The CONVERGE 22 conference hosted by Circle has opened to explore the new narrative of Web3.0

22-09-29 12:16
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The CONVERGE 22 conference hosted by Circle Internet Financial in the United States opened on September 27, 2022 in San Francisco, USA, and the conference lasted for 3 days. Aim to connect with developers, creators and entrepreneurs from all over the world to discuss the next round of Web3 narrative.

The meeting invited Reid Cuming, Vice President of Compound Labs, Daniel Buchner, President of Block, etc. to discuss Web3 topics such as traditional finance, DeFi, and encryption supervision.

Important content information of the conference:

"Jack Dorsey's Bitcoin company TBD is working with Circle to support USDC cross-border transfers and savings"

Circle will launch on Arbitrum, Cosmos, NEAR, Optimism, Polkadot USDC》

"CNBC reality show "Shark Tank" star investor Kevin O'Leary will launch Web3 fund Cipher"

"Circle will launch the USDC cross-chain transmission protocol, and will launch Ethereum and Avalanche this year"
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V God: Scalability is Merging Finally, the ability to process transactions in the Ethereum ecosystem may increase by 1000 times"

The agenda for COVERAGE22 is as follows:

September 27, 2022:

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September 28, 2022:

September 29, 2022:

September 30, 2022:

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