[Video] Does Decentralization Mean No Regulation? Talk about regulation and law in the field of encryption

23-02-10 11:57
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Original video source: BuidlerDAO-Web3

This video will explain the supervision and laws involved in the economic model. First, you will learn about traditional financial regulation, including the financial risks and regulation involved in the encryption field, the theoretical basis on which regulation is based, and international financial regulation based on the Basel Accord. At the same time, it will introduce KYC and AML, two current measures to prevent financial crimes in the encryption field, as well as their existing problems and future improvement strategies. Finally, the characteristics of digital currency and the regulatory challenges involved are introduced.   

Related reading: "Regulatory Crackdown on On-Chain Pledge, Coinbase Plummets 14%", "The encryption market may face the "fatal" supervision of the United States, are there any traces to follow? "

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