zkSync2.0 mainnet launch: what we should all know

22-10-28 10:30
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zk-Rollup has always been regarded as the ultimate solution to the expansion problem of Ethereum, but limited by the development difficulty of zk technology, As a result, zk-Rollup products currently on the market have not been able to launch a general-purpose and EVM-compatible extension solution. And as zkSync, one of the duo in the zk-Rollup field, is about to launch its version 2.0 mainnet on October 28, zk-Rollup has undoubtedly taken a solid step towards large-scale applications.

So what will happen after the zkSync 2.0 mainnet goes live? What impact will it have on ordinary users? This article will give you a comprehensive information review.

ZkSync2.0 main technical comparison analysis

zkSync2.0 adopts zk-Rollup technology based on Snark proof and supports EVM compatibility. So what advantages will these features bring to zkSync2.0, let’s do a brief review at the beginning of the article.

Advantages of zk-Rollup over op-Rollup

The zk-Rollup path represented by zkSync2.0 and StarkNet is generally regarded as the ultimate solution for Layer 2 expansion. So much so that Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, believes that zk-Rollups will become the ultimate solution for expansion. The currently more popular op-Rollup may only exist as a transitional solution when zk-Rollups technology is still immature.

Compared with the current op-Rollup products with stronger usability, the future zkSync2.0 will Has a faster transaction confirmation speed. It only takes about 10 minutes to confirm the withdrawal from zkSync2.0 to the Ethereum mainnet, while the expansion scheme using OPs-Rollup usually takes about a week to complete.

At the same time, because zk-Rollup technology uses zero-knowledge proof technology to verify transactions, so its It only needs to store the compressed transaction information and the proof of the final state (Proof) on the Ethereum mainnet. Compared with Op-Rollup, it saves the space for storing transaction signatures and greatly improves the compression efficiency, making the TPS of the zk-Rollup scheme compared to op-Rollup grows exponentially.

Comparison of Stark and Snark algorithms

At present, the two most representative zk-Rollup products are StarkNet and zkSync2.0, which will launch the main network soon. Although both belong to the zk-Rollup expansion route, they use different underlying proof algorithms. StarkNet uses Stark technology, while zkSync2.0 uses the more mature Snark technology.

The principles of the two professional technical terms will not be introduced in depth here, but a brief summary In other words, although the Stark algorithm can have more advantages in calculation speed and security when the amount of calculation is large. But at the current stage, the development of Snark technology is obviously more mature, and it is easier to achieve EVM compatibility.

The upcoming zkSnark2.0 main network is built using Snark technology , a Layer2 expansion platform that provides EVM compatibility. It is expected that after the open deployment, there will be a large number of mature Ethereum ecological projects deployed on it.

On the contrary, StarkNet, which chose the Stark technology path, does not provide native EVM Compatibility, the learning threshold of the built-in development language Cairo is relatively high, and the ecology is not yet mature, so its development threshold is obviously higher than that of zkSnark2.0.

The similarities and differences between zkSync2.0 and zkSync1.0

The upcoming zkSync2.0 main network has greatly improved functions compared to the zkSync1.0 that has been in operation for more than a year big boost.

In zkSync1.0, users can only experience extremely limited functions such as transfer and casting NFT, while The newly launched zkSync2.0 supports EVM compatibility and will also open the deployment of ecological applications. It can be said to be a truly completed version of zk-Rollup products. In other words, zkSync1.0 is more like an early experience version, while zkSync2.0 is the final product to achieve zk-Rollup expansion.

zkSync2.0 main application

After a long period of testing, the upcoming zkSync2.0 has also accumulated many ecological applications. In this section, we briefly summarize some products that users often use.


Currently the official browser of zkSync is zkcsan (link), Currently, transaction information in zkSync1.0 can be displayed.

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For the upcoming zkSync2.0, the official will also launch a new browser version. The browser domain name of the current zkSync2.0 beta version is: https://zksync2-testnet.zkscan.io/, it can be seen that many improvements have been made in the interface. The domain name address of the upcoming zkSync2.0 mainnet blockchain browser has not yet been announced, and readers can pay more attention to official news.

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Cross-Chain Bridge

In zkSync1.0, users can directly find the cross-chain bridge connection from the Ethereum mainnet to the zkSync1.0 mainnet in the web wallet, as shown in the figure below.

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In the zkSync2.0 test network, users can use the test network Goerli in the Ethereum test network at https://portal.zksync.io/bridge ETH is transferred to the zkSync2.0 test network, as shown in the screenshot.

