8liens: A group of CryptoPunks OG and TreasureDAO

22-08-12 10:30
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After nearly 7 months of waiting, all 10,000 8Liens have finally "landed" on the Ethereum main network. In just over three days, 8LIens' trading volume has exceeded 3000 ETH, successfully blowing up the "alien storm".

8Liens is currently fifth on the OpenSea weekly chart, with a takedown of the Owl within sight

The alien storm withstood the test and hasn't stopped yet. When whitelist casting began, paper hands launched their first attack, and the floor price fell to 0.1ETH, but it soon returned to above 0.2ETH. After the sale, the "paper hands" came back with more force, even recording transactions below 0.1 ETH. Although the hit is more fierce, but the repair is also faster, only about half an hour, the floor price to complete the repair.

外星人的 「纸手抗性」拉满

At present, the floor price of 8LIens remains above 0.5 ETH. This success has surprised many people -- indeed, we haven't seen such an Old School project in a long time.

Playing Old School depends on context

Have a Token? Is there a game? Is there a metaverse? The answer from 8Liens is no, no and no.

What's the big deal? There's Free Mint, there's royalty zero, there's CC0, no more. The 8Liens team's position on the project is "NFT art".

The team mentioned above that 8Liens was inspired by CryptoPunks, and they also showed Respect to the old OG -- the only source of revenue for the team was 8Liens, which they kept for 10% of the total amount, and another 10% for the development of the project. In addition, the team plans to have its own trading market like CryptoPunks.

The project is positioned as the "NFT art" of Old School, which is destined to be very hardcore -- left hand "artistic quality", right hand "team background". It is really hard to find the third board axe. "Artistic quality" is different from person to person, and 8LIens has not yet opened the picture, it is impossible to talk about for the time being. But on "team background", 8Liens is tough enough.

Bharat Krymo and Noone0x.eth, two of the advisors on the 8Liens team, are members of 6529 Capital, a prominent NFT collector 6529, The three founders Punkvandelay, Debussy.eth and Scalynelson are also early collectors of CryptoPunks. CryptoPunks OG network power, from the blue chip rate of 8Liens can be seen.

8LIens blue chip rate and part of the blue chip holder holdings

Not only that, The current position of the first three large darren. X4c0dbe2bfa35c379788d0d5b1d7f2e749945509f eth, 0 and 0 x84e01061fa6b69c1629e3578d988eb20cb73a677 (holds 109 respectively 99, 68) and even a 8LIens did not put on the shelf, really "drill hand". It's worth noting that Steve Aoki also bought 10 8liens.

In terms of artists, 8Liens' main artist Unstable Kido is from Korea. He started doing NFT art in early 2021 and his work has sold over 250 ETH on Foundation and OpenSea. In addition, there are 16 1/18 Liens created by 16 different artists, including CrypToadz founder Gremplin, Bryan Brinkman, Alpha Centauri Kid, and Hackatao.

Without such a profound background, it is almost impossible to lift an Old School-style project to such a height. By this point, it's all pretty boring -- just another example of the "attention economy." But it's interesting to note that 8Liens was previously scheduled to be released on Arbitrum, and it wasn't until late July that it was officially announced that it was bringing "Aliens" to the Ethereum main network. This involves 8liens and TreasureDAO, a well-known Loot spin-off project on Arbitrum.

From Smoliens to 8liens, from Arbitrum to Main Net

At the beginning of the article, referring to "nearly seven months of waiting," let's turn the clock back to the beginning of the year.

At that time, the flagship NFT project at Arbitrum, Smol Brains at TreasureDAO, peaked at more than $10,000 per TreasureDAO, and was at its peak in price and popularity. Smol Brains hot make a series of Smol as the name of the beginning of the derivative project mushroomed, these Smol beginning of the derivative project with Smol Brains popularity, soon passed the difficult cold start stage, quickly gathered up the flow, 8LIens is one of them. The 8Liens at the time, they were called Smoliens.

By the end of February, Smol Brains' honeymoon with 8Liens was over, and at the heart of the problem was a clash of ideas. What 8Liens wants to do is a cryptopunks-like project, with zero royalties and its own TreasureDAO, which runs counter to TreasureDAO, which has its own NFT-trading market, Trove, which fosters spin-off projects, It is vital to TreasureDAO to get projects into Trove, collect royalties and distribute them, supporting itself and its spin-off projects. As the house leak continues, Trove has been delayed again, making 8liens reluctant to wait.

TreasureDAO felt betrayed and felt that 8liens did not want to be involved in TreasureDAO at all, and a furious row broke out in an AMA where 8Liens did not see itself as a Smol spin-off project, "We don't give a shit about your Token($Magic)."

Since then, the two sides have gone their separate ways and Smoliens has taken on his current name, 8liens. Then the market changed and entered a bear market. TreasureDAO was finally launched on Trove in June, but has not performed as well, and the total market volume is around 160 ETH so far. NFT price is no longer the glory of the beginning of the year, the Token is from the peak of $6 to less than $1 today. 8Liens fell into a long silence, with little news other than a preview on Twitter.

It wasn't until the end of July that the 8Liens team finally revealed on Discord that Arbitrum was "not mature enough" and decided to move the project to mainweb distribution. Today, 8Liens' floor costs more than Smol Brains. There is always a "what if", but there is always a TreasureDAO and Trove market in a parallel universe, and Smoliens remain there.

"If, is the most empty pain"... Let's go our separate ways.


In the community of 8liens, I found something similar to the tonality of this project. The holders of Old School -- they simply liked this pixelated "alien", got the white list early by writing stories and so on. After casting, they laughed at the ups and downs of the price and stayed put.

习惯了冲,习惯了「纸」,最初收藏一个喜欢的小图片当头像的那份喜悦和感动还在吗?不管 「外星人」 的故事还能有多长,惟愿它们能够多带回这样一点「痴」,这样一点「傻」...

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