Organizing the three major ZK-based Layer2 interaction strategies: zkSync, StarkNet, and Scroll.

23-03-22 18:23
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Original Title: "Sorting out the three major ZK series Layer2 interaction strategies"
Original Author: Azuma, Odaily Star Daily

Due to the stimulus of Arbitrum's "money shower", the enthusiasm for airdrops in the industry has been reignited, and ZK Rollup-based Layer 2 solutions have become the focus of attention for all airdrop enthusiasts.

As a general consensus for Ethereum scalability, Layer 2 solutions using Rollup have been regarded as the top priority by the airdrop community due to their high valuation and relatively certain issuance expectations. With the issuance of the two representative players in the Optimistic Rollup system, Optimism and Arbitrum, the attention of the airdrop community has naturally shifted to the earlier ZK Rollup.

梳理三大 ZK 系 Layer2 交互策略

According to the data compiled by gm 365 on Dune Analytics, the amount of funds bridged to two representative ZK Rollups, zkSync and StarkNet, has surged in the past few days. In addition, the major trading platform on zkSync Lite, ZigZag, has reported a significant increase in daily transaction volume, reaching nearly 100,000 transactions, and on-chain activities have also increased significantly.

梳理三大 ZK 系 Layer2 交互策略

Although ZK Rollup has already reached new heights, rumors about specific projects being snapshot have also been circulating. However, given that ZK Rollup is still the most imaginative track for a long time to come, and the airdrop case of Arbitrum (February snapshot) has once again proved that it is not too late to start interacting before the official announcement, we believe it is still necessary to sort out the airdrop opportunities of ZK Rollup.

Next, we will review the development progress, coin issuance expectations, and interaction strategies of the three major mainstream ZK Rollup projects: zkSync, StarkNet, and Scroll. We have excluded other mainstream projects such as Polygon zkEVM, Immutable zkEVM, ConsenSys zkEVM, and Taiko because Polygon and Immutable have already issued tokens, ConsenSys zkEVM's testnet has not yet launched and its development is subject to greater regulatory constraints as a US-based company, and Taiko has not yet launched a second testnet after closing its first one, making the probability of airdrops relatively small.


zkSync is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution developed by the German development team Matter Labs in 2019. The founding team has confirmed multiple times that they will issue a Token in the future.

Last November, Matter Labs announced the completion of a $200 million Series C financing round, led by Blockchain Capital and Dragonfly, with participation from a16z, Variant, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and others. Following this round of financing, Matter Labs' total historical financing has reached $458 million.

Currently, zkSync operates two networks, namely zkSync Lite, which does not support zkEVM, and zkSync Era, which supports zkEVM. This also means that zkSync will have two different interaction paths.

zkSync Lite has been online and running for many years. Users can activate their chain address through the "official web wallet" and then use third-party bridging services such as "official bridge", "Orbiter", "Layerswap", etc. to deposit funds such as ETH into the network. Then, they can proceed with trading operations on ZigZag or try to mint some NFTs on the built-in NFT function interface of the wallet. If you catch the Gitcoin donation event, you can also try to donate using zkSync Lite.

Official website wallet:

Official bridge:




The built-in NFT feature interface:

Although zkSync Era has been launched on the mainnet, it is currently only open to developers (registration required). Users can try out some of the ecosystem's Dapps on the zkSync 2.0 Testnet Goerli (as shown in the figure above). The ETH on this testnet can be bridged from the Ethereum Goerli testnet through the official bridge ( Projects worth interacting with in the ecosystem include SyncSwap, Nexon Finance, Mes Protocol, Mute, OnChain.Trade, and more.

梳理三大 ZK 系 Layer2 交互策略


Nexon Finance:

Mes Protocol:




StarkNet is a Layer 2 solution developed by the Israeli development team StarkWare.

Last May, StarkWare completed a $100 million Series D financing round at a valuation of $8 billion, bringing its total disclosed funding to $273 million.

This week, the Starknet Foundation announced the appointment of five new committees, and mentioned that the reserve committee will be responsible for planning, supervising, and executing the StarkNet ecosystem's token supply and distribution of STRK. In addition to being staked as part of the StarkNet consensus mechanism, STRK will also serve as the governance token and gas token for paying network transaction fees.

Currently, StarkNet has launched its mainnet, but its functionality is not yet complete and network performance is limited. Users can link to the network and create addresses through the "Braavos" (recommended) and "Argent" wallets. They can then deposit funds such as ETH through the official bridge "StarkGate" or third-party bridges such as "Orbiter" and "LayerSwap". Finally, they can use commonly used ecosystem Dapps such as "MySwap", " 10 K Swap", "JediSwap", "MintSquare", and "".

In addition, users who meet the conditions can also apply to become governance representatives on the "Governance Delegation Interface" of StarkNet, and may be granted a certain scale of governance rights by the development team.

梳理三大 ZK 系 Layer2 交互策略







10 K Swap:https://10



Governance delegation page:

It is worth mentioning that on March 22nd, StarkNet Alpha v 0.11.0 was already deployed on the testnet, which means that developers and users can now deploy Cairo 1.0 contracts on the StarkNet testnet and interact with them. This upgrade is expected to be deployed on the mainnet in a few weeks. At that time, users will be able to experience a more powerful StarkNet performance.


Scroll made its debut at EthCC 2022 as a Layer 2 solution that emphasizes "EVM complete equivalence".

Earlier this month, Scroll completed a new round of financing of $50 million. Participants included Polychain Capital, Sequoia China, Bain Capital Crypto, Moore Capital Management, Variant Fund, Newman Capital, IOSG Ventures, Qiming Venture Partners, and OKX Ventures. This round of financing brings Scroll's total financing to $83 million.

Currently, Scroll is in the Alpha testing phase. Users can add this network with one click through the official "test network configuration interface"; then transfer funds such as ETH from the Ethereum Goerli test network to the Alpha test network through the "official bridge"; and then experience ecological Dapps such as "Uniswap (forked version application)", "SyncSwap", "Tictactoe".

It is worth mentioning that new tasks posted on Guild through Scroll can also unlock a new identity "Mystery Role" in the official Discord, which may play some mysterious role in the future.

梳理三大 ZK 系 Layer2 交互策略

Testnet configuration interface:

Official Bridge:

Scroll Uniswap:



Guild Task:


At the end of the article, I still want to remind friends that although everyone wants to profit from airdrops, it must be remembered that airdrops are essentially a non-deterministic event.

Especially with the gradual industrialization of "wool-harvesting", more and more projects are starting to consider how to play games with wool-harvesters. From interaction time, to funding levels, to wallet balances, and even the financial relationships between different wallets, intentional airdrop project parties have been exploring how to avoid wool-harvesters and distribute tokens to real users. On the other hand, wool-harvesters are trying to "outsmart" project parties by anticipating their avoidance measures in advance. Conversely, project parties are also trying to anticipate wool-harvesters' predictions...

From the perspective of users, all we can do is to try out various emerging networks and applications as much as possible, in order to constantly enrich our interaction strategies. However, at the same time, we may also need to maintain some rationality of "gain or loss". After all, blockchain is a transparent world, and project parties can clearly see the interaction records of their user groups on the chain, and can even formulate corresponding airdrop plans based on this. Users' interaction strategies may inevitably be completely or partially mismatched with the project party's airdrop plan, so there is no need to be too persistent. Just aim for the next opportunity after missing one, there are still many opportunities waiting for you in this industry, such as modularization, Move system, social networking, re-staking, and other potential hotspots after ZK.

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