Next generation Web3.0 user new public chain - Aptos

22-09-19 22:09
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Original article by Allen Zhao, Mustafa Yilham, Henry Ang & Amp;   Jermaine Wong, Portfolio Insights: Aptos

Evan Gu, Wayne Zhang

Foreword: & have spent  

Bixin Ventures is pleased to announce a strategic investment in Move-based high-performance public chain Aptos. This funding round follows an announcement by the Aptos team in late July of this yearA new round of financing. The round was led by FTX Ventures and Jump Crypto, Apollo, Griffin Gaming Partners, Franklin Templeton& NBSP; , Superscrypt, Circle Ventures, and previous investors A16Z and Multicoin continue to participate in the round. We hope to bring in more strategic partners to facilitate the development of the Aptos ecosystem, expand usage scenarios, and promote the development of the developer community. We also welcome entrepreneurs who want to deploy their products on Aptos to contact us to build the Aptos ecosystem.


A, performance,

Two, safety

Iii. Roadmap for development

4. Aptos Funding Program

V. Ecological status quo

6. Conclusion & AMP; thinking

Appendix: Requirements for complete nodes and verification nodes

A blockchain focused on security and scalability

Aptos is a brand new L1 blockchain with a vision to help billions of people create assets and access networks in a fair, decentralized, permission-free manner. Aptos has also been called Diem's "own son" and Solana co-founder Anatoly has even argued that Aptos is a direct competitor to Solana compared to other EVM blockchains. Aptos by the CEOMo ShaikhAnd the CTOAvery ChingCo-founded. CTO Avery Ching used to be the technical lead for Diem blockchain, the best known blockchain within Meta. Prior to joining Meta, Mo worked at Consensys, BlackRock, and Boston Consulting Group, while Avery worked at Yahoo. Aptos teamThe other membersIt is composed of PHDS, researchers, engineers, designers and strategic experts who have worked at Meta, Novi, Amazon, VMware and other enterprises.

In this article, we will explain why Aptos achieves high TPS and how to ensure security, then we will introduce the upcoming roadmap, and finally we will tell you how to get into the upcoming main network.

A, performance,

The Aptos blockchain is designed to take advantage of any available hardware and use parallel transactions to improve its performance, currently achieving more than 160K TPS and sub-second block certainty. Key to the good performance of Aptos is the ability to use bulk trading to separate the transaction layer from the consensus protocol to modularize the transaction lifecycle, a parallel execution engine, Block-STM, and a novel state synchronization mechanism to reduce Block determination time.

1.  Batched Transactions via Proof of Availability

During the transaction sending process, the verifier will group the transactions into batches, which will be merged into blocks when consensus is reached. Execution, storage, and ledger authentication are all processed in batches, which optimizes the sorting system and reduces steps and parallel execution.

  Transaction life cycle & NBSP;  

Transactions are transmitted in batches between verifiers. After that, the verifier will sign each batch summary, which will form a proof of availability (PoAv) when signatures from more than one verifier are collected. PoAv ensures that the trade lot will be stored locally by at least honest verifiers, who can then retrieve the trade lot before execution. Thus, the transaction process can be sorted using only the batch metadata and proofs required in each block, thereby increasing the transaction TPS and minimizing the time to determine the block.

However, continuous bulk transaction propagation can trigger DDoS attacks, which can cause the validator to run out of memory and crash. Aptos addresses this issue by attaching a timestamp to each batch of transactions to help the verifier with garbage collection, which also helps free up memory.

Click on thehereRead more about bulk trading, transaction propagation, and block sorting.

2. Parallel execution engine: Block-STM

Block-stm is an efficient, multi-threaded parallel execution engine, theoretically up to 160K TPS. In contrast to other parallel execution techniques, Block-STM pre-declares all dependencies and avoids restricting or forcing transactions to be broken into small pieces. Block-stm can detect access collisions within a preset transaction order to extract the most transactions.

