The 2022 COSMOS Ecological Cosmoverse Conference opens, conference follow-up report

22-09-26 15:11
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On September 26, 2022, the Cosmoverse Conference, the largest and most important conference in the Cosmos ecosystem, was held in Medellin, Colombia, and the conference lasted for two days (September 26-9 28 March). Hosted by the Cosmoverse community, this conference aims to bring the essence of the Cosmos ecosystem to Latin America, and is committed to becoming the biggest driving force for the growth of the vast Cosmos.

The conference invited dozens of community developers, investors, and founders. Including Cosmos co-founder Ethan Buchman, Osmosis co-founder Sunny Aggarwal, Juno co-founder Jake Hartnell, Evmos co-founder Federico Kunze Klmer, Agoric co-founder and CEO Dean Tribble, etc.

Official link of the conference: https: //

BlockBeats will follow up and report on this meeting:


"Cosmos development company Ignite announced that it is developing the project launch platform Ignite Chain"< /a>

Cosmos Ecological NFT application chain Stargaze plans to launch NFT pledge function"

"Cosmos Hub 2.0 White Paper Draft Release, Plans to Support ATOM Liquidity Staking"

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Long article:"Comprehensive Interpretation of Cosmos2.0, ATOM Ushers in New Value Capture"; "Interpretation of White Paper Page by Page , Where is the strength of Cosmos 2.0? "

From September 26th to 28th, the Cosmoverse conference was successfully held in Medellin, Colombia, aiming to let the South American encryption community know more about Cosmos Ecosystem, the most anticipated thing is that at this conference, Cosmos released a brand new 2.0 white paper. The white paper begins with a review of what Cosmos has achieved through Tendermint, IBC, and the SDK. After realizing the low adoption rate of the Cosmos Hub network and the low utilization of ATOMs staked on it, contributors hope to change this situation through Cosmos 2.0.

 Cosmoverse General Meeting Agenda:  

September 2022 26th:

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September 27, 2022:

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