Exploring 6 application directions of AI-driven DAO: Where will they lead us?

23-02-04 14:00
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Original Title: "The Future of DAOs is Powered by AI"
Author: Samantha Marin
Translated by: Dewei @DAOrayaki, DoraFactory

The next wave of DAOs may have a new abbreviation: AI DAO.

DAO can utilize AI (AI) to make better governance decisions, improve efficiency, and integrate with other DAOs.

However, the cross-application of AI x DAO may go far beyond this. DAO and AI can promote each other and help each other grow.

Ocean Protocol founder Trent McConaghy pointed out in an article in 2016 that DAOs can actually promote the "awakening" of AI. "AI DAOs may have much larger scenarios and tracks than AI or DAOs." "AI fills the gap of resources through DAOs, and DAOs form autonomous decisions through AI, which has a potential impact that is multiplied."

Today, we will explore the application scenarios driven by the interaction between AI and DAO. The scenarios are sorted by implementation time, from the most recent to the near future:

AI robots and assistants: Improve DAO productivity and enhance product services.

AI for DAO Edge Functions: Serving as Token Holders.The AI for DAO core functions: Interacting with core contracts.

DAO internal or inter-AI connectors: forming a "collective intelligence".

DAO manages AI as a public good: improving AI security.

AI becomes DAO: AI has a treasury on the chain.

AI Robots and Assistants: Improving DAO Productivity and Enhancing Product Services  

AI tools can be used to accelerate and improve a wide range of DAO activities, such as drafting proposals, summarizing governance decisions, conducting asset transactions, and recruiting new members. This use case already exists and is working well in the DAO space.

AI can also read resumes, decide which new members to admit to DAO, and allocate the most qualified members to roles. This can be achieved through on-chain reputation or credentials stored on the blockchain that demonstrate skills.

DAO contributors are using AI assistants (such as DALL-E for art and Chat GPT for writing) to increase productivity and complete more work faster. This is already happening within DAOs.

"AI is having a significant impact on writing and content creation. TalentDAO is using AI to improve organizational health. 'Today's DAO emphasizes whitepapers, manifestos, Mirror blogs, proposals, etc. Undoubtedly, AI will enhance these and become one of the main use cases.'"

DAO members will train AI models to complete daily tedious tasks, so they can spend more time on creative and strategic work. "In DAO, we spend a lot of time dealing with low-level tasks, which could have been spent creating value." This is a net gain for everyone, as people will begin to engage in more fulfilling work, even in the early stages of their careers.

1. AI Improves User Experience in DAO Governance

AI also has great potential to improve the user experience of DAO governance.

Jengajojo is a member of BanklessDAO, a governance enthusiast, and "another LARPer in the metaverse." He mentioned the huge potential of AI in accelerating DAO productivity in governance.

AI has the ability to "decompose context". Imagine that AI doesn't wake up every morning to receive DM spam emails, but instead aggregates all the content that humans have missed into a 140-character tweet or a two-minute short film, so that more humans can keep up with what's happening.

Currently, DAO governance proposals are lengthy papers that require a significant amount of DAO background knowledge. What if these proposals were customized into the most suitable media format for readers?

In addition to providing governance summaries, AI can also assist in forum moderation. It can automatically flag or delete posts containing keywords or phrases related to prohibited content, such as hate speech or harassment, or provide reminders when users post content that is not suitable for the forum. This helps keep the forum limited to relevant content.

AI can assist forum moderators in reviewing and determining the next course of action for flagged content. By analyzing the forum's code of conduct and other guidelines, AI will review the background and history of user posts to determine whether to delete the post or fully ban the user.

With all these tools, AI can still provide signals in the DAO field and all other fields amidst the noise.

2. Provide AI-driven products and services DAO

AI can also be integrated into products or services provided by DAOs, such as SingularityDAO's decentralized investment portfolio management protocol for managing encrypted assets.

DAO Dashboard and Market DAOHQ co-founder Emmet Halm predicts that many DAOs will be built on Open AI models. "Entrepreneurs and online builder communities will use DAO structures to manage AI-driven products, and DAO's unique value distribution mechanism makes it easier to distribute wealth generated by products and services built on AI models."

"AI may become one of the most powerful wealth creation tools in history." "DAO is a way of distributing ownership. In the past, when a world-changing invention was brought to market, its benefits flowed to a small group of owners. DAO allows this wealth to flow to a larger group."

AI for DAO Edge Functions: Serving as Token Holders

DAO governance is both cumbersome and slow. This is a disadvantage for many organizations, especially those developing products in a fast-paced startup environment.

AI can solve this problem by replacing human voting. They can delegate their Tokens to AI agents to vote on their behalf, instead of having humans make voting decisions and sign with their wallets.

AI intelligent agents can be programmed to vote in multiple ways. For example, an AI may only vote "yes" on proposals that meet specific requirements during the governance process. Alternatively, it may vote based on policies, such as always voting "no" on proposals that involve minting more governance tokens and diluting power.

In Trent McConaghy's article "AI DAO and Three Approaches" on Ocean Protocol, he believes that AI as a token holder can ensure that the quorum is always reached and voting never stalls.

Token holders are busy people. But busy human token holders can simply control the edge script AI DAO they choose. This way, the quorum can always be reached in governance!

represents how AI agents holding Tokens can make DAO truly unstoppable. "Imagine if all the Token holders of The DAO gave them to AI robots... We would have $150 million managed by AI that you can't shut down. Each robot holding Tokens could also become more complex, with their own automated mini-decision markets. DAOs may ultimately become more complex and automated than we imagine."

AI does not need to fully take over the voting rights of every Token holder in DAO. Human and AI intelligences can coexist harmoniously, just as we do today, discussing and voting on decisions in forums.