The following are the key features of Block-STM:

1) Optimistic Concurrency Control: A transaction executes optimistically and validates after execution. If the validation is unsuccessful, the transaction will be re-executed and all associated transactions will need to be re-validated before they can be committed.

2 ) 多版本数据结构:对同一位置的所有写入与其关联的版本一起存储,以避免每次有新事务时发生同时写入的冲突

3 ) 验证:在执行期间,事务被分为读集和写集。在验证期间,读取集合中的所有内存位置将返回的版本与写入集中的相应版本进行比较。

4 ) 协作时间表:通过基于计数的方法协调线程之间的验证和执行任务。

5 ) 动态依赖估计(Dynamic dependency Estimation):所有失败的验证都将导致一个「ESTIMATION」值记录在关联写入集的多版本数据结构中。这将确保所有未来的事务在继续之前将等待任何依赖关系确保得到解决。

In general, Block-STM uses a cooperative scheduler and a multiversion data structure to estimate the dependencies of a preset transaction order and reduce aborts. Block-stm then uses a series of atomic counters to ensure that the entire Block can be committed.

You can click on thehereGet more information about Block-STM.

3. Synchronize the status

State synchronization is key to the design of the Aptos architecture. Here are their key features:

1) 完成时间短:通过节点之间数据的快速传播,从而减少事务处理的时间

2) 最新共识:通过将崩溃或新的验证者带到最新的区块链状态

3) 数据正确性:防止恶意行为者修改或审查网络中的数据; 

4) 更加去中心化:通过提高轮换活跃验证者集的频率,以及允许更多节点在更短的时间内上线。

5) 可升级性:验证节点的管理和配置通过链上状态进行从而实现快速和可升级性

In order to build this state synchronization protocol, Aptos must ensure that it can:

1)  持久存储:防止机器故障并通过 RocksDB 实现数据分发

2)  可验证的区块链:通过验证器验证已提交交易的默克尔根和结果状态

3)  信任基础,防止恶意修改区块链数据;

This allows the prover to synchronize to the blockchain at any time via a genesis block (first verification node set + initial blockchain state) and a trusted waypoint (hash of the current verifier set + blockchain state). Moreover, Aptos can synchronize state with other nodes (such as full nodes or other verification nodes) at a rate of more than 10K TPS, with sub-second block certainty and moderate hardware requirements.

1) 数据预取:通过在处理之前预取交易数据(交易+状态增量)来减少网络确定区块的时间

2) 流水线执行和存储:通过分离事务执行和存储持久性来增加同步的 TPS。

3) 对等监控:通过对行为、与验证者集的距离和本地评分的对等监控,在请求新的区块链数据时优化对等选择。

4) Data cache: Reduce the read load of storage by storing commonly requested data items and responses in memory

5) 存储清理:通过从存储中删除不必要的交易和区块链数据来防止存储随着时间的推移而膨胀。

The Aptos team has identified the next optimizations to be made in order to implement 100K+ TPS to match Block-STM:

1) 批处理事务:通过验证批量交易与单个交易的证明来减少昂贵的验证和存储

2) 网络压缩:通过压缩传输的数据和序列化的数据分布来优化带宽以实现可扩展性

3) 更快的存储写入:通过使用更高效的数据结构和存储配置或备用存储引擎来减少将区块链数据写入到存储的时间

4) 并行数据处理:通过分片或其他方法启用并行数据处理与顺序状态同步

Click on thehereRead more about state synchronization on Aptos.

Two, safety

1.  Smart Contract programming language - Move

Move was originally developed by Facebook to write secure smart contracts. It is platform-agnostic and supports shared libraries, tools, and developer communities across the blockchain. The Move language is designed with a strong emphasis on security and is designed to avoid the many Web3.0 user victimization situations, Including but not limited to weight into the holes (re - entrancy vulnerabilities), poison token (blow tokens) and deceptive token approval (spoofed token the approvals).

