What other interesting projects are there in the 15th round of Gitcoin Grants?

22-09-10 11:00
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Gitcoin Grants on Ethereum Gitcoin is here as promised, and the 15th round of GR will start on September 7, 2022. Deadline until the 22nd. I believe everyone is very familiar with Gitcoin Grants. Take a look at new projects and interact with zkSync. Let's take a look at some interesting projects in GR15.


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DefiLlama is a blockchain data analysis platform, the data is completely open source and maintained by a team of hundreds of protocol contributors. The project focuses on the aggregation of TVL data of Defi projects and is a powerful analysis tool.

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minipent is An open source knowledge framework, the project aims to build information management tools for DAOs and other Web3 organizations, enabling them to manage their own data and easily find the information they need. Partners, contributors and other members of the Web3 organization can integrate, collaborate and share knowledge on the platform.

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SyncSwap is an AMM decentralized exchange built by MatterLabs on zkSync 2.0, which inherits the security of Ethereum, and its testnet is currently online.

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Via Protocol

Via Protocol is a cross-chain liquidity aggregation protocol, which hopes to integrate the liquidity of the cryptocurrency market, so that users can quickly, efficiently and seamlessly perform cross-chain exchanges between different blockchains.

Serafim Korablev (CEO) has done product management and is the co-founder of EcoXch mining pool , and now founded Via Protocol. Daniil Okhlopkov (CTO) has strong technical capabilities and is an expert in data mining and analysis. He was the co-founder of Morejust and the data director of Runa Capital, and is now the co-founder of Via Protocol.

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Lenster is a decentralized, permissionless social media application built using the Lens protocol, currently still in beta.

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JediSwap is on StarkNet A permissionless and composable AMM for , from which users exchange assets instantly. The project is led by the Mesh Community, a group of people who share a belief in the core principles of transparency and equal accessibility.

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Tally Ho

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Tally Ho is a decentralized Web3 wallet, initiated by the @thesis_co team, 100% open source, support Chrome and Brave browsers, will have NFT gallery display, support ledger accounts, Swaps are cheap and have no hidden fees, and are governed by the community.

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Nimi is a decentralized social aggregator that allows anyone to create, manage and share their Web3 profile pages. Nimi can deploy a personal Web3 page for ENS users with one click, from which it can display personal profile information, NFT, POAP collection, link Twitter, email, etc., and has won awards in hackathons.

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MetaMail is a Web3 Email, winner of Hackathon Gold Medal. Users can use the wallet to directly log in to the mailbox, send, encrypt and receive emails, and sending and receiving emails is completely free, and there is no gas fee. When the email is encrypted, only the recipient has the private key to decrypt the email, ensuring the ultimate security of the information.

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Phi motivates more users Build your own Web3 city from interactions using the wallet.

Users need ENS to own PHI land, and claim the corresponding image (or landmark) through the event Put it in the land to create a unique city to show the user's identity on Web3 and the activities he has participated in, and visualize the "identity on the chain". Currently the project has launched a testnet.

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My First NFT

My First NFT is a non-profit teaching project for Web3 novices. The project was initiated by Bruce and built by the LXDAO community. Users can learn according to their steps, and on the basis of understanding the basic value and security principles of Web3 and NFT, they can also get free NFT.

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Mest is an on-chain data analysis product. Team members have participated in the construction of imToken, which tries to establish a connection between content creators and subscribers. While subscribers get the data they need, the creators behind them get corresponding rewards.

The three core features that Mest emphasizes are simplicity, composability and narrative, which are currently being Actively looking for components on the scene production chain so that all work can be done in Mest.

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ChainEye aims to create a free and open source full-chain analysis tool for investors. Currently has three functions, the first is the BridgeEye multi-chain bridge comparison tool. Second, users can view the deposit and withdrawal status of all CEXs without logging in to CEXs, and find the cheapest fee route between CEXs and on-chain transfers. Third, users can view multi-chain gas fees from it.

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