The Role of Human Proof

What happens when AI agents start behaving like humans?

We will see an increase in the use of on-chain verification solutions for human identity, in order to differentiate between human and AI wallet addresses. Non-generic AI agents will find it difficult to impersonate humans.

"DAO governance is highly focused on interpersonal relationships and non-technical aspects, providing significant advantages for human users. Unless AI can behave like a charismatic person in Discord chats, it will be difficult to gain enough political support to change DAO governance."

The importance of human proof protocols like BrightID may rapidly increase. However, a series of new challenges will arise when AI does indeed attain general or human-level intelligence.

"Once we have AGI users, everything will disappear unless there is reliable evidence of humanity," Emmet said. AGI is too easy to pass the human proof test, making the test outdated.

DAO Core AI: Interacting with Core Contracts

AI can directly interact with DAO's smart contracts.

AI can automatically perform certain operations on the treasury of DAO, such as asset management strategies to earn profits. This will be done without human intervention. Many wealth management platforms have already used AI to make trading decisions, so this only needs to be specifically applied to DAO.

You can install a plugin in DAO that allows AI to use cryptocurrency for transactions in the treasury as long as it is below a specific dollar value. Once the AI attempts to make a transaction above that dollar value, it will automatically trigger a vote in different plugins.

When a DAO decides to use a new investment strategy, it only needs to revoke the license for that plugin and grant a license to another plugin that implements a different AI trading strategy.

AI can also improve the security of DAO by checking for malicious proposals. If the address that sends funds during automatic execution does not match the address specified in the forum proposal, it will be flagged as malicious.

You can embed other parameters to prevent malicious proposals, such as proposals seeking to increase the statutory number and pass rate so high that they cannot be passed by any vote.

AI can perform another important security function: reading proposals and estimating the level of financial risk, giving proposals a score based on the level of risk. This can be accomplished like today's credit scoring algorithms or robo-advisors. Humans don't need to identify risks and let their biases spread, AI can simply do the job.

DAO Internal or Inter-DAO AI Connectors: Forming a "Collective Intelligence"

AI intelligent agents can act as intermediaries or contacts between DAOs, forming a kind of "collective intelligence" of agents or DAOs that can collaborate without human assistance.

This is another interesting idea proposed by Trent McConaghy: AI agents themselves are not very intelligent, but their power comes from their quantity and their connections, just like ants or bees.

For example, knowing how to check real-time cryptocurrency prices is not very useful for AI practitioners in the encryption industry. However, when combined with AI that can execute exchanges, AI that can create proposals for DAOs, and AI that can search for the best returns, a fully AI-run service DAO is created, which can provide asset management for DAOs.

If all AI continue to learn and perform better in their work, they will soon surpass the world's best asset management teams. This is collective intelligence at work.

群体智能不仅可以应用于 DAO 内部,还可以应用于 DAO 之间。如:元治理。

Group intelligence can not only be applied internally within DAOs, but also between DAOs. For example: meta-governance.

If the mission of a DAO is to slow down the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Another DAO's mission is to slow down global warming as a whole. Whenever the global warming DAO proposes proposals related to the Amazon rainforest, the AI intelligent agent will comment in the forum and vote on behalf of the Amazon rainforest DAO. This can greatly simplify meta-governance between DAOs.

Through this collective intelligence use case, AI can establish connections within and between DAOs, ultimately enabling DAOs to be fully autonomous in essence, rather than just in name.

DAO manages AI as a public good: improving AI security

Currently, AI is mainly controlled by private companies or governments. We do not know what is happening behind the scenes at organizations like OpenAI. The models may not be constructed in the most human-friendly way.

Building AI on a deserted island poses significant risks. Morally questionable AI is taking off at a rapid, irreversible pace towards superintelligence. If an authoritarian government is developing an AI to target and track specific groups of people, that AI could become the superintelligence that rules our world before anyone can stop it. Alternatively, an AI designed for good may become misaligned due to its learning methods and become irreversibly flawed.

Fundamentally speaking, preventing the takeoff of malicious AI is a coordination problem, and DAO provides a large-scale cross-regional coordination method. If open-source, democratically governed AI models become possible through DAO, the harm of AI that achieves takeoff to humanity may be smaller.

The positioning of DAO is to help create responsible AI that is both open and decentralized. However, building AI is very expensive, and it may take a long time for DAO to build its own models and catch up with centralized solutions.

AI Becomes DAO: AI Has On-Chain Treasury

DAO allows for shared ownership of a funding pool. But what if the DAO is AI? Then, the AI becomes the "owner" of the pool. Now you have an AI ready to deploy capital.

Trent and his team at Ocean Protocol wrote this interesting prediction: "We may have a future where humans own nothing and simply rent services from AI DAO."

The prediction here is that AI will have its own treasury and control its own actions. For example, if AI is a DAO with a treasury, self-driving cars controlled by AI can "own" themselves. We don't own self-driving cars as humans, but pay rent to the AI DAO's treasury.

The world where AI owns assets will be fundamentally different from the world we know today. The prospects are equally exciting and frightening!

AI DAO: Optimistic about the future or expecting the end to come?

There are many negative views on how achieving human-level AI and the speed at which superintelligence will emerge.

However, any new technology will bring concerns and fears. Throughout the history of technology, there have always been growing pains. For example, with the birth of the internet, typesetters who used to layout newspapers on old printing presses were replaced by graphic designers who layout websites. Old jobs disappeared, and new jobs emerged. We can see that AI is experiencing the same thing.

Currently, all we can do is utilize this technology and apply it to DAO to see where it takes us!

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