【 Special Topic 】Aptos main network on-line, what information should I pay attention to?

22-10-18 10:38
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10 月 18 日,Aptos Labs 宣布主网「Aptos Autumn」已正式启动。 主网代码基于 Move 语言编写,Move 智能合约可升级并支持所有 Aptos 应用的安全演进。当前的 Aptos 区块链利用了 AptosBFT(第 4 版)的最新迭代,AptosBFT 第 5 版的开发已经在进行中,并将在未来的升级中发布。 

As a high-profile new public chain, Aptos was undoubtedly born with a silver spoon in its mouth. The development team came from Diem and raised more than $150 million in financing. FTX Ventures and Jump Crypto led the investment. Other investors include Griffin Gaming Partners, Franklin Templeton, Circle Ventures and Superscrypt. So if you want to participate in the Aptos ecology or follow the development of Aptos, you can save this article. BlockBeats will update this post with the latest news about Aptos.

"Aptos actively disables comments on official Discord and Telegram channels to prevent community scams"

Aptos posted that the Aptos network is functioning as expected and corresponding activity will increase with the launch of the Ecosystem project, so the comment function on the official Discord and Telegram channels has been turned off to protect the community from scams during this window, which the developers are actively monitoring, The above channels will return to normal in due course.

Online platform

"FTX to launch Aptos (APT) Spot Market"

10 月 18 日,FTX 将上线 Aptos (APT) 现货市场,上线时间:2022-10-19 09:00,上线交易对:APT/USD、 APT/USDT, APT 充提开放时间:2022-10-18 21:00。

Coinbase to launch Aptos (APT)

Coinbase will launch Aptos (APT), which will only be able to send assets through the Aptos network. If liquidity conditions are met, trading will begin. Once a sufficient supply of this asset has been established, an announcement will be made in stages regarding the imminent initiation of the APT-USD trading pair transaction.

Binance Coming to Aptos (APT)

Binance will launch Aptos (APT) and open APT/BTC, APT/BUSD and APT/USDT spot trading pairs on Oct 19 at 09:00. APT top-up channel is now open and withdrawal is expected to open on Oct 20 at 09:00.

Ecological progress

Paradigm Engineer: Aptos TPS now lower than Bitcoin, over 80% APT Supply Controlled by Team and Investors

10 月 18 日,Paradigm 工程师(@ParadigmEng420)发文表示,Aptos 主网启动,但目前 Aptos TPS 低于比特币,Aptos 在其最终版本中承诺 100,000 TPS,但当前的 TPS 大约是每秒 4 笔交易,而且这些交易中的大多数不是实际交易,它们只是验证者通信和设置块检查点并将元数据写入区块链。 很难看出用户现在如何使用 Aptos,其个人找不到任何 RPC,也找不到任何验证器来发送交易。Aptos 的总供应量为 1,000,739,234.25,但目前已抵押 821,111,362.91。这意味着超过 80% 的 APT Token 供应由团队和投资者控制,剩余约 2 亿流动性 Token 或将坐等抛售。 

BlockBeats Note: At present, the ecosystem is not started, the Token has not been released, users can not participate in the ecosystem, or it is the main reason for the temporary low TPS.

Aptos Ecosystem AMM trading platform LiquidSwap has launched LayerZero cross-chain Bridge UI and opened the testnet.

On October 14, LiquidSwap, the Aptos ecosystem AMM trading platform, launched the cross-chain bridge UI interface of the interoperability protocol LayerZero. The test network is now open, and users will soon be able to cross-chain ETH to Aptos.

Aptos Ecostablecoin Protocol Thala Labs to launch Overcollateralized Stablecoin MOD

Aptos Ecology Decentralized Stablecoin Protocol Thala Labs will launch the overpledged Stablecoin Move Dollar (MOD) while developing other products to drive the adoption of MOD on the Aptos blockchain. These include an AMM that offers preferential fees and features for MOD-integrated mining pools, and a Launchpad to incentiveall Aptos projects to diversify their vault assets into MODs. Agreement documents will also be published to reveal more details.

Aptos Restart Aptos Labs Official domain Name Service Aptos Name Service

On October 16th, Aptos restarted Aptos Labs' official domain Name Service Aptos Name Service, which will provide integration and tool services for all major applications on Aptos. Currently, the test network is open, and users can use.apt domain name.

Aptos Announces Gas Plan: How Will the Costs Be Calculated?

Aptos Labs announced the Aptos GAS Plan on October 14. In the plan, Aptos Labs stated its principles for developing GAS, its process, how to calculate GAS, its late GAS fee adjustment, and its active acceptance of suggestions from the Aptos community. GAS metering is the basic concept of Aptos and many other blockchains. It defines an abstract calculation of the amount of computation and storage resources required to execute and store transactions on the chain platform. The GAS plan determines the cost of all executions on the chain and is used to calculate the GAS cost used during the execution of the transaction.

More about Aptos ecology is available hereEcological chainLook at it.

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