RSS3 successfully hosted Web3 Night at Hong Kong Fintech Week.

23-11-04 16:12
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On November 2nd, the open internet project RSS3 successfully held the Web3 Night of the 2023 Hong Kong Fintech Week in collaboration with Hashkey Exchange, a licensed virtual asset trading platform in Hong Kong, ZA Bank, a virtual bank in Hong Kong, and VC institution 2Square. Nearly 800 attendees from financial institutions, Web3 industry, research institutions, and government registered to explore the direction of Web3 and the integration of financial technology innovation.

This Web3 Night hosted a themed roundtable forum on "New Changes in Financial Technology: Web3 and Artificial Intelligence". Terry Chan, Senior Manager of Financial Technology and Web3 Group Leader of the Hong Kong Investment Promotion Bureau, Devon, the former CEO of Zhongan Bank, Joshua, founder and CEO of RSS3, Leslie Hsu, co-founder of 2Square, attended and participated in the discussion, and Jeffrey Cheng, co-founder of Ooosh Tech Lab, served as the roundtable host. The guests at the meeting had in-depth exchanges and collisions of ideas on the intersection and development prospects of Web3, artificial intelligence, and financial technology, as well as the current development status of Web3 in Hong Kong.

The cocktail party held after the roundtable forum pushed the atmosphere to a climax. Joshua, the founder and CEO of RSS3, said: "Face-to-face in-depth thinking and discussion in the industry is a very valuable opportunity. I hope to provide valuable reference for the future development direction of the industry. Thank you very much to our co-organizers, media and community partners, as well as every open Internet, Web3 participant and enthusiast who came to the scene. Love and support will make us go further together."

This Web3 Night has received support from media and communities such as Jinse Finance, BlockBeats, BLOCKCHAIN ACADEMY, Blockchain News, BLOCKSEC, BTC_chopsticks, Chain Catcher, Cryptogirls, De•Things, DODO, Ethereum Daily, Followin, Fomoasia, Foresight News, LikeCoin, MarsBit, META ERA, OOOSH, ODAILY, PANews, Plasma Finance, Ready Player Club, TechFlow, TECHUB NEWS, TokenDance, and 852Web3.

About RSS3

The Open Information Layer RSS3 is building open information for the next Twitter, Google, and OpenAI. RSS3 contributes to building an open network by promoting the free flow of open information. Please visit for more information.

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