Aliyun launches Web3 security tools for developers and enterprises

23-03-20 15:22
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Aliyun launches Web3 Security Tool for Developers and Enterprises
Author: Mo Panyi, Alibaba Group

2WEB3 FEST, Hong Kong, 17 March 2023

Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone business of Alibaba Group, held its first 2WEB3 FEST summit in Hong Kong and announced that it will launch a series of out-of-the-box Web3 security tools next month. Ali Cloud has also partnered with Blockchain Academy and NodeReal to jointly build Hong Kong's Web3 ecosystem.

Developers and enterprises can apply Web3 security tools to security scenarios such as private key management, risk assessment, transaction review, compliance, and user authentication. These tools include multi-party secure computing (MPC), authentication (KYC), and anti-money laundering (AML) services that help Web3 developers protect data, save on labor costs, and improve operational efficiency.

Ali Cloud launched the private key management solution based on MPC technology, which can strengthen the protection against the risk of private key theft. Anti-money Laundering Solutions (AML) support developers to meet AML compliance requirements to enhance risk management; The KYC solution supports user authentication. These tools integrate the technical capabilities of Aliyun and industry-leading web3 technology providers, including Safety Lu and Slow Fog.

Alibaba Cloud will also offer blockchain node services to Hong Kong Web3 developers later this year. Leveraging Aliyun's extremely malleable, high-performance and stable infrastructure, this service provides node hosting and monitoring, and automatically switches over in the event of a node failure. Developers no longer need human hands to monitor or fix problems, so they can focus on product development and speed up product launches. Aliyun's world-class security and global compliance capabilities also prevent unauthorized access and protect nodes from DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks.

Liu Binxing, general manager of Aliyun Intelligence Hong Kong, Macao and Philippines, said:

"Although Web3 is still in its early stages of development, it has already shown great potential. With the strong support of the Hong Kong Government in particular, the related technologies and industries are expected to develop rapidly. Aliyun will provide Web3 developers in Hong Kong with a powerful, secure and high-performance technology platform and intelligent tools to develop different applications in the metacomes, gaming and social media. We are committed to building a thriving ecosystem that will drive the growth of Web3 in Hong Kong, help our customers seize new business opportunities, and provide consumers with a more user-friendly and immersive experience."

Mr. Paul Chan, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Big BauhiniaschoenbergXian, GBS, MH, JP

  Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Grand Bauhinia, GBS, MH, JP, joined Aliyun's Summit via video: "I am delighted to open the 2WEB3 FEST. The event has a rich and forward-looking agenda, including Web3 talent training, corporate transformation, technology application and regulatory model, which are key issues that the HKSAR Government is focusing on to promote the development of Web3 in Hong Kong. Just like all technological developments, the technology and ecology of the Internet are constantly evolving. From Web1, Web2 and then Web3, each generation of technological innovation has overturned many original business operation modes and created more new applications and opportunities, bringing social and economic progress. In the face of the irreversible trend of Web3, we must actively embrace, but also forward-looking vision, dare to become the leader of innovation."

Build a partnership with the Web3 community

Blockchain Academy, Asia's largest "Gen Z" Web3 education platform and community, is a non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing and developing the next generation of Web3 talent. Blockchain Academy is teaming up with Alibaba Cloud to create a new Web3 community that will provide learning, work and business opportunities for young people and start-ups through blockchain education events and competitions, as well as support for start-up training and incubation.

Liu Haoyu, co-founder of Blockchain AcademyDenotes:

"Web3 is a disruptive technology, and Blockchain Academy is committed to providing resources for young students and entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunities that come with Web3. We're excited to partner with Alibaba Cloud to build closer ties between academia and business, and fuel innovation in Hong Kong."

To facilitate the large-scale adoption of Web3, Aliyun will work with NodeReal, a blockchain infrastructure solution provider, to promote Web3 enterprise solutions in Asia. NodeReal will build nodes on Aliyun platform and provide blockchain services to Aliyun users, including blockchain as a service (BaaS), Resource management system as a Service (EaaS), verification as a Service (VaaS) and storage. NodeReal is known for its highly scalable, reliable and efficient service and has a broad base of partners, including Cocos-BCX, a leading provider of Web3 gaming ecosystem extension solutions.

Dr. Zhang Xiaoguang, Co-founder and COO of NodeReal, said:

"Businesses have realized that Web3 applications are no longer a luxury, but a necessary competitive advantage. NodeReal's goal is to revolutionize Web3 applications and blockchain technology to achieve mass adoption. Building on Alibaba Cloud's strong, secure and efficient infrastructure, we can accelerate our mission to turn our customers' vision for Web3 into reality."

Aliyun's 2WEB3 FEST Hong Kong 2023 invited participants to discuss a range of Web3 topics in Hong Kong, including development opportunities, metacomes, non-homogeneous tokens (NFT), virtual assets, regulation and security.

About Aliyun

AliyunFor Alibaba Group's digital technology and intelligent backbone business, to provide global customers with a full range of cloud services, including elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization services, large-scale computing, security, management and application services, big data analysis, machine learning platform and Internet of Things services. According to IDC, Alibaba Cloud has maintained its position as the world's third largest public cloud IaaS service provider since 2018. According to Gartner, Alibaba has been the world's third largest IaaS provider by dollar revenue since 2018, and the number one provider in the Asia-Pacific region.

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