When the main network is approaching, how does the community get SUI Token?

23-03-22 14:26
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Sui World

Early this morning, Sui development team Mysten Labs on their official Twitter accountHosted Twitter Space  with The theme "The Wave to Mainnet";, co-founders Evan Cheng and Adeniyi joined the Twitter Space to answer your questions about SUI Network.

Here are quick answers to frequently asked questions

Q: What is a Wave to Mainnet?

A:   "The Wave to Mainnet" is a series of educational events and content designed to further educate the community about the potential of SUI Network's protocols ahead of the Mainnet launch.

Q: When will Sui Main Net go online?

A: Sui Mainnet will go online in Q2 this year. More information to be shared.

Q: How to get more news about SUI in the first time?

A:  All official information can be found at https://sui.io  Or SUI's Discord group (http://discord.gg/sui).

Q: Will there be airdrops? How can a community acquire SUI Tokens?

A:  Currently, officials say there is no official plan for airdrops, but SUI Network has published the SUI Token Community Access Plan and the details of SUI Token allocation.

SUI Token Community access Plan

The Sui community is very diverse. Considering the community audience's desire for SUI tokens, SUI Foundation is carrying out different SUI Token distribution plans:

Developer Grant Program(See an earlier SUI World article:The SUI Foundation has opened the entrance to Grant applications. How can developers obtain initial funding?) : Funds teams building native open source applications;

SUI commission plan(See an earlier SUIWorld article:When SUI starts the delegation plan, how should community members participate in SUI's validation node?) : Delegate SUI tokens to a community-run validation node to help guide their operational network.

Ambassador program: Provide community members with tools and resources to promote Sui programs and techniques and share Sui knowledge with local communities;

University Development Plan:Tap into future developers to nurture the next wave of builders in the Sui ecosystem;

Educational program: Rewarding those who take the time to learn and research Sui, sharing knowledge with the wider Sui community;

While only the Developer Grant program is currently in operation, the rest of the programs are actively underway and will be launched at short notice. The goal of the Sui Foundation is to have all of these projects online before the launch of the Sui Mainnet.

Details of SUI Token Allocation  


The Sui Foundation supports and empowers builders and creators in the Sui ecosystem. Importantly, the Sui Foundation plays a key role in spearheading decentralization efforts by spreading SUI tokens through the community for optimal use. Initially, the community Reserve managed by the Sui Foundation holds more than half of the SUI tokens, which will be used for a variety of community projects:

Commission plan: The Foundation will help guide the verification nodes run by the community and will promote the fair distribution of the rights and interests of the network verification nodes by entrusting their pledge rights to third party nodes;

Allocation of Grants: The Foundation will distribute tokens directly to developers, community ambassadors, and other participants who build and create educational materials on Sui to make it easier to join Sui;

Research and development: The Foundation will support the further development of the Sui agreement to ensure its continued advantages;

Verifier subsidy: The foundation has set aside a large number of tokens to subsidize stake awards in the early stages of the network.

The pie chart above contains a rough description of Sui token allocation at mainnet startup. However, Sui Token allocation will undergo some fundamental changes as the network matures to decentralization.

For friends of Sui who are already spreading knowledge about Sui, bringing developers into Sui, and testing and helping improve the product experience of Sui's current applications, the Foundation will ensure your participation in the allocation of Sui tokens once the main net is launched.

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