Base is heating up the OP ecosystem, and the community is discussing which hot projects are worth investing in?

23-02-24 16:40
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Yesterday, Coinbase released the Ethereum L2 network "Base" and announced a partnership with Optimism to develop Base based on the OP Stack. As soon as the news came out, the entire OP ecosystem was once again buzzing. In the current focus on Optimism, we have summarized the hot and potential projects worth paying attention to in the OP ecosystem.


Velodrome is currently the top-ranked protocol in TVL on the Optimism network, with a total locked value of $287 million.

Perpetual Protocol

Perpetual Protocol is a decentralized perpetual contract trading protocol that uses virtual AMM (vAMM) to provide sufficient liquidity, offering up to 10x leverage for various large and long-tail crypto assets for trading and liquidity.

Currently, Perpetual Protocol's TVL on Optimism is $17 million.


Synthetix is a decentralized liquidity supply protocol based on the Ethereum mainnet and Optimistic. It combines a collateral model for synthetic assets, allowing users to directly convert between synthetic assets using smart contracts without the need for a counterparty, thereby solving the liquidity and slippage issues faced by DEX.

Currently, Synthetix has a TVL of 302 million US dollars on the Ethereum mainnet and a TVL of 132 million US dollars on Optimism.


OPX is a decentralized spot and perpetual exchange on Optimism, built on the basis of GMX, providing low funding fees and zero price impact trading. OPX plans to launch its Token in the first quarter of 2023.

Currently, OPX's TVL on Optimism is $628,410.

Sonne Finance

Sonne Finance is the first Optimism-native lending protocol based on Compound, providing services for individuals, institutions, and protocols. Sonne Finance aims to bring TVL into the Optimism network through low impermanent loss and high yield, and leverage its Optimism-native advantages to offer more competitive incentives than other protocols.

Currently, Sonne Finance's TVL is 28 million US dollars.

Beethoven X

Beethoven X is a decentralized investment and trading platform based on Fantom and Optimism, built around the core concept of programmable liquidity. Beethoven X can provide traders with intelligent pricing, low gas fees, and low slippage, while providing investors with cutting-edge liquidity pools, personalized finance, and high capital efficiency. The protocol also offers customizable AMM design, interconnected liquidity, and empirically tested smart contracts.

Currently, Beethoven X has a TVL of $34 million on Optimism and a TVL of $49 million on Fantom.

Pika Protocol

Pika Protocol is a decentralized perpetual contract trading platform on Optimism, offering up to 100x leverage, low slippage, multiple asset trading, low transaction fees, and simple interaction.

Currently, Pika Protocol's TVL on Optimism is $12 million.


Lyra is a decentralized options trading platform on Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, and Optimism. It is also the first complete decentralized options protocol on Ethereum. Lyra enables traders to participate in the entire crypto market with low fees and sub-second transaction speeds. Through its Market Maker Vault (MMV) mechanism, Lyra's LPs can automatically provide liquidity for options trading and earn trading fees.

Currently, Lyra's TVL on Optimism is $13 million, on Arbitrum it is $17 million, and on the Ethereum mainnet it is $143,500.

Arrakis Finance

Arrakis is a trustless market-making infrastructure protocol built on top of Uniswap V3, capable of running complex strategies. LPs can use Arrakis Vaults to manage their liquidity in an automated, capital-efficient, non-custodial, and transparent manner.

Arrakis Finance has a TVL of $5.08 million on Optimism, $439 million on the Ethereum mainnet, and $5.43 million on Polygon.

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