Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

22-11-22 09:30
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Original title: "13 Web3 Growth Platforms Measured How to Get 0-Cost Cold Start Project to 10k Users"
Original Author: @SunnyZ_Crypto


As the person responsible for the growth of the Web3 project, one of the questions I often hear is how to cold start a project. GTM means to make the project known to more people and go to the market.

Compared with Web2, Web3 currently has no systematic GTM methodology and is still growing relatively blindly stage, and the way of managing community user expectations through Token and NFT is also different from Web2’s growth hacking method, which makes many Web2’s market methods difficult to implement, and even unacceptable.

But the logic and process of the two are similar, both need to acquire customers, activate, retain and Recommendation, among them, there are many common methods for acquiring customers in Web3, such as AMA, Giveaway, Collab, etc.

So based on these common scenarios, making good use of the Web3 native growth platform can greatly improve the efficiency of early customer acquisition And reduce the cost of customer acquisition, and at the same time cooperate well with community operations and retain loyal seed users relatively accurately, just one word: absolutely!

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

AARRR model

With the increase of various Web3 projects (the bear market feels that there are more projects than users), a lot of products have emerged on the track of Web3 Growth, gradually refining vertical fields, from user acquisition to community management There are many DApps that can be used in multiple dimensions such as information reminders, reward distribution, and data analysis [see the figure below for details].

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

Source: Twitter@Safaryclub

The most closely related to project cold start is user acquisition. Just recently, my LoopX project is going through the process of cold start, so I reviewed how I used the Web3 native growth method to realize the project from 0 to 10k In the process of being a fan, I also hope to give some inspiration and help to other project partners who are in the market.

Growth path

In the past one and a half months, I have used 13 platforms in depth according to the order shown in the figure below, launched multiple activities and recorded the data of Twitter fan growth, the overall presentation stage In September and October, there were many activities and the growth rate was relatively rapid. In November, because I was too Buddha, I basically did not send tasks, and mainly cooperated and giveaway, so the growth rate slowed down slightly.

In the specific operation process, if you are not sure how to arrange the cooperation order of each platform You can directly refer to the figure below.

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

Although these 13 projects have different directions, their function points are similar It is relatively high, especially the All-in-one platform, the gap is not too big, and it is obvious that each of them is "referring to" the trend, mainly fighting for product iteration and BD speed, which is really flying.

In order to better use each platform, understand the advantages and disadvantages, and optimize the details of the activity, I base The results of the practical operation analyzed the data of these 13 platforms (the activities of Aki and Clique have not yet ended, and the data will be updated after the end), and compared all the factors with the two major modules of function and traffic, respectively corresponding to the solution needs and provide value (drainage) two core pain points, the following is the introduction and comparison information of each platform:

(Disclaimer: It is not an advertisement or advertorial on any platform, nor is it related to interests)

Web3 Growth Tool Test Summary

Platform Introduction

There are a lot of information and articles about these projects, so here is a brief introduction, and the link integration is attached, you can check it yourself.

Web3 cold start: how to make the project known to more people, to Market?

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In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned platform Layer3, Dappback and other projects are also very good, but there is a charge for activities, so they are not included here In the first evaluation, after all, the old white whoring is strange, and I used all free tools.

In fact, from the perspective of platform growth logic, Web3 is better at the current stage without fees Expand the B-end market. Now the cost of user migration is low, and the products are highly substitutable. Whoever is cheap, big, and easy to use can use whoever is happy to see everyone roll up. This is considered a healthy competition in the industry.

Measured Logic

Before displaying the data, let's smooth out the logic first. The method is mainly to control variables + multiple tests to ensure the comparability and relative accuracy of the data as much as possible.

Task settings: The task settings of each platform are similar, all of which are social media attention and filling out a product Feedback Google form (of course, some platforms do not support jump form filling and only social media tasks), the form content of each platform is the same but the link is different;

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Screening method: Manually screen out real users and issue rewards according to the answers in the background of the Google form;

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Data analysis: The data is analyzed in mintkit.ai based on the user's wallet address, and the users are divided into Bot (robot), General (common user), Diamond Hand (diamond hand), Blue Chip (blue chip user) and Whale (big whale) 5 categories;

Multiple tests: If conditions permit, the same platform will test a variety of different functions, such as Galxe, Link3, Quest3, DeNet and other platforms are tested no less than 2 times;< /p>

Segmentation scenarios: such as AMA, use the same space to measure multi-platform data, GA reason.

