The impact of AI outbreaks on creators and NFT

23-04-03 16:35
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Original title: Shallow Thoughts: The Impact of AI Explosion on Creators and NFT
Original author:sleepy

I recently read a thread published by 6529 that discusses AI and NFTs. Some of the ideas are quite interesting, so I will share them with you first.


NFT tracing will be of greater significance;

An explosion of AI-generated content makes content created by original authors more valuable;

For creators, in a world of infinite "content", their own visibility becomes more important;

Commercial content creation can be replaced by AI, but artistic creation cannot.

Original text:

Many people now talk about AI with the following preconditions:

(1) People think of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) as short for ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence).

(2) Under the current assumption, AGI can think like a human, but faster, more efficiently, and at a lower cost.

(3) It will happen, and it will happen soon.

6529 is more optimistic about AI breaking human limits. In his opinion, GPT-4 and GPT-5 are far from that situation. While they may have digital superpowers, there are still many problems with automation in the physical world. The GPT-5, for example, cannot build an army of drones overnight without being discovered. However, discussing strong technical directions is not what 6529 is good at. As an influencer of the NFT circle, he prefers to express his views on his "field of expertise".

The view of 6529 is based on the following preconditions:

(1) Artificial intelligence will be the tool we use.

(2) They work primarily in the digital realm.

(3) They work on their own or in combination with us.

(4) They are not all-powerful ASI (what we will do with ASI is beyond the scope of this article).

But it's already changing the world:

(1) Many white-collar workers will lose their jobs.

(2) We are entering a world of infinite "content" and robots.

(3) Humans will use these tools to achieve their own purposes and social construction.

What does Crypto mean in such a world, and what can NFT do about it?

According to 6529, what NFT offers is traceability that has always been important.

未来 MidJourney v11 和 Dall-E 5 肯定能创造出无数个更加完美的 CryptoPunk、Fidenza 和 Meme Cards,而如果没有 Crypto、没有 NFT,这无疑是一场灾难,因为人们将无法辨别哪个才是正版。而熟悉 NFT 的家人们都知道,现在根本不会有这个问题,如果一个 Cryptopunk 来自 Cryptopunk 合约,那它就是一个 Cryptopunk。而如果它不来自 Cryptopunk 合约,而是出现在其他合约或者社交媒体之类的,那也不错,感谢 MidJourney 的致敬。

让我们再展开想象,想象一个更加开放、更加接受 NFT 的世界,你的 ENS 会成为你的能给跨平台的身份和用户名,任何应用程序都可以验证你的身份以及你所做的事情(如铸造 NFTs、购买 NFTs、部署合约等)。在那个世界里,不仅像「The Memes」这样的现有藏品可以放心地扩展,因为我们知道它们是「真的」,而且 6529.eth 还可以发布「其他任何东西」,我们知道是谁做的。

Someone might say, "Wait a minute, does copyright ownership really matter? What if AI can create better work?"

There will be AI artists who will be popular in the future, but for digital goods, traceability is crucial, just as people don't advertise their fake Louis Vuitton bags.

Humans have always sought some kind of internal group identity. It's written into our genes. Human beings form internal and external groups and consensus based on common identity and community organization, regardless of circumstances, times, and absolute levels of wealth.

6529 thinks the same is true of AI. It would be a good thing if 100 billion beautiful AI NFT were minted, because there would be more visual beauty in the world. But does this affect the value of some NFT's? There must be something "rare".

Let's assume that on January 1, 2024, 10 Glitch Art AI's start publishing billions of brilliant Glitch art pieces every year, whether on social media sites or as NFT's. We arrive at the moment of Glitch's artistic explosion. At the time, do you think a 2018 XCOPY piece is more or less valuable?

It shouldn't be too hard to answer this question, but it's important to note that in a world of infinite "content," name recognition becomes more, not less, important. Although "content" may be infinite, human attention is not, and for reasons that don't change because of AI, it follows a "power-law distribution." And in this case, whether digital content is "legitimate" will matter more than ever.

For commercial content creation, say you need to design a Logo for your new company that looks good, today you might have to pay $1,000 to a graphic designer to do that, and in the future that will be replaced by AI, no doubt.

But if you want to make art, you still have to give it meaning. Being technically competent is not enough. This was so then, and is so now. Only in the higher level of creation, can achieve the real sense of success.

Here are a few key points to talk about my understanding.

