How to maximize revenue in BLUR Season 2?

23-03-31 18:59
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Original title: How to Prepare for Blur Season 2 Airdrop?
Source: ODAILY

BLUR  In   Season 1  The airdrop caused a stir, with many encrypted users "getting rich" from it. Season 1  The average airdrop amount is close to. 2827  nbsp; BLUR, which was worth about that time. 3000  The dollar.

Now! Season  2  Already started (March 29, NFT Marketplace Blur announced that the new features, originally scheduled for April 1, still need more time to build. To reassure users, Season 2 will run until May 1), speculators want to know. BLUR  How high prices can go and how much they can get. BLUR. This article provides some tips to help you in   Season  2  nbsp; BLUR  Maximize revenue.

Blur entry

Blur  Is a decentralized premium. NFT  The market. The strategy they adopted was to use... BLUR  The tokens incentivize traders to pay royalties voluntarily. Blur  It also has more advanced trading features, perfect for the pursuit of "day trading". The user. Blur  It has been improved. UI/UX  Experience, you can easily "scan" all the same series of floor prices. NFT (sweeping floors), and can be accessed quickly. Student: NFT.

Blur's unconventional strategy provoked this royalty-centric market battle, forcing Blur to fight. OpenSea  Make adjustments to maintain market competitiveness. OpenSea  Acquired Aggregator, but because   NFT  The aggregator is now obsolete as new innovations pour out in the field.

BLUR  How are air drops distributed?

BLUR  Airdrops can be made on platforms. NFT  Put it up for auction. The interesting thing about auctions is that if you bid. 0.2ETH, you can't choose what you want. Instead, the seller chooses whether or not to accept you. 0.2 ETH  The bid. This leads to the interesting concept of earning. BLUR  For credits, the user must make a bid close to or above the floor price, which results. NFT  The price of the floor goes up, as users compete with each other to earn the same amount of points.

A common strategy is to use as much as possible. Blur  Tools to be able to be in. Season 1  To get as many points as possible. However, with   Season 2  These strategies are quite different.

In   BLUR  Season 2  How will I participate? farming?

BLUR  Season 2  Many players missed the first drop in & have spent BLUR  A second chance at a big reward. Blur  It was recently released. Season 2  The token economy, in   Season 2  nbsp; 300  Billion + BLUR  Were distributed to the community.

Season 2  The most interesting thing is that loyalty is key in order to get the most rewards. But in addition to loyalty, there are some other methods can drop & have spent farming  Maximize your return on investment.

Here are four suggestions:

1.  Never "play the long game"

You may have noticed people like "Big Brother Ma Ji" and Huang Licheng. franklinisbored.eth  Such big players often buy in big. And do a "losing business." NFT  Sell at floor prices and accumulate a lot of points. Recently   PROOF  Research Director @punk  9059  "He tweeted. Blur Airdrop Season 2  Since the beginning, Huang Licheng (machibigbrother.eth) has accumulated losses. 4600  nbsp; ETH.

For the one in the pocket. ETH  Lower than   With 10 coins, it's not your ideal choice. And executing this strategy not only requires a lot of work. ETH, but also means that bids are being accepted. Gas  Spend a lot of money on... ETH. (The cost of bidding is about. Uniswap  On ordinary   Swap  nbsp; 3-5  Times). This kind of nbsp; farming  Methods hope for long-term   BLUR  The reward will more than make up for it here. farming  Losses realized during the period. The problem is that everyone is eager to sell during the airdrop. BLUR, which means you need to be in   Gas  Eg. Some of the cost will be eaten up. ETH  To get the best price.

A better strategy is to get through. farming  Obtain   BLUR  Integral while normal will   NFT  flip, which can be done in just a few hours.

如何为 Blur Season 2 空投做准备?

For example, this is in   Blur  On the platform. NFT  The double auction example, despite selling within an hour, still made money.

2.  Maximize your loyalty

Loyalty is in Season 2  Is very important. You may be a professional. farmer, but having higher loyalty will ensure you get the rarest loot blind box, or the most   BLUR  The token.

In   Season  1  In, the player can get   4  One type of loot blind box, which contains the most credits is the "Mystery Care Pack". Although the exact parameters are not stated, maximizing loyalty will give you a better ROI.

< 50%  Loyalty = low luck;

50% -90%  Loyalty = medium luck;

90-97%  Loyalty = good luck;

97%  + Loyalty = Very lucky

如何为 Blur Season 2 空投做准备?

3.  Have a strategic ground line and auction your pieces. NFT

And   Season 1  Similarly, online   NFT  Or bidding close to the bottom price means getting more points because you're taking on more "risk." In a series of offers, the one with the highest "risk" will earn the most points.

For example, if an   NFT  The basic cost is. 1.01 & have spent And there is a 100  The quotation is   1  And your offer is. 0.99 & have spent As a result of 100  An offer comes in front of you at a higher cost, and you won't get many points.

All the same, if you bid. 1.01 & have spent You'll take more risks, score more points and earn more money than anyone else. BLUR. The longer your bid sits, the more points you earn until the sale. It's important to note that your offer always stands unless you choose to cancel, so always remember to check all your offers regularly to make sure you're not paying for them. NFT  Pay over the odds.

4.  Multi-use   Blur  Platform function

Try everything. Blur  The different features are key and can be tried in   BLUR  Maximize your points on airdrops.

如何为 Blur Season 2 空投做准备?

For example, in the on-line   NFT  Use floor price, premium features, and ladder features to maximize your points while bidding as close to floor price as possible.


Don't miss opportunities in the crypto market, as these often have a very good ROI. Although many people in Season 1  "Missing the opportunity to get rich" in China, but   Season 2  Will be the next "wealth code".

如何为 Blur Season 2 空投做准备?

In addition, although   Blur  In   Season 1  Volumes have since surged, but have been falling over the past few months. This is useful for anyone trying to maximize   BLUR  It's the right time for anyone to drop them.

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