Potential airdrop opportunity? A look at new projects worth paying attention to on the Lens protocol.

23-03-23 11:17
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It has been several months since BlockBeats released the "Web3.0 Founder Economy Report: Development Status and Imagination Space of CreatorFi". With the recent hype of Space ID and Arbitrum airdrops, the community of Lens protocol has become more active. Many people believe that after the ID and arb airdrops, the next big airdrop will come from AAVE's Lens. Lens is building a decentralized and complete social network map on Web3, and there are rumors that it will conduct an airdrop in the second quarter of 2023. In addition to Lenster, Lenstube, Phaver, and Orb, which are well-known in the community, BlockBeats has also compiled some new projects on the Lens protocol.

Social App & Creator Economy


LensTags is a tag platform aimed at becoming the preferred choice for finding detailed, accurate, and high-quality information planned organically by the ecosystem. Through tags, users will be able to discover new resources and organize them into personal reading lists. LensTags can help users save, create, organize, and share all the wonderful content found on the internet. On Lenstags, users can share all the best articles, videos, and websites they find.

Quickly familiarize yourself with LensTags and simplify your life by migrating existing bookmarks from websites such as Youtube and Twitter and setting up automatic saving. Access them from anywhere through the use of LensTags' applications, extensions, public pages, or embedded bookmarks on your website. With LensTags, you can improve your personal organization skills and reduce the time spent exploring topics.


Diverse is a web3 social platform for building, managing, and growing communities, with a focus on micro-creator economies and helping creators find their audience. Diverse aims to build the next Reddit, where users and creators can easily grow their audience and fanbase. When using Diverse, the decentralized social structure based on the lens protocol will be preserved on the blockchain. Anything can be sold, including e-books, blogs, vector art, graphics, 3D content, movies, and images.

Similar to OnlyFans, Diverse will provide tools for community interaction, such as voting, tournaments, events, and member areas. The community can also be set to discoverable or undetectable, as well as private or public, and can be created using NFTs.

In addition, Diverse's Head of Growth @usediversehq said that they are building a method to create a visual social graph on Lens, which will use the BigQuery database on Lens to achieve interactive circles and visual social graphs.


SOCLLY focuses on creators, providing them with various tools, spaces, and opportunities to showcase their skills and earn income. At the same time, users can establish trustworthy digital reputations through SOCLLY's on-chain reputation system.

SOCLLY emphasizes that it will ensure that the hard work of creators is recognized and fairly rewarded. By saying goodbye to the chaotic situation of fake comments through on-chain comments, creators will receive honest feedback and real reputation. They can share their skills on SOCLLY through an accessible decentralized calendar and on-chain availability, while also connecting with like-minded people and building a passionate community around creators.

Dumpling TV

Dumpling TV presents Lens' selected content in a new way: weird and cool, wrapped in a nostalgic TV style. Users can browse channels and posts, mirror, like, collect and enjoy the atmosphere with a fresh visual effect on Dumpling. Meanwhile, Dumpling TV now supports switching channels with the arrow keys on the keyboard, and has created a great application to manage video content in its own unique style and way.


Lens Garden NFT

The Lens Garden NFT series will be launched on March 23, 2023, with a price of 20 MATIC. Users will be able to participate in a unique and immersive NFT experience, linking their activities on the Lens Protocol ecosystem with the value of their NFT.

Lens Garden NFT series is the first dynamic NFT collection in the entire ecosystem, which is about to be launched on the Polygon blockchain. Lens Garden NFT series is a digital asset designed to reward users who demonstrate high-level activity in the Lens Protocol ecosystem. Users can use it to enhance their experience in the Lens Protocol ecosystem. After minting the NFT, users may notice that it starts at a level higher than level 1. This is because the NFT is associated with the user's Lens statistics, such as followers and engagement. In addition, the Lens Garden NFT series cannot be traded on the public market.

The uniqueness of the Lens Garden NFT series lies in its attempt to inspire users to contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Lens Protocol ecosystem, rather than just focusing on the creation and trading of NFTs. This series aims to encourage and reward active participation in the Lens Protocol ecosystem, which will help establish a stronger and more vibrant community of creators and users on the platform.


Currently, Lens has an indexer that can take snapshots of data and convert it into a relational, super easy-to-understand database. This will speed up query times and provide support for all LENS applications through the use of APIs. The data is saved to a centralized Postgres database and can be queried using the GraphQL API.

Lens has released the entire Lens social graph to a public BigQuery dataset. This means that users can query all data in any way they need in bulk. The public BigQuery dataset provides users with a monthly quota of 1TB. Anyone should be able to access this information without having to write complex indexer tasks and set up all the infrastructure. This is the first step in allowing anyone to build custom functionality on top of LENS without the need for an API. And for data developers, using the public Lens Big Query dataset can help build algorithms on the open web3 social graph. Therefore, based on the BigQuery dataset, some tools have been added to Lens.


Lentics is an analysis tool for Lens creators, which can analyze creators' fan data, interactions, income, etc. Lentics is fully integrated with Lens and provides relatively complete data to help creators analyze their account growth.

Lens Share

The Lens Share browser extension, published by @apoorvlathey, allows users to directly import tweets to Lens. Lens Share adds a button that, when clicked, automatically uploads the text and images from the tweet to IPFS in the background. Users only need to sign the message in their wallet and approve the txn to publish it to the Lens Protocol. Additionally, users can set custom collection settings before publishing, allowing them to cross-publish already published tweets to Lens.

Other Tools

Additionally, Rickydata, a data scientist at Edgeandnode, has developed a tool for predicting future data based on Big Query. This tool can predict future data such as fan growth based on a user's Lens handle and past data. Currently, it is only available in a testing version.



DeSchool is a Web3 native education tool. It reshapes the metaverse education system by integrating social protocols, recommendation protocols, security protocols, and smart contracts related to X2E, soul-bound certificates, and automatic income allocation. DeSchool is well-balanced and excellent in all aspects, and is currently accelerating the integration of more Lens features.

DeSchool's on-chain resume tool Booth, based on the Lens Protocol, is now online. It supports one-click linking of DeSchool accounts + Lens protocol for data interoperability. Users can find friends and classmates who are taking the same course and follow them with one click. Based on the course completion certificate SBT & Token and learning history, Booth generates on-chain resumes and personal ability maps. Users can also match with friends based on interests and form study groups. Additionally, Booth will generate a radar chart based on trusted on-chain education and work proofs for the current address and all connected addresses on the Booth platform.


linkDOT positions itself as the ultimate online investment portfolio tool for web3 talents, and has now launched LensProtocol. Through linkDOT, users can record all verified certificates and work proofs in one place, and let the community provide peer-to-peer verification of their skills on the chain. Now, by integrating the Lens protocol, users can showcase their work proofs and peer verification by creating cutting-edge product portfolios, taking their web3 careers to a new level.

LinkDOT believes that this integration will change the game for users who want to showcase their skills in a truly outstanding way. Users can use Lens to create their own work proof talent profile, showcase their skills and achievements, establish credibility, and connect with potential collaborators and organizations to get the next opportunity. LinkDOT is currently in beta testing and will be launched on the Lens Mainnet. Users can fill out a whitelist form to apply for testing.

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