To provide additional protection, Move can be usedMove ProverDevelopment is aided by a validation tool that allows developers to write formal specifications for key features of their applications and use validators to check that the code executes correctly in 30 seconds.

The biggest advantage of Move is the data model of its assets, which allows for a high degree of composability. Move assets are of any user-defined type, which means that assets can be passed as parameters, stored in other assets, and, more importantly, can be moved freely across contract boundaries without losing their integrity. This is in stark contrast to EVM-type assets written in Solidity that are forever trapped in the contracts that define it.

Aptos through the adapter layerextensionAdditional features of the core MoveVM include parallel execution via Block-STM, which allows transactions to be executed concurrently without any input from the user.

Idity with Solidity (38.4K), Rust (68.9K), Ink! Compared with Cairo (786) and 950, Move Github has 264 stars in total. Current development adoption rates are low. But as Aptos grows, we'd like to keep an eye on and track usage of the language.

Click on thehereRead more about the Move language on Aptos.

2. Consensus mechanism: AptosBFT

Aptos' consensus mechanism is derived from the HotStuff protocol originally designed for Diem, which the team is in its fourth iteration. Here are the key mechanisms of AptosBFT:

1) Byzantium was fault-tolerant

a) 网络在获得超过 恶意验证者同意才可能被威胁

b) 一旦得到>的验证者的确认,就保证交易已经完成

2) 协议的活跃性与安全性分离

a ) 只要 Aptos 的 BFT 共识一直存在,网络就不会分叉

b ) 防止网络上的 DDoS 攻击

3) 基于信誉的领导系统

a ) 使用最后提交的状态跟踪活动验证节点

b) 分析链上状态并自动轮换领导节点以适应无响应的验证者情况

c) 最大限度地减少停机时间的影响

Click on thehereTo learn more about AptosBFT.

In addition, the Aptos team is testing its next generation protocol on the work products of other research teams -- includingNarwhal & Tusk,BullsharkAnd more advanced derivatives.

3.  Key recovery and rotation protocol

Aptos will allow any account to rotate its private key, including the verifier's consensus key, to reduce the likelihood of key theft. The team is also working on key recovery methods that can be directly integrated into the blockchain account model. This would ensure that no monetary value is lost through key loss, and would lower the barrier to entry for new crypto users into the blockchain world.

4. Open and transparent transaction pre-signature

Aptos will provide services to provide precautions for users in terms of signing transactions. Before signing the transaction, the result of the transaction will be displayed in a human-readable form to let the user know what permissions they have granted. This, together with a repository of previous malicious attacks and smart contracts, will help reduce the incidence of fraud.

Iii. Roadmap for development

Testing & have spent  

Aptos has drawn up their test network diagram in preparation for a strong main network launch. The following table covers key objectives and important timelines:


  The beta Web provided a lot of valuable content, which gives us further confidence that the main Web rollout will be robust. Here are some of the questions the team drew from past tests and what to do about them:  

To understandIT1 (Details)andIT2 (Details)A summary of

At the time of writing, a snapshot of participant performance in AIT3 has been recorded, and nodes are free to detangle from Settings. AIT3 has been transformed into a long running testnet, providing a stable environment for developers. The developers set up a long running test net to show their confidence in the long-term stable operation of the software stack and make a foundation for the successful startup of the main net.

After the main network, the team will run AIT4 in Q4 to further stress test and open the network to more validators. We will continue to follow the progress of the project.

4. Aptos Funding Program

The Aptos grant program was announced at the end of June and provides funding to accelerate the development of the dApp ecosystem. Subdivisions of the subsidized products include:

1. Developer tools, SDKS, libraries, documentation, guides, tutorials

2. Tools and frameworks for system development, governance, DeFi, and NFT

3. Core protocol contribution: token standard, library, protocol upgrade, etc.

4. Open source and public goods

5. Guide products

Click on thehereLearn more about application criteria, guidelines, and the review process.

