What are the first batch of partners for Coinbase's new chain Base?

23-02-23 23:47
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On February 23rd, Coinbase, a Nasdaq-listed exchange, released an Ethereum L2 network called "Base". According to the official statement, Base is a secure, low-cost, and developer-friendly Ethereum L2 network designed to introduce the next billion users to Web3. Base will be positioned as Coinbase's on-chain product home and an open ecosystem that anyone can build on. It is reported that Base's development will be based on OP Stack and will collaborate with Optimism. The testnet is already online, and the mainnet will be released later.

Meanwhile, Coinbase also announced the first batch of partners for Base. According to the logos, BlockBeats has compiled a list of the first batch of partners.

First row: Chainlink, Blockdaemon, Infura, QuikNode, Blockscout, Etherscan, Dune analytics, Hop Protocol, Nansen, 0x(ZRX), Socket

Second row: Ondo, Panoptic, Aave, Flipside, Mnemonic, Daz 3D, Magic Eden, frame.eth, Animoca Brand, Transak, Guild.xyz, SEDA.

Third row: Perennial, Gelato Network, Pyth Network, Rainbow Wallet, Ribbon Finance, X, Balancer, PoolTogether, Euler Labs, Source.ag, The Graph.

Fourth row: Backed Finance, Dora, wagmi, Center, Wormhole, Coherent, Parallel, Sushiswap, X, Blackbird Labs, Covalent, Cask protocol.

Fifth row: Safe, Arkham Intelligence, Moonwell, City3, Thirdweb, Sardine, Bonfire, Layer zero, Messari, Axelar, Ethglobal.

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