna 崩盘等黑天鹅事件。 但是长远来看,加密行业每次熊市都意味着更高的反弹,我们要在谨慎的同时保持乐观。

其次,在当前的市场环境下,资本发生了巨大转变,无论你是在一级市场还是在二级市场,泡沫破灭后的今天, 靠故事和背书的日子已经过去, 如今一切靠数据和产品说话,请大家专心做好产品和数据,市场自然会认可,优秀的项目都诞生在熊市。

Third, in the long term confidence, please refine the operation, prepare for the worst, cut all ineffective input expenditure, keep every penny used in the most effective place, as the saying goes, "as long as the green mountains last, there is no fear of burning."

LD Captial is ready to provide you with more effective advice if you need it. Our team members are experienced industry professionals. We are not only investors, but also professional partners.    

There is a classic saying: the best time to fix a roof is when the sun is shining, all twists and turns are the test of preparation for greatness.

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