Analysis of the Five Governance Tools of DAO.

22-12-01 14:01
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BlockBeats Note: DAO faces many challenges in governance, such as unclear governance mechanisms and many ideas from members that cannot be implemented. Therefore, as DAO grows larger, how to use tools to make DAO governance orderly is a problem that many DAO founders have been thinking about. In this regard, Vincent, co-founder of Buidler DAO, summarized 5 types of DAO governance tools on Twitter. BlockBeats has compiled them as follows:  

Recently, I have researched many DAOtools, and have looked at no less than 100 of them. The functions of these products basically cover the entire process of DAO governance, including "token issuance, permissions, proposal governance, community communication, portal, treasury, activity management, task distribution, contribution quantification, salary splitting, marketing growth, etc." According to the track and product strategy, the above DAOtools are roughly divided into five categories:  

1. DAO Comprehensive Solution (Non-Open Source)

Targeting most DAOs and catering to universal needs, we offer a systematic solution. However, due to its non-open source nature, the development and iteration speed is limited by research and development investment and funding, which cannot meet the ever-changing evolution of DAO needs. Such tools are not highly regarded, such as DAOlens and DAODAO.

2. DAO Open Source Ecological Service Provider (Open Source) 

This type of product is a massive open-source operating system, such as Aragon, and its moat is its open-source ecosystem. The race is quite crowded, and developers have exclusivity. Some products have basically no developer participation, forming a vicious cycle. In addition, some projects are not user-friendly for non-developers at the current stage, and users can only experience a small part of the functionality through no-code platforms. In the future, attention needs to be paid to plug-and-play capabilities.

3.DAO Track Invisible Champion

For the subdivision field of DAO track, it provides specialized capabilities in a certain subdivision field of DAO governance and operation key links, such as off-chain voting, forum, treasury, salary, etc. These products have complete functions and good interactive experience. At the same time, benefiting from the advantages of lightweight and flexible instant use, many phenomenal products have emerged, such as disperse, snapshot.  

4. DAO Ecological Derivative Tools

Ecologies established by giant players attached to a certain link, providing auxiliary functions to enrich and enhance the experience and services of the original ecology. These types of products have low commercial value and moats, without obvious competitive advantages. First-mover advantage and experience are crucial.

5. Integrated DAO Tools

Most of them enter the workplace or portal from DAO, using a clever way to integrate various existing governance, treasury, and community products, and transform into a new portal website. Although it is a clever approach, most of these products have not achieved PMF, and users generally pay attention to the product experience of key links. Simply integrating will not bring significant efficiency improvements. Here, backdrop is mentioned.

Annotation *  PMF: Product Market Fit, refers to the optimal fit between a product and its market.

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