Six noteworthy projects to keep an eye on in recent times.

23-08-23 21:00
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Original Title: "veDAO Weekly Selection: 6 Hot Projects You Can't Miss"
Original Source: veDAO

This week's selected projects cover a time span from August 14th to August 20th, with a total of 6 projects.

1.Frax Finance

Basic Information:

Twitter followers: 76.4k

Number of KOL followers in the header: 266

Asset whale following count: 126.

NFT Whale Following Count: 168

veDAO Voting Popularity: 12.8 million votes

Introduction: FRAX is the first stablecoin that combines the principles of fully collateralized (such as MakerDAO's DAI) and fully algorithmic stablecoin design to create a new scalable, trustless stable on-chain currency.

Recent updates: We recently upgraded to V3 and established a relationship with Finers. We have also separated from USDC and now support users in purchasing RWA assets such as US government bonds. Additionally, we have issued FXB, which allows token holders to purchase Frax at a discounted price.


Basic Information:

Twitter Fans: 303.8K

Number of KOL followers in the header: 59

Asset whale following count: 33.

NFT whale following count: 69.

veDAO Voting Popularity: 168.95 million votes

Introduction: Hedera Hashgraph is a cryptocurrency network. The platform is dedicated to enabling anyone to trade and deploy applications on it, with a group of enterprises assisting in supervising the software. To achieve this goal, Hedera has made significant trade-offs in its design, making it different from other platforms.

Recent developments: The payment infrastructure FedNow of the Federal Reserve has added Dropp, a small payment platform based on Hedera Hashgraph technology, as a service provider. This has led to a short-term increase in the value of the Hedera token $HBAR, which had already risen by 50% in the two months prior. As a company closely associated with the Federal Reserve and the global financial system, Hedera's token performance is worth watching in the future.

3.Merit Circle

Basic Information:

Twitter followers: 107.6k

Number of KOL followers in the header: 133

Asset whale following count: 66.

NFT Whale Following Count: 123

veDAO Voting Popularity: 155.95 million votes

Introduction: Merit Circle is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) whose mission is to maximize value accumulation in different games in the metaverse (commonly known as gold farming in China). Merit Circle is committed to creating a platform that intersects capital (investors), professional knowledge (platforms and managers), and players (gamers).

Recent developments: Merit Circle has recently proposed to use 75 million $MC from the treasury for Beam mainnet node operation and LP pairing with 200,000 USDC. The majority of these tokens will not be circulated in the secondary market, which means that despite $MC already having a circulation rate of over 70%, the token still has strong application potential and can be observed for its long-term price performance.


Basic Information:

Twitter followers: 10.4k

5.Entangle Protocol

NFT whale following count: 156.

veDAO Voting Popularity: 4.5197 million votes

Introduction: The core concept of is to create a closely connected social circle between creators and fans. Users can deepen their interaction with specific creators by purchasing their "shares".

Recent developments: Backed by Coinbase and Twitter, has been performing very well recently. Many KOLs on social media are using this product. At this stage, you can try the product first, and it is not ruled out that there may be a possibility of issuing coins in the future.

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