How does the IBC protocol Dymension cooperate with Celestia to build a modular blockchain?

22-11-23 18:49
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Original title: "A new era of modular blockchains atop dymensionXYZ and CelestiaOrg await"
Original author: Dymension team
Original compilation: Shen Chao TechFlow

A new era of modular blockchains built by Dymension and Celestia is upon us, now let's break them down:

Dymension is the home of those easily deployable and extremely fast application chains called Roll Apps.

What is RollApps?

RollApps is an ultra-fast blockchain with its own Gas Token and customizable application logic.

Sounds similar to Cosmos Lisk?

That's right, but with one major difference: RollApps are modular.

How are RollApps modularized?

RollApps delegate settlement and consensus to Dymension Hub and publish data to DA layers like Celestia.

With a secure place to publish state and transaction data, the RollApp ecosystem can scale without adding cost to the end user.

What is Dymension Hub?

Dymension Hub is an IBC-enabled blockchain with its own decentralized validator network and native token (DYM). The purpose of establishing Dymension Hub is to promote the development and security of the RollApp ecosystem.

How does Dymension provide security for RollApp users?

RollApp sorter pledges DYM Token. If they make a fraudulent state transition or censor a transaction, Dymension Hub slashes the orderer's staked tokens and automatically handles any necessary adjustments.

Why choose Celestia to improve data availability?

Instead of having every full node download all the data published on Celestia, let the light client sample and confirm whether the data has been published. The more samples a light client has, the larger the block space without increasing centralization.

What does the modular blockchain mean for builders?

Freedom! autonomy! Each RollApp is its own. Contrary to the "fat protocol theory", applications can now accumulate value for their tokens based on demand for their products.

What is the roadmap for Dymension?

The public testnet will be released in the first quarter of 2023. Afterwards, the protocol will enter the incentivized testnet phase, which will usher in a new era of mainnet and sustainable blockchain.

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