(Note 1: All the data in this article come from the real growth data of the @loopx_web3 project, a single evaluation There are certain errors in the data, subject to actual operation)

(Note 2: For the convenience of identification, This article uses the abbreviations of some platforms and common terms, namely: TW is Twitter, DC is Discord, TG is Telegram, TS is TwitterScan, WL is Whitelist, GA is giveaway, Txn is Transaction)

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Traffic Comparison

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The traffic of each platform is significantly different, which can be roughly divided into three echelons. Galxe is the only one, because the natural traffic of Galxe can equal the second echelon platform, that is, Port3, Pyme, Quest3, Link3, TaskOn and Trantor, among which the traffic advantage of Quest3 Banner is obvious;

From the activity of TS and Judging from the two indicators of dissemination, Port3, Quest3, Link3, Crew3, and TaskOn’s TW operations are very hard-working, so the corresponding activity dissemination is also relatively wide (why are so many projects called xx3); Galxe has been issuing coins for a long time It's a bit of a sign of lying down. After all, the old base is thick enough, even if the activity is not high, the spread will not be affected too much;

There are also many bots on platforms with large traffic. Almost all platforms have 15-30% bots, of which Quest3 accounts for 36%, and less than half are bots. It seems that the DID project still has a long way to go; among these platforms , Port3 and Clique support rewards after being screened by various data conditions. It must be mentioned that the monitoring depth of Clique data is the most in place, which can largely avoid a large number of Bot holding rewards;

To my surprise, Trantor doesn’t have many TW followers, but there are many participants in the event, and the user data performance is also good , in the follow-up communication, I found that Trantor often initiates multi-project joint marketing activities, which is of great help to improve the stickiness of B-end users;

Crew3 is affected by the domain name problem. This time the data is not very informative. The Web3 project is still very fragile. Once there is a problem with the domain name account, it will be a fatal blow to the development of the project.

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

User coincidence comparison

Platform preference, cross-platform masturbation is the norm, on the other hand, it can be seen that Galxe has a large user base, and the first-mover advantage in the market is obvious;

Port3, Link3, and Galxe users are highly overlapped. It may be because the previous version of Port3 does not support direct rewards, and needs to be used in conjunction with Galxe, so these users come from Galxe; and Galxe It is the first to launch the AMA badge function among all platforms. Link3 mainly promotes the AMA vertical market. It is normal for the two users to have the same source of overlap;

Pyme and Trantor have a high degree of user overlap. Pyme has obvious user advantages in India and Southeast Asia. Trantor was incubated by StarryNift, which also shows that the users converted by GamFi are mainly distributed in the above markets;

TaskOn's data is very different in all platforms, whether it is the number of Bots or the degree of overlap They are very special, and TaskOn was incubated by OntoWallet, which shows that DeFi users and NFT Badge collectors are probably not the same type.

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

Function comparison

If the project side compares horizontally, it is impossible to exhaust all the functions. Here, the project side is relatively rigid and frequently used The function is the main point of comparison, and it is divided into 5 modules: on-chain tasks, off-chain tasks, reward distribution, data analysis, and scene coverage. The gray mark indicates that this function is available, and the green mark indicates that this function is better than other platforms.

The comparison functions of the vertical platform and the All-in-one platform are not in the same dimension, so it is also It is split by platform type, and it is more reasonable for everyone to suggest that it is more reasonable to look at it separately.

