Get to The TreasureDAO of The Beacon

22-12-07 09:00
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There's a TreasureDAO to Building Phenomenon Games: The Beacon
原文作者:雾海, PANews   

Recently, a game named The Beacon on the Arbitrum chain suddenly went viral, and various communities and social media began to discuss a lot. According to The data panel on Dune, as of December 6, 20,027 players had entered The Beacon, with 34,394 in-game NFT purchases (0.031E per creator character).

And that's despite the fact that the game has only been online for nine days, and there's no official campaign to promote it. In contrast, in the current market environment, many of the chain games that raise more than $10 million, release the NFT floor price peak opening. What's more, the public sale ended without selling all the 10,000 NFT pieces.

The Beacon 由 TreasureDAO 孵化,Dune 上数据面板显示,Treasure 生态日活从先前 1500 左右上涨至 6000 左右,近期新用户也以平均每天 2000 个数量增长。游戏内产生的一系列角色和装备也均以 TreasureDAO 的Token MAGIC 计价,市场对 MAGIC 和信心和预期增加,TreasureDAO 的 Token MAGIC 相对底部也已上涨 200%。

In this article, PANews will shed light on the origins, economic models, communities, ecological projects and future development of this TreasureDAO.

Originated from Loot ecology

Many in the community remember that in August 2021, an 8-phrase NFT text file with white letters on a black background took the coin world by storm. It's called Loot and it gets almost all the attention in the market during that time and the price of the floor has skyrocketed from freemint to 20 ETH. Then came a large number of Loot spin-off projects and copybooks, but with the passage of time, most of these projects due to no development progress or development progress is not optimistic and gradually out of the market.

But one of its spinoff projects, Treasure, is in a league of its own. Treasure is a decentralized NFT ecosystem built specifically for metacomes projects, and Treasure's goal is to guide the community in building new, decentralized metacomes.

其于 2021 年 9 月份由社区推出,方式为社区驱动、公平启动。Treasure 生态中的每个物品(Legions NFT、MAGIC Token 等)均为免费分发,Treasure 市场上的其他藏品也是免费、公平分发。Treasure 最初基于以太坊主网构建,但后来因为当时以太坊网络 Gas 成本居高不下,为降低用户门槛,Treasure 迁移到 L2 层 Arbitrum 链构建。

MAGIC 是 Treasure 的原生 Token ,是 Treasure 市场交易的唯一货币。Treasure 生态的每个社区都围绕 MAGIC Token 构造自己的故事,通过 MAGIC 将叙事和经济生态联系在一起,MAGIC 也通过这种方式充当着连接整个 Treasure 生态的储备货币。Treasure DAO 使用 MAGIC Token 的释放收益来发展新项目并继续支持更成熟的项目。

TreasureDAO 由质押 MAGIC 的持有者管理,负责监督该项目。DAO 投票决定加入哪些项目、MAGIC Token 分配,以及市场和协议的收益分享。

On December 23, 2021, Treasure DAO voted to approve a strategic partnership with 1kx. Treasure officially announced a $3 million funding round led by 1kx, with the likes of Merit Circle, AcadArena, and Ready Player DAO, Axie Infinity co-founder Jiho also invested.

2022 年 9 月 16 日,Treasure DAO 发起出售 350 万美元生态 Token MAGIC 的提案。此次 Token 出售由 Digital Strategies Guild 领投,1kx、Neon DAO 和 ID Theory 以及新的参与者 Arbitrum、IOSG、Alchemy Ventures 等其他战略合作伙伴参投。方案规定参投机构以 0.23 美元价格买入 MAGIC,锁定一年后分两年释放。该提案已被社区投票通过。

Community contributors build the team

Treasure 的绝大多数团队成员直接来自社区。TreasureDAO 建立了一个框架,社区可以通过该框架与团队一起建设,并通过 MAGIC Token 获得奖励以开发生态系统的各个关键部分。这些激励措施促进构建更广泛的生态系统,并激励其他社区在 Treasure 上构建。

According to Treasure's website, there are currently 29 Treasure members working on the project. Among them, 17 are in charge of products and 10 are in charge of brand, marketing and art. John Patten, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, was head of growth at Osmosis. Gaarp is the co-founder and responsible for growth.

一文详解打造现象级游戏 The Beacon 的 TreasureDAO

It should be mentioned that on February 23, 2022, one of the community members involved in ecological contribution was exposed by the community as having initiated or participated in many off-road NFT projects. The complex background of community personnel is unavoidable in DAO organization, but the main affairs in the team are decided by DAO, which hardly has a serious negative impact on the project itself. But as a DAO organization, it is also necessary to do as much due diligence as possible when recruiting team members. Team members can also be publicized to involve the wider community in oversight and due diligence.

