Aptos Official interpretation White Paper: High Security public chain under the construction of Move language

22-08-12 12:31
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0x711& WZP, BlockBeats

Aptos today released V1.0 version of the white paper "Secure, Scalable and Upgraded Web3 Infrastructure", the white paper explains the protocol using the Move language design concept and many technical innovations. In addition, the official social media responseAptosThe innovation of the network is systematically introduced.BlockBeats collates and translates it as follows:


Aptos aims to drive the development of blockchain security, high performance and upgradability. Aptos network design follows a people-centric approach with a focus on global accessibility and usability.

Move 语言 Move 编程语言受 Rust 启发,专为智能合约开发而设计。Move 将简单性与安全性相结合,改变了 Web3 的构建规则。

The Aptos blockchain integrates natively and uses the Move language to enable fast and secure transactions. The Move Prover is a formal validator for smart contracts written in Move, providing additional security for contract constants and runtime.

With more than three years of testing and enhancements, Aptos's best-in-class Move code deployment makes it easy for developers to build applications that are ready to serve users. Features such as tables and fine-grained storage are responsible for supporting large data sets (such as millions of NFTS).

Safety & have spent

  Web3 networks must be secure, accessible, and applicable to existing use cases before they can be widely adopted. Aptos is built with scientific security measures to help deter fraud in the industry and ensure that security meets user needs.

Aptos blockchain has unique and flexible key management functions, and key related operations are completely transparent. It also eliminates the need for complex infrastructure and simplifies wallet tools for managing large numbers of keys.

Trade pre-execution displays the result of the signed trade before the user signs. Other features include Transaction Replay Protection, move-based key management, and Re-Signing Transaction Transparency) for a more secure user experience.

Sometimes, users may inadvertently sign a transaction. To mitigate this risk, Aptos limits the feasibility of each transaction and protects signers from unlimited validity. There are three protections, the sender's seq#, the trade deadline, and the chain id.

Performance & have spent

  Aptos can achieve near-ideal throughput and hardware efficiency through parallel, batch optimized and modular transaction processing channels.

In order to achieve high throughput and low latency, Aptos uses a channel and modular approach at key stages of transaction processing. This makes full use of all available external resources, improves hardware efficiency, and enables a high degree of parallelism.

The life cycle of transaction processing is shown below: all phases are completely independent and can be parallelized separately.


This is a new smart contract parallel execution engine built on Software Transactional Memory (STM) and Optimistic parallel control.

Unlike parallel execution engines that identify the data to be read/written in advance and break the atomicity of transactions, Block-STM enables developers to code without constraints and achieve higher throughput and lower latency for real use cases.

State synchronization

Aptos is designed to provide a high-throughput, low-latency network for the personalized needs of all participants. With a flexible and configurable state synchronization approach, Aptos ADAPTS to changing user requirements and provides new and efficient synchronization policies.

The full node can process all transactions since the Genesis block. Users can also choose to skip blockchain history altogether and use Waypoints to synchronize only the latest blockchain status. In addition, Aptos supports low-resource full nodes that only replay state changes without performing transactions.

Light clients can synchronize part of the blockchain state, such as a specific account or data value, and are eligible to read the verified state, such as using a BFT timestamp to get the verified account balance.


Aptos is designed to be flexible, continuously support new use cases, and always be technologically advanced. Upgradability and configurability are the first design principles of Aptos to ensure that the Aptos infrastructure can adapt to new use cases and technologies in the future.

The Aptos blockchain encodes its configuration on the chain. Each verifier can synchronize with the current state of the blockchain and automatically select the correct configuration (for example, consensus protocol and Aptos framework versions) based on the current on-chain value.

Frequent updates are a core feature that allows seamless upgrades without disturbing users. Infrastructure steps into the background, allowing developers to focus on building and users to enjoy a fluid experience.

Attempts to scale further: Its modular design and parallel execution engine support internal sharding of verifiers, while Homogeneous State sharding offers node operators the potential for horizontal throughput scalability without additional complexity.

With these innovations and the support of the community, Aptos provides developers with a world-class Move development experience and a secure, fast and high-performance blockchain infrastructure that can support the next generation of Web3 applications.

Read the full white paper hereLet's build together.

The original link

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