800 Aptos Token rewards, teach you how to deploy Aptos testnet 3 nodes

22-08-22 15:47
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Original title: "[Node Deployment-Aptos] Aptos third test registration process"
Original author: rainnight-雨夜

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Aptos incentive testnet 3, full registration process

The complete tutorial requires completing the following 6 steps to register for AIT-3:

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1. Make sure you have a Discord account and have joined Aptos Server.  IMPORTANT: You will be asked to link a Discord account for AIT-3.

2. Create an account on the community site (or log into your existing account).

3. When prompted, provide your email address and username, and be sure to confirm your email.

4. Follow the steps on this AIT-3 page to install and start A validator node, which sets the node into test mode and provides validator details to the Aptos community.

5. Download and install the Petra wallet, and Register your wallet address on the community site. (Remove previous version of wallet)

6. Pass identity verification and sanction screening process.

Let's do it together.

1. Joined the Aptos DC server.

Click on the linkhttps ://discord.gg/aptoslabs , accept invitation to join Aptos dc server

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2. Create an account on a community site

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Visit https://aptoslabs.com/incentivized-testnet , create an account

3. Confirm email

After submitting the information, The mailbox will receive a confirmation email, copy the link in it, and visit it in the browser just now

4. Install verification node

You need a server first

The configuration is as follows


8 cores, 16 threads

2.8GHz, or faster

< p>Intel Xeon Skylake or newer




Bandwidth requirement: 1 Gbps



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4.1. Use ssh to log in to the server (operate under mac and linux systems)

ssh root@ server ip

Enter to confirm, if there is a prompt "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?"

Enter yes to confirm

The window is waiting for the server password to be entered, press Enter to confirm. Enter the server

4.2. Confirm that the current user is root. If you are already root, please skip

Open the root user, create a password for the root user, enter the password twice

sudo passwd root

Use the following command to switch to the root user and enter the password you just created

su root

4.3. Update server software and install necessary software

apt update && apt install -y net-tools

4.4, create directory< /h4>

mkdir ~/testnet 

cd ~/testnet

4.5 Install docker, docker -compose

sudo wget -O get-docker.sh https ://get.docker.com &&sudo sh get-docker.sh && sudo rm -f get-docker.sh 

sudo curl -L "https://github .com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

4.6 Install aptos command

wget https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/download/aptos-cli-v0.3.1 /aptos-cli-0.3.1-Ubuntu-x86_64.zip 

unzip -o aptos-cli-0.3.1-Ubuntu-x86_64.zip -d /usr/local/bin 

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/aptos

4.7, download yaml File

After downloading, there will be two yaml files docker-compose.yaml and validator.yaml View with ls

wget https://raw.githubusercontent. com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/docker-compose.yaml 

 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/ aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/validator.yaml

4.8 , Generate account information

aptos genesis generate-keys --output -dir ~/testnet/keys

After execution, four files will be generated in ~/testnet/keys This is the account information that needs to be saved.

4.9 Configuration verification Node

alice is changed to your English nickname <information 1> is changed to your ip: 6180 <Information 2> Change to your ip:6182

cd ~/ && aptos genesis set-validator-configuration --local-repository-dir ~/testnet --username alice --owner-public-identity-file ~/testnet/keys/public-keys.yaml --validator-host <information 1> - -full-node-host <Information 2> --stake-amount 100000000000000

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Your nickname folder will be generated after success

4.10, generate layout

alice to you Nickname

4.11, Download AptosFramework Move

wget https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/download/aptos-framework-v0.3.0/framework.mrb

4.12, compile genesis blob and waypoint< /h4>

aptos genesis generate-genesis --local-repository-dir ~ /testnet --output-dir ~/testnet

4.13, start the node

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docker compose up -d

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Check whether the node is started successfully netstat

Firewall, security group release < b>80,8080,6180,9101

5. Install wallet

Access URLhttps://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/tag/wallet-v0.1.6, download wallet-extension.zip, And extract it to a directory you are familiar with

Create Wallet

6. Verification node

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Visit https://aptoslabs.com/it3, link wallet

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Fill in the description


Verification node information

Check the node information on the server, change rainight to your nickname

cat /root/testnet/rainight/operator.yaml

Return to https://aptoslabs.com/it3 real-name authentication

Yes Call the third-party real-name verification, just follow the prompts, the mainland ID card can be verified

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Original link

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