NFT tracing will be of greater significance

With the development of blockchain technology, NFT has been widely recognized as an important form of digital assets. NFTS are unique in that they are unique digital assets that can represent ownership of digital content such as art, music, video, etc. However, the recent popularity of AI has raised concerns about the copyright of digital content. In the age of ubiquitous digital, AI-generated content has begun to compete with original human work. Therefore, NFT tracing will have more important significance.

AI technology can help computers learn and mimic human thought processes to generate new digital content. AI's learning and generation process is largely based on large amounts of data and algorithms. Through data training and learning, AI can gradually understand different types of digital content and produce human-like works. However, due to the lack of subjectivity and creativity in the generation process of AI, the resulting work often lacks originality and uniqueness.

The importance of NFT traceability is that it helps people identify where content is coming from and whether it is "legitimate" or not. As a form of digital asset, NFT can be used to record ownership information and history of digital content. After digital content is NFted, their ownership information is recorded on the blockchain and cannot be tampered with. This means that NFT traceability can help people identify the original source and ownership of digital content, thus protecting the copyright and intellectual property rights of digital content.

As AI-generated content continues to evolve, NFT traceability will become increasingly important, as it can help people identify the origin and ownership of digital content, and protect the copyright and intellectual property rights of digital content.

The explosion of AI-generated content will make the content created by the original author more valuable

With the continuous development and popularization of artificial intelligence technology, content generated by AI has gradually become an important way of creation.

In this case, the content created by the original author becomes more valuable. Since AI-generated content is often extrapolation and prediction based on existing data, it is difficult to completely replace human creation. This makes the original authors' creations more unique and valuable because they are the product of original ideas and experiences, rather than simple simulations of machines. As a result, AI-generated content can highlight the uniqueness and creativity of the original author, making the original work more competitive.

However, AI-generated content also brings copyright disputes. In the past, many people have stolen other people's ideas and work, but the problem has become more acute because AI can easily copy and generate similar content. Many content creators fear that their work will be generated by AI and distributed or used without authorization, contributing to the problem of piracy. In this case, NFT traceability technology can provide a safeguard for the original author to track the origin and ownership of the content, thereby preventing piracy and infringement.

The development of AI technology is both an opportunity and a challenge for content creators. In terms of protecting their copyright and creative value, NFT traceability and digital signature technologies can provide better protection and support for original authors, and also help them realize more business opportunities and creative value.

For creators, in a world of infinite "content," visibility becomes more important

With the explosion of AI-generated content, the amount of content on the Internet is skyrocketing, making it increasingly difficult to innovate and differentiate content. In this world of infinite "content," creators need to build awareness if they want their work to stand out.

On the one hand, infinite content may lead to a lot of similar content, which means that the value of the original will be more prominent. In this case, as the original author, to obtain higher value for his works, he needs to let people know and understand his works. By showcasing your work on social media and other platforms, building a following and audience, and interacting with other creators, you can all help increase your visibility.

On the other hand, with the continuous progress of AI technology, more and more people can use AI to learn and generate their own style of work. This means that the more well-known a creator is, the more people will learn and generate his style through AI, thus increasing his influence and value.

Therefore, it will be even more important for creators to establish their own visibility in a world of infinite "content." Only by constantly showing your work, interacting with other creators, and actively participating in social media, can you let more people know and understand your work, so as to obtain higher value.

Commercial content creation can be replaced by AI, but artistic creation cannot

With the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, more and more fields are trying to use AI to generate content. Among them, commercial content creation is a field where AI technology is widely used. Commercial content creation is usually about fulfilling a need, such as writing an advertisement, a product description, a news story, and so on. These content can be generated automatically by AI technology, saving labor and material costs, improving efficiency and quality. (Note: Some of this article was written by AI after I asked for it.)

In contrast, artistic creation is a process of expression. Artists create unique works of art through their own thoughts, emotions and techniques, and this creative process cannot be replaced by machines. Even using AI to generate art requires human creativity and direction to get good results. The value of a work of art lies not only in its external form, but also in the thought and emotion expression behind it, which cannot be simulated and replaced by machines.

Therefore, although AI technology has been widely used in many fields, there is no substitute for human creativity and uniqueness in the field of artistic creation. Although AI can assist artists to complete their creations, it cannot replace the creativity and expression of the artists themselves.

Don't worry AI, long NFT, long crypto.

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