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After the zkSync2.0 mainnet is launched, there is no public information on how users or developers will cross-chain ETH to zkSync2.0, and it is expected that a model similar to the testnet will be adopted.


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For users who use zkSync1.0 version, they can only use the official web wallet (https://wallet.zksync.io/) and use it together with MetaMask. The wallet only integrates some basic functions, such as recharging addresses, minting NFT and so on.

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However, in zkSync2.0, users will be able to directly add zkSync2.0 RPC nodes in MetaMask like other EVM compatible public chains, and use MetaMask to sign transactions in the interaction with the application.

It is particularly worth mentioning that zkSync2.0 supports account abstraction function. At the same time, with lower transaction costs, it provides better underlying technical support for the realization of smart contract wallets.

So besides choosing the familiar MetaMask wallet, users can also use Argent X as the representative Smart contract wallet, enjoy many advanced features such as gas fee customization and social recovery.

Trading Platform

After zkSync2.0 goes online, in addition to the zigzag trading platform that has been deployed in the 1.0 era, the protocol will also receive more support from Ethereum's ecological native DEX.

For example, the most famous Uniswap has passed the zkSync2.0 on its official governance platform Resolution to deploy Uniswap V3 version (proposal link: https://app.uniswap.org/#/vote/2/25). At that time, we will be able to experience the Uniswap product with the underlying technical support of zk-Rollup, which may be the fastest transaction speed.

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zkSync development team and financing situation

The development team of zkSync is Matter Labs. Its co-founder and CEO Alex Gluchowski is from Germany. He has held positions of R&D and CTO in many companies. Since 2013, he has started to start a business continuously. In 2017, he joined Entropy Labs in Hong Kong as a research and development officer and entered the blockchain industry. Finally, he co-founded Matter Labs in 2018.

Another co-founder, Alexandr Vlasov, graduated from McGill University in Canada with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. After co-founding Matter Labs In charge of research and development.

After the establishment of Matter Labs, it received a seed round of financing in September 2019, raising a total of 2 million Dollar. And raised $6 million in a Series A round in February 2021 from crypto firms including Binance, Aave, Curve, and Coinbase Ventures. In November of the same year, it completed its B round of financing, raising a total of US$50 million from venture capital funds such as a16z, Dragonfly and Placeholder. In January 2022, the company received another $200 million in funding from BitDAO.

Frequently asked questions about zkSync2.0 mainnet launch

Can ordinary users use zkSync2.0 directly after it goes online?

Unfortunately, not yet.

According to the official roadmap of the zkSync team, zkSync2.0 will be launched on October 28 The main network will only be open to team content, mainly for further testing and auditing. This phase is called Baby Alpha and is expected to last for one month.

After that, in late November, it will enter the Fair Launch Alpha stage. At this stage, the team will open the project deployment rights of ecological developers so that developers can test and upgrade their contracts. This stage is expected to last for several months.

Then it will advance to the Full Alpha stage in the first half of next year. At that time, ordinary users can really experience its products on zkSync2.0. The specific time plan can be seen in the diagram below.

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So, although the zkSync2.0 mainnet launch this time is a very important product release in the zk-Rollup route, due to the high technical difficulty of this route, it is far away from ordinary users who can really experience the final product There is still a certain distance.

At present, the products that can be used by ordinary users are still zkSync1.0 products and zkSync2.0 Readers who want to experience the test network in advance can go to experience it, and there is an opportunity for airdrops.

Will the user’s balance in zkSync1.0 be synchronized to the zkSync2.0 mainnet?

Because the zkSync2. The balance and status in .0 will not be merged after the zkSync2.0 mainnet goes live.

Of course, with the continuous development and maturity of the zkSync2.0 main network, it is expected that the early zkSync1.0 version will be merged. Therefore, for the follow-up progress, especially the impact on zkSync1.0 after zkSync2.0 advances to the Full Alpha stage, please also pay attention to the latest news officially released by zkSync.

Will tokens be issued after the zkSync2.0 mainnet goes live?

This mainnet release is more about the steady progress of zkSync in terms of technology, not necessarily Affect zkSync's token issuance plan. Readers who are concerned about this matter are advised to pay more attention to the official zkSync specific information on token issuance.

Which well-known applications are determined to be migrated to zkSync2.0?

< p>In addition to the Uniswap V3 version mentioned above, Sushiswap also just announced yesterday that it will be deployed in zkSync2.0 (https://www.theblockbeats.info/flash/110920). It is expected that with the gradual advancement of the zkSync2.0 mainnet test, more ecological projects in Ethereum will announce to join the zkSync2.0 ecosystem.

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