V. Ecological status quo

Since Aptos is a non-EVM chain, there may be questions about how it directs mobility within the ecosystem. With the help of partners and investors, the full-chain interoperability protocol Layerzero will be connected to the main Aptos network upon its launch, enabling users to access the Aptos ecosystem through Layerzero, providing liquidity to Aptos. Currently, the blockchains supported by Layerzero include Ethereum, Modernism, Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chian, Avalanche, etc.


In terms of projects, there are over 2,100 forks and 3,800 Stars in the Aptos core repository, and now there are over200Several projects across DeFi, NFT, gaming and more are expected to be deployed on the main network around the end of September.

Here are some interesting projects:


Pontem Network

Pontem is one of the early projects in the Aptos ecosystem, including a wallet and an online AMM. As part of their roadmap, they intend to build a Move VM (for cross-chain deployment) and a Move VM compatible EVM (for interoperability with other blockchains).

Martian Wallet

Martian Wallet is an encrypted Wallet that helps users manage digital assets and access Dapps on the Aptos blockchain. They can be used in the futureChrome ExtensionAnd iOS apps. By the end of August, it had been downloaded more than 100,000 times.


Switchboard is a permissionless, customizable multi-chain predictor protocol for generic data feeding and verifiable randomness. They live on Solana and recently announced their DevNet on Aptos. Switchboard already integrates with some noteworthy projects, such as Tusnami Finance, Houston Swap, and Econia Labs.


Econia is a highly parallel DEX running on DecNet, which adopts the mode of on-chain order book for transaction matching. Since it adopts the parallel execution engine Block-STM of Aptos, Econia has significant advantages in terms of transaction speed and efficiency.


Topaz, currently in private beta, is the first NFT marketplace on the Aptos network, providing a platform for NFT creators and artists to create.

Ditto Finance

Ditto Finance is a secure decentralized liquidity pledge platform for Aptos. Local delegation is currently lacking on Aptos, which provides pledge revenue for users unable to run validators.

Hippo Labs

Hippo Labs is building an aggregation layer for the Aptos ecosystem, including trade aggregators, various exchanges, text transfer, trade simulation apis, and more

6. Conclusion & AMP; thinking

Aptos is focused on building L1 blockchains that are fast, secure, scalable and upgradeable. Although the security benefits of the Move programming language are well documented, the developer ecosystem is still in its infancy, which may affect the development of the dApp ecosystem on Aptos. On a broader level, the L1 space is highly competitive and with the emergence of many high performance L2s, there is intense competition to attract developers, which will affect ecosystem construction and subsequent market adoption.

However, the results of Aptos Devnet, which was launched in March, are encouraging, with over 200 projects involving DeFi, NFTS, gaming and more requesting to be deployed on the main network. In addition, the Aptos grant program launched in June will further incentivize developer growth and accelerate dApp development.

Overall, we felt the team was capable of delivering on their vision. The recent launch of the motivational test network also proves that the team is very proactive in solving problems. We will also keep an eye on the economic model of the project.

If you are an Aptos startup team or want to deploy your products on Aptos, please feel free to contact us and communicate with us!

Appendix: Requirements for complete nodes and verification nodes

  Please note: The figure above is the requirements at the time of writing, and these requirements may change over time


Full nodes of Aptos do not participate in the consensus. Instead, these nodes re-execute all transactions in the history of the Aptos blockchain and store the results locally, which they will use to challenge and provide evidence when any violations of the validator are detected.

The verifier node runs a distributed consensus protocol while executing transactions and storing the results locally. They can decide which trades to include and in what order to execute them. The BFT consensus protocol is then used to validate the nodes to agree on the ledger and execution results of the final transaction. It is then propagated to the full nodes, which can then perform their validation processes.

The views of BlockBeats are not reflected in this article.

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