Economic model

Treasure 的 Token 为 MAGIC,总供应量约为 3.5 亿枚。其发行方式模仿比特币的减半,不过 MAGIC Token 的减半为每年一次,而不是每四年发生一次。其中释放的 33% 用于 Treasure farm,25% 用于挖矿,17% 用于激励质押和流动性提供者,15% 作为生态基金,10% 归于团队建设。

按照 MAGIC 的产出模型,MAGIC Token 自上线后 12 年内释放完毕。根据区块链浏览器数据,MAGIC Token 当前流通量 2.54 亿枚,持币地址 26 万个。按照撰文时价格 0.5535 美金计算,其流通市值为 1.4 亿美金,全流通市值为 1.93 亿美金。

一文详解打造现象级游戏 The Beacon 的 TreasureDAO

按照 Treasure 生态的设计,MAGIC 可以理解为其生态所有项目的母币,各个社区项目可以推出自己的子币。用户可以通过玩游戏、挖矿和参与 Bridgeworld(Bridgeworld 是一款战略型、贸易和统治游戏,是 Treasure 元宇宙的中心。文后生态部分详细介绍)等来赚取 MAGIC Token 。

Treasure 将生态里流动性池 NFT 化后融入游戏,并将其称为水晶、圣杯或其他与元宇宙相关的物品。这也是为什么有部分用户甚至不知道他们正在使用的物品实际是 LP Token 。这样做的优势是引导用户深度参与生态,用户获得物品激励的过程中付出了时间和精力努力,以此使得激励的物品不仅仅是激励,还是具有时间沉淀的收藏品。

这样的挖矿过程使得 MAGIC Token 和 Treasure 生态之间良性循环,使得流动性池子成为一场 PVP 的游戏战斗。在这个过程中 MAGIC Token 被不断的质押或者存入流动性池中,处于可流通的 Token 数量降低。随着流动性的增长,其用例和共识也不断增强和向外扩张,便可以成为构建衍生品和金融产品的基础,从而组合到 DeFi 产品中。

同时,Treasure 生态的治理 Token 也不再是 MAGIC,而是由围绕 MAGIC Token 所衍生出的 NFT 充当治理 Token 。根据 Treasure 在链下治理投票平台 Snapshot 上的信息,只有持有 Bridgeworld Atlas Mine、Harvesters 和 MAGIC-ETH SLP 的 MAGIC 持有者才能使用 gMAGIC 进行投票。

MAGIC 挖矿部分的设计为愿意长期锁定 MAGIC Token 的用户创造了高回报。这些用户为协议流动性方面发挥了关键作用,但也使得初期 Token 处于高通胀模式。然而根据 Treasure 官方信息, Token 释放从一开始如此高通胀是刻意为之,以提高流动性来创造长期的可持续性。

MAGIC Token 是 Treasure 生态中具有生产性的、可以捕获生态价值的资产。当 MAGIC Token 经过初期的高通胀之后,后续其释放量越来越少,如果 Treasure 生态发展强劲,叙事预期不断增强,多个叙事共同增加其网络效应,MAGIC Token 将变得越来越稀缺。

可以看出,Treasure 的这种设计避免了 DeFi 1.0 和 2.0 过程中所出现的粗暴型的挖提卖的恶性循环。根据 Coinmarketcap 数据显示,截止 12 月 5 日,MAGIC Token 过去 24 小时交易量为 750 万美金,其主要交易市场为去中心化交易所 Sushiswap 和中心化交易所 OKX。目前换手率和社区共识范围也较为广泛。

Introduction to Ecological Project

Treasure Ecosystem has more than a dozen games and infrastructure-type projects, and this PANews article will show you some of the more important, interesting, and consensual ones.


Trove is an NFT market built for the meta-universe within and around the TreasureDAO ecosystem. Trove implements a tiered user experience system, where higher level users can unlock different functions and higher level product customization, including but not limited to personal profile or website personalization, decorations, etc.

Trove 与 TreasureDAO 生态(游戏和基础设施)中正在构建的项目相关联,通过相互交织的游戏化机制将有助于吸引更多注意力和兴趣,同时通过徽章和成就系统、排行榜、EXP、用户等级等奖励忠诚度。持有 Balancer Crystals(游戏化的 MAGIC-ETH LP Token )的 Trove 用户将有资格获得深度的收藏级别数据,包括历史交易量、底价变动、藏品分数等。

The Trove collection is divided into Treasure collection and Generalized collection. The Treasure collection, which includes but is not limited to games and metaverse projects, is priced in MAGIC. These projects also integrate with the TreasureDAO ecosystem with MAGIC integration. A Generalized collection can be any kind of NFT collection, including but not limited to profile pictures (PFP), Play and Earn (P2E), virtual worlds, access passes, art, photography, music, etc. This collection is currently priced in ETH and has very shallow or little integration with MAGIC.

The Generalized collection is currently selected manually by members of the DAO committee. According to the official plan, Trove will allow the listing of unauthorized collectibles in the future, and plans to open up the multi-chain ecosystem in the future. The 2.5% commission generated by the Trove collection goes to the DAO Treasury. According to TreasureDAO, a blockchain data panel built on Dune, the Trove market has a total transaction value of 113 million MAGIC so far. TreasureDAO currently earns 2.82 million MAGIC.

