New cycle potential inventory: 11 Layer1 or Layer0 projects coming online

23-02-03 12:45
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原文标题:《 谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股 》
Original article by Crypto in Black
Deep Tide TechFlow

In the upcoming cycle, many of the best Tier 1 blockchains are coming. They could go up 30-60 times in the next bull market. They could be the next $SOL or $ADA, here are the 11 upcoming L0/L1's I'm most excited about.


Aleo is like "a child of Ethereum and Zcash." It is a Tier 1 blockchain platform that uses zero-knowledge cryptography for privacy applications. It has three main advantages:

1. POS without environmental pollution

2. Maximum no authority to motivate the best verifier behavior

3. Balance privacy and transparency by using SNARKs


Shardeum is a sharded blockchain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that has:

A) "Infinite" scalability

B) Highly decentralized

C) Security

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

It is the world's first Tier 1 blockchain to combine sharding and automatic scaling to provide high throughput, low latency and instant finality.


Sui is a non-privileged, PoS Tier 1 blockchain designed by a former Meta (ex-Facebook) engineer.

Sui is a direct competitor to Aptos, as both were founded by former Meta employees who worked on Facebook's failed project DIEM (Libra). Both Sui and Aptos use the Rust-based programming language Move, though Sui has a slightly modified version.

What makes Aptos different is its Block-STM execution engine, which allows multiple transactions to be processed simultaneously.

For Sui, Narwhal and Tusk are used, a DAG-based memory pool. Both are ultra-high TPS L1 blockchains that seek to find scalable solutions at their base layer

Fuel Labs

Blockchain technology is moving away from monolithic architectures, where execution, data availability, and consensus are all intertwined. Fuel is trying to become the fastest developing execution layer for modular blockchain stacks.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

Fuel's technology stack has three core pillars to achieve maximum security and maximum flexible throughput:

1. Parallel trading

2.Fuel  Virtual machine


谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

Because the execution, consensus, settlement, and data layers are all combined in a single Layer 1, the overall amount of bandwidth is limited. Modular blockchains consist of modular execution layers that better leverage the availability of shared data.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股


A blockchain ecosystem based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and one of India's fastest growing unicorns.

Blockchain leverages PoS consensus to financially incentivize and reward participants to bring about:

• Sustainability

• Technology

• Innovation

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股


They enable anyone to quickly deploy their blockchain without having to navigate a new consensus network.

How? By decoupling the consensus layer from the executive layer.

They have four main advantages:

1. Deploying blockchains as easily as smart contracts

2. Simplify scaling through data availability

3. Secure interoperability of all Celestia chains

4. Developers can choose their own execution environment


This is a new blockchain, driven by Proof-of-Archival-Storage (PoAS) consensus, which provides a permanent, scalable, decentralized storage solution.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

Its main features are:

- Complete decentralization

- Separate smart contracts

- Distributed file storage

- True interoperability

- Uncompromising on scalability to solve the Trilemma

- A free and fair consensus

Sei Network

The Sei Network is an industry-specific Tier 1 blockchain dedicated to transactions. It promises a lightning-fast 600-millisecond transaction, with 22,000 orders per second. It will have an on-chain order book, allowing smart contracts to access shared liquidity.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股


High security, tested Cosmos SDK and Tendermint cores. Massive scalability to support a large trading platform - the Nasdaq for cryptocurrencies. Native order matching specifically for trading platforms. Lightning-fast trading, 5 times faster than Solana. Brought new financial products, such as complex options/futures. Specific to transactions, trading platforms do not have to deal with the drawbacks of other L1 protocols with the SEI. ParallelChain

It powers two one-tier blockchain platforms.

ParallelChain Privacy: A commercially native licensing platform that enables market-ready software built for specific business purposes.

ParallelChain Main Net: Open source blockchain platform that allows developers to build and deploy decentralized applications using smart contracts.

ParallelChain natively supports Turing complete smart contracts written in developer-friendly languages such as Rust and GO.

Core functions:

ParallelBFT Protocol + Top-level shard immobility Proof (repeated, without sacrificing privacy) Rust, Go WASM Smart contract further extensions (80,000 tps) open entrusted three-tier node operating system

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

Quai Network

Quai Network is a proof-of-work (PoW) Tier 1 extension solution. It interweaves multiple blockchains, enabling scalability without sacrificing security and decentralization.

Key features:

• Proof of Work 2.0, which employs a novel PoW 2.0 mechanism that uses sharding to divide a blockchain into many smaller blockchains to improve performance.

Quai uses merger mining to build a blockchain network. The parent chain, the Prime chain, protects other chains. Because the Quai network is scalable, more chains can be added to the system to improve overall throughput.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

• Multi-chain architecture. Quai Network consists of 13 chains, among which the Prime chain is the most important but the most difficult to dig, and the Zone chain is the easiest to dig.

Miners usually mine the Prime and one other chain, and Prime is the basis of all Quai operations.


This is an all-chaining interoperability protocol that acts as an infrastructure layer connecting all on-chain contracts. It takes cross-chain communication to a new level of functionality and composability through its main message transfer primitive.

谁是下一个$SOL?盘点 11 个即将到来的 L1/L0 潜力股

With LayerZero, an application has complete control over its security parameters, including the ability to select itself:

- Block validation

- Verification

- repeater

- Prognosticator

- Library

So finally, how do you get access to all these unissued blockchains?

a) Participate in the test network (node, development, bughunt)

b) Invest in projects that build on their ecosystems

c) Airdrops, ICOs, giveaways

d) Buy tokens once they are available after in-depth research.

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