Facebook's other public chain "son": 0L Network's road to fighting monsters

22-09-16 14:50
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Written by: Fu Zhuorui

0L is a community-driven Layer 1 public chain open source project. It has no corporate sponsors, venture capital, foundations, and is a completely decentralized community. Project decisions are also voted by community members. 0L is also a program based on the Move language.


Originally, 0L was also a fork of an open-source code set based on Facebook's previously dead Diem Network (formerly known as "Libra"). 0L is as close as possible to Diem's program, because Diem is a blockchain technology with a very fast computing speed. Compared with the other two protocols derived from Diem: Aptos and SUI, 0L is relatively quiet, but team members stated on the official website that the team is not working in secret, and the project has actually been working openly since the fork project , just quieter.


In addition, the project also borrows some ideas from Dfinity founder Dominic Williams and Bram Cohen's Chia Projects, which can save users from expensive investment In the case of Byzantine consensus (BFT Consensus).


The economics of 0L center around labor. According to 0L, most blockchain networks allocate most of the rewards to node operators who act as "security guards", but fail to invest directly in the development, operation and maintenance of the application layer. To fund the workforce, 0L funds are transferred to a community wallet managed by an independent organization and used to fund tasks within the  0L ecosystem through the  Hustle Karma board. Missions (aka "community projects") are funded by the community wallet and currently receive 50% of all validator rewards via automatic payouts. This mechanism is currently still in the testing phase.


On October 21, 2021, the project was officially established as "Genesis".


0L  network is a network branch optimized for  100  validators. Validator rewards decrease as the number of validators increases, and reach a floor at  100  validator rewards. At the time of creation, in order to avoid verifier flooding, an address must be added to the verifier set by the verifier, and each verifier can only add one new account every two weeks. The number of validator candidates grows by the  2  power every two weeks. The reason for keeping 100 validators is mainly due to the fact that 0L is not a proof-of-work chain, it works closest to the  Cosmos/Tendermint  ecosystem chain. This is a limitation of Byzantine consensus. After about  100-120  nodes in the network, mempool, block propagation, network, throughput drop off drastically. So PoS networks set a hard upper limit on the quorum. At the same time, the order in which validators join does not give them an advantage, as the protocol expects all participants to participate on equal terms.


The Carpe  application is an app that 0L depends on. Users can download the program desktop on Windows  and Mac, and use this program to perform 0L node verification and Get compensation. Wallets created on Carpe are initially inactive and must be activated by someone sending a coin to the wallet. Another experimental economic concept in 0L  is to provide an identity subsidy to accounts that use the Carpe app to settle time-proven accounts. This stack of proofs is called a tower, and by building a tall tower, the proof account is a persistent identity. Persistent identities help defend against  Sybil  attacks. Additionally, accounts that submit proofs share the reward pool. This mechanism ensures that early adopters have access to gas for them to build, test and use applications developed on the 0L blockchain. Currently, there are 3 ways to get compensated: 1. Using Carpe 2. Contributing to the  Hustle Karma  bounty system  3. Running a validator.


In February 2022, the Web3  infrastructure provider based on the Move language team and Mysten Labs from Diem announced the cooperation with 0L Network  for Move  Smart contract programming language provides tools and resources. The two will launch a collaborative Move  hackathon and mentorship program in 2022  March March. Through this partnership, Mysten Labs expects to greatly expand and accelerate the use of engineering resources dedicated to  Move .


Due to the decentralized nature of 0L, the protocol does not have a core team or investors. Currently active user "sirouk" on 0L posted a Google document in Discord about the mechanism for establishing, verifying, and maintaining 0L validators. As of press time, current users "nControl88" and "Michael64" have participated in updating the file. 0L’s Discord file communication channel is maintained by the user “Daniyal”, who also posted a number of community messages related to 0L’s development on other channels on behalf of 0L.

Active users in the community


Fast, Fast, Fast: Diem and Language Move

Diem is a permissioned chain stablecoin proposed by Meta (Facebook). The large ecosystem and super power of the company have been in the limelight. However, the project has been blocked by regulators in major countries and regions, and finally Meta officially abandoned the project in January 2022.


Although Diem is no longer there, many of the research and development that Diem once invested and its core system still have its unique advantages. As a veteran technology company, Meta has recruited R&D personnel for Diem who are all industry leaders, and Diem's calculation speed is very fast, especially the Move language developed for its development can still write derivative codes to make the project unique.


Move can be said to be Diem's "smart contract", and its relationship is like Solidity to Ethereum. Move is a Rust-based programming language, which includes a lot of systems, rigorous logic, and academic, somewhat similar to Ethereum. At the beginning of Move, the most important indicators were "security and privacy", so in Move, application logic and libraries were separated. Move supports "resource types", a system based on linear types. Move has four goals: first-class resources (First Class Resource), flexibility, security, and verifiability.


Move  has a key feature that enables Move to define custom resource types with semantics inspired by linear logic. In this case the resource is never copied, it is only moved between program locations.  So digital assets are safe and can be used to write wrapper assets and enforce access control policies. Move  modules are similar to smart contracts in other blockchain languages. This precisely means that digital assets cannot be copied or disappeared. Flexibility means that every Libra transaction has a transaction script. A transaction script is a single procedure that contains mobile code, allowing the writing of customizable transactions. It can trigger other processes of the modules present in the blockchain and perform calculations on the results.


One of the main strengths of the Move  language is safety. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the language, Move  will reject programs that do not satisfy the three properties of resource safety, type safety and memory safety. To choose an execution representation that verifies such conditions, there are two approaches, 1. Using a high-level programming language and a compiler that checks these properties. 2. Use low-level untyped assemblies and enforce these safety checks. So for these detailed investigations, Move has a new approach in between, Move 's executable format is above assembly language and below source language bytecode.


Verifiability is to support advanced off-chain static verification tools.


Currently, the projects derived from Diem are the most widely used in Move. For example, the developers of the Sui protocol attach great importance to the development of the Move language on Github Maintenance, Sui's development team Mystens Lab spent a lot of time and energy on the exploration of Move.


https://0l.network/ economics/
https://thedefiant.io/sablier-polygon-binance -payroll-streaming
https://blockchainreporter.net/ mysten-labs-partners-with-0l-network/
https://www.zhihu .com/question/330177843
https://golden.com/wiki/ Move_(programming_language)-MNA4DZ6
https ://diem-developers-components.netlify.app/papers/diem-move-a-language-with-programmable-resources/2020-05-26.pdf


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