一文详解打造现象级游戏 The Beacon 的 TreasureDAO



Magicswap is a decentralized exchange of Treasure Ecosystem. Currently, only two trading pairs are available, Magic/Gfly and Magic/ELM. Both projects are Treasure powered games. Among them, the Magic/ELM mobile pool was 548,000 USD, and the transaction volume in the past 24 hours was 60,000 USD; The Magic/Gfly flowpool is $554,000, with $63,000 worth of transactions in the last 24 hours.

一文详解打造现象级游戏 The Beacon 的 TreasureDAO

Official website:


Bridgeworld is a strategic business, trade, and domination game that incorporates many DeFi concepts while building a broader meta-universe connected by resources and narrative that is the center of the Treasure meta-universe.

Legions, Treasures and other NFT native to Bridgeworld play a key role in the first season of Bridgeworld, Players can pledge their Legions, Treasures, and consumables to develop characters, build stories, and improve MAGIC mining efficiency. You can send Legions to summon Legions, find drops (Essences of Starlight, Treasures), use Treasures to create consumables, and mine MAGIC.

The Legions go to the barracks and build the Legions using 10 MAGIC, then explore the Bridgeworld world and the Treasure ecosystem, earning experience and loot rewards while exploring, the legions of loot can be used to strengthen the legions. The Legions can combine rewards accumulated through missions into rare and valuable consumables in Forge, which will aid its exploration process. Players can also bring in more Legions. Note that the Legions of Genesis come in limited supply and come in a variety of grades.

Harvesters search for and consume players' MAGIC in the Bridgeworld. The Atlas mine is the main mine in Bridgeworld. Players can deposit MAGIC into it to mine MAGIC. The deposit period varies from two weeks to a year, and the deposit time is proportional to the amount of ore mined.

Bridgeworld encourages social coordination by forming guilds and sub-daos to implement a collective strategy around resource accumulation and optimization, including the entry of new players.

一文详解打造现象级游戏 The Beacon 的 TreasureDAO


Incubate multiple games

TreasureDAO has hatched more than 10 games, such as The Beacon, talesofelleria, toadstoolz, knightsoftheether, Realm and so on.

The Beacon, a fantasy action game that integrates Roughlite elements, is The most popular one. You can get your character for free or for a fee, then enter the dungeon for an adventure or enter the tavern to answer questions, both of which can drop items. Paid characters can be sold for a profit when they take a chance on a dropped item.

According to a tweet from Gavin TreasureDAO, a member of the Chinese community, TalesofElleria is an RPG chain originally built on the BNB chain, but has since moved to Treasure. toadstoolzNFT is a combination of community PFP and page games, with a higher threshold for use. Rlmverse is a territorial game where users can explore and acquire New Territories; BattleFlyGame is a key incubation project of TreasureDAO, which has raised ten million dollars from the community alone, and the product quality still needs to be polished.


There are two routes designed by TreasureDAO. One is to become a decentralized game publishing platform, TreasureDAO provides thoughtful builders with tools and resources to build, release, and monetize their games. The second is to become the controlling party of the economic ecology of the games within the ecosystem, where all the games built are empowered with MAGIC, using MAGIC as a flywheel to increase the degree of decentralization, and developing decentralized crypto economy primitives that can act as "real world" economic assets.

At present, data and assets between most platforms are separated. Even though blockchain-based products obviously have the inherent advantages of composability, they still play and compete in the stock. TreasureDAO's model is innovative in opening up not only the scalability and composibility of in-game assets, but also the composibility of individual project narratives because of its bottom-up build up. When players play in the Treasure ecosystem, they not only experience the utility of individual assets that can be used across projects, but they also feel the interconnectedness of stories.

In addition, TreasureDAO governance is achieved through a council of community tribes that have acquired and have different NFT, each with their own culture and ideas. This is a very interesting experiment for the NFT use case -- using NFT as the new specification for project governance. This is in line with what PANews once mentioned in the article on how to develop the chain tourism project in the long term. By NFT of the data on the chain, the community users who really participate in the ecology participate in the governance, rather than being completely controlled by the capital.

According to TreasureDAO, it hopes that Treasure can become a mainstay in the Arbitrum chain. At the same time, I will also regard Arbitrum as a site in a long and ambitious journey, so I will consider using the Cosmos SDK to create my own specific application chain one day. At that point, the Legions and Treasures holders can act as validation nodes; Most of MAGIC's liquidity will be connected via IBC to the AMM-specific chain of the Treasure chain.

Treasure Ecology is focused on games, and ecology and games are mutually empowering in a virtuous circle. In fact, Treasure uses MAGIC and other items to regulate the circulation of the economic system within the distribution ecosystem, which is not a game in itself.

Link to original article

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