There is little difference in the function points of each platform. Supplemented by verification, the current situation of multi-scenario coverage also confirms that the above-mentioned DApp function rolls are highly replaceable;

The data analysis function is very important, but there are not many projects with this function, namely Port3, Link3, BetaPlug and Clique. After all, data analysis needs to be connected with data monitoring. For the platform, this is a Functions that are not cost-effective, especially retained data, are really demanding to be displayed, which also shows that the growth of Web3 has not yet reached the stage of data driven;

Functional integrity is not necessarily proportional to traffic, which is related to the market strategy of each project. There is still a difference in whether To C is realized through To B. For example, the pure tool platforms CWallet, Genki, and of course Gleam, all only grow To B but not To C. To put it bluntly, they will not directly reverse the flow of this platform. This also determines that this type of platform does not have the launchpad attribute, and also It is decided that it is not suitable for cold start of early projects;

Specific differences in product form The main reason is that the long-term missions of each platform are different. For example, Galxe is going to be an on-chain certificate system, so it is only subdivided at the Badge layer. The previous process can be completed with Gleam, which also makes Galxe very scalable. Strong, but it seems ordinary in terms of task release; for example, Crew3 wants to do Web3 Discord, so it has a lot of activity templates in the community, such as daily check-in, content creation, invitation tasks, etc., are more focused than other platforms;< /p>

Although the All-in-one platform has complete functions, the depth of subdivision scene verification is insufficient, and the functions are not Perfect, so based on some high-frequency scenarios such as GA and AMA, many products in subdivided fields have been derived. To put it bluntly, the online earning market is huge and there are many opportunities, so just do it.

Web3 cold start: how to make the project known to more people, to Market?

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Here are screenshots of the backstage of each project party, you can intuitively feel the differences and functional details of each

Web3 Cold Start: How to make projects more Anyone know, going to the market?< /p>

Combining the two hard indicators of function and traffic, the above The approximate distribution of the projects is as follows:

(again, there is a certain error in the single evaluation data, to The actual operation shall prevail)

We can see that this track does not actually have a very obvious leader Products are in full bloom, and new products are constantly emerging. This is a very good market signal. Every DApp can find its own position and has huge room for development.

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

Comparison of other factors< /h4>

In addition to the two major indicators, in the process of using the product and connecting with the team, the following items are designed , development, BD and other aspects are very good [ranking in no particular order], among which the design of Quest3, the iteration of Link3, and the BD of Clique are all top.

BD’s timely response: Clique, Port3, DeNet, Pyme, TaskOn, CWallet;

Excellent product design: Quest3, Link3, Crew3, Aki Network;


Function iteration is fast: Link3, Quest3, Beta Plug, Clique.

In many cases, the difference in BD response determines the speed of cooperation between project parties. These soft indicators often really determine the follow-up direction of a project, especially for DApp products. Because product requirements are common, the breadth and depth of information acquired by front-line personnel in the market and the speed of feedback to the product directly affect the development and iteration of the product, so when you choose to use a product for a long time, you can take a look at the project Then determine the activity and iteration speed of Fang TW.


In the absence of in-depth cooperation with other platforms, it is recommended to use Galxe for the first event. The natural traffic is very good, and the user base is large, which can be obtained relatively quickly Early users;

Try to reach a Co-PR and community promotion cooperation with the project party, if you can get When it comes to banners or other recommended positions, you must strive for them. Quest3’s banners are quite good. Galxe’s banners can be used when the growth reaches a certain stage, and the product has a large version launch;

Don't rely on one platform to collect wool, but use it in a distributed manner. After using a single platform many times, there will be no new users, and only on your own There is no difference in community activities. In the long run, 2 to 3 Alli-in-one platforms are more suitable, vertical platforms are recommended to be disassembled according to the scene, and 1 to 2 for each scene is more suitable;

Relatively mature project parties can do more activation and retention activities, but currently there are not many project parties that have these activities. Port3 , Trantor, Crew3 and BetaPlug are okay, others have not been found yet, if you have a fun platform, welcome to recommend~

Cooperative contact

After confirming with the project party, the following contact information is for you to directly For communication and cooperation, if you have any questions, it is recommended to directly connect with the other team.

Web3 cold start: How to make the project known to more people and go to the market?

About me

A Web3 BUIDLer, welcome to communicate

Twitter/Telegram: @SunnyZ_CryptoLink3 : awesomesunny.eth

Finally, a big thanks to Grace from TwitterScan, Minkit The help provided by Messy, and the project party who took the trouble to answer my various questions during the communication process, I sincerely hope that your project will be better and better, WAGMI!

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