Missed the ARB drop? These Layer Zero narrative projects deserve attention

23-03-22 09:30
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原文标题:《 Layer Zero 生态协议纵览:潜在的空投机会和全链叙事的爆发 》
Original article by Emperor Osmo
Deep Tide TechFlow

The cryptocurrency market is constantly evolving and changing, with new projects and technologies popping up all the time. Too often, however, investors miss out on huge gains by following a trend too late.

This article will introduce projects related to Layer Zero (full chain protocol) narratives, including StargateFinance, AltitudeDeFi, Pendle, Tapioca, etc. These projects have unique advantages and characteristics and may become potential stocks in the future.

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

What is LayerZero?

Layer Zero is a full-chain protocol that enables seamless communication between blockchains. This means:

• Unlimited liquidity;

• Single Token denomination;

• Security remains the same.

Stargate Finance $STG

Simply put, $STG is a blue chip cross-chain bridge within LayerZero.

$STG Token 向持有者支付以$USDC 计算的 0.01% 的所有转账费用,随着越来越多的链加入,这个收益将会增长。

一个被低估的催化剂是即将解锁的$STG Token 。

While this may lead to some selling pressure, it will get rid of the VC (venture capital) looking for an exit and allow long-term holders to accumulate.

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

Altitude DeFi $ALTD

Altitude's approach to cross-chain Bridges is unique. Rather than just transferring stablecoin liquidity, Altitude focuses on bridging blue-chip assets.

This removes the centralization around stablecoin liquidity, making it easier to transfer across chains.

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

As one of the first apps on top of LayerZero, Altitude can cement itself as a major bridge. It will initially support eight chains, where fees will be distributed to $gALTD holders.

Pendle $PENDLE

Pendle 使用户能够对收益率资产进行 Token 化和交易,例如$ETH,创建一个动态市场,您可以在其中:

• Buying assets at a discount;

• To achieve low risk and stable growth of fixed income;

• Long-term benefits;

• Customize your revenue strategy.

Integration with LayerZero is expected to accelerate cross-chain growth and increase demand for $PENDLE derivatives. Users will be able to access and use these assets on any chain.

Tapioca $TAP

Tapioca is intended to be a full-chain money market. Its $USDO stablecoin may be adopted by more people in the future.

It is collateralized by various liquid collateralized derivatives (LSD), which benefit $TAP holders because they can charge 50%. The cost of


Radiant aims to be a one-stop DeFi marketplace where users can deposit and borrow seamlessly across multiple chains. V2 just revealed:

• $RDNT  Token 经济学改进;

• Cross-chain lending;

• LayerZero; Implement;

• Improved cost model.

Trader joe $JOE

The largest DEX in Avalanche recently utilized full-chain technology. This means that $JOE is no longer limited to one DEX and can be found in the $ARB and $BNB ecosystems.

This will lead to more liquidity, trading volume and, ultimately, more fees. For Traderjoe, the benefits of LayerZero are:

$JOE 持有者可以通过 Stargate 自由漫游,可以在顶级生态系统(如 Arbitrum 和 BNBCHAIN)中增加他们的 Token 流动性。

Mugen Finance $MGN

Mugen is a revenue aggregator that can unlock revenue across chains. It's built on top of the largest ecosystem, making more ecosystems available.

It is currently deployed on $ARB, but will soon be expanded to more ecosystems.

Currently, MugenFinance charges 10%. To provide revenue aggregation and to fund development and teams. By creating $MGN by depositing funds in the Treasury, there is no Ponzi economic risk.

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

Rage trade $RAGE

Full-chain Perpdex improves capital efficiency by reusing liquidity from other protocols into $RAGE.

This recycled liquidity allows Rage to reuse ETH-USD liquidity across all LayerZero compatible chains.

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

Rage Trade allows you to provide liquidity across multiple chains, and the more chains LayerZero supports and the more chain ecosystems there are, the more optional the vault becomes.

The current 80-20 vault yields 15%. .

错过 ARB 空投?这些 Layer Zero 叙事项目值得关注

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