Stablecoin | Coexisting with Crypto, Mark Goodwin's exploration of Bitcoin USD.

23-12-09 14:00
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Translated by: Luccy, BlockBeats

Editor's Note:
A stablecoin is one type of cryptocurrency that maintains a stable value by being pegged to other assets. Common stablecoins include USDT and USDC, which are anchored to fiat currencies.

BITCOIN MAGAZINE delves into the role of stablecoins in the financial and digital asset space, and highlights the potential advantages of stablecoins as digital currencies pegged to specific assets, such as providing price stability, facilitating cross-border transactions, and hedging against inflation. The article also notes that the adoption of stablecoins anchored to the US dollar may be facilitated by the popularity of Bitcoin.

However, this also raises concerns about risks such as centralization and market manipulation. While stablecoins have significant advantages in providing stability, the article emphasizes the challenges they face, such as concerns about price stability, regulatory pressure, and the possibility of market manipulation. These challenges require stablecoin projects to actively address them in their development to ensure long-term success.

In the rapidly evolving field of digital currencies, the exploration of stablecoins and the establishment of regulatory frameworks are crucial. The article concludes by calling for further research into the potential risks of stablecoins and for increased transparency and regulation to ensure the health and sustainable development of the digital currency market.

This article is sourced from BITCOIN MAGAZINE and will be summarized and compiled into a collection of articles related to stablecoins. BlockBeats will continue to update this collection. The following is the original article translation:

Understanding Stablecoins

Stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to another asset such as a fiat currency, precious metal, or a basket of assets. In recent years, stablecoins have gained widespread popularity due to their potential to address some of the limitations of traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is known for its price volatility, stablecoins offer a more stable price alternative, making them suitable for various use cases.

One of the most prominent marketing methods of stablecoins is their ability to act as a bridge between traditional finance and digital asset fields. By pegging their value to stable assets, stablecoins provide a reliable medium of exchange and store of value. This stability makes stablecoins more attractive to merchants and consumers alike, as they can transact with confidence without worrying about sudden price fluctuations.

In theory, stablecoins also have advantages in transaction speed and cost efficiency. Cross-border transactions in traditional banking systems often involve lengthy settlement times and high fees. In contrast, stablecoins can facilitate near-instantaneous transactions at a lower cost, making them an attractive choice for global commerce.

In addition, in countries with unstable economies or volatile fiat currencies, stablecoins can serve as a tool for hedging against inflation. By holding stablecoins backed by strong currencies, individuals and businesses can protect their wealth from devaluation and maintain a more stable financial position.

It is worth noting that stablecoins come in different types, each with its own mechanism for maintaining stability. Some stablecoins are backed by reserve assets, while others rely on algorithms and smart contracts to adjust supply and demand.


Bitcoin provides a politically neutral platform and asset, but this comes with the cost of high volatility in terms of price and purchasing power. On the other hand, stablecoins provide a platform and asset that is ultimately centralized and controlled, and benefit from price and purchasing power stability. These two technologies represent two sides of the same coin to some extent: yin and yang. In addition, the world's largest Bitcoin market is in US dollars. If people around the world try to determine the price of Bitcoin, they are most likely to look at its price in US dollars. These markets are also likely to trade in stablecoins rather than in US dollars outside of US jurisdiction.

Therefore, this creates a certain degree of symbiotic relationship between the two. Wherever Bitcoin goes, the US dollar, in a sense, will follow. The price of Bitcoin in US dollars, as well as the frequent use of stablecoins, follows the development of Bitcoin. This dynamic reality ensures that Bitcoin is likely to be adopted anywhere due to local currency and economic instability, and stablecoins based on the US dollar are likely to be adopted to some extent.

Given this dynamic, the growth that Bitcoin adopts may actually help promote the growth and stability of the US dollar in the process. If the increasing popularity of Bitcoin leads to the increasing popularity of stablecoins, which inevitably need to hold US dollars or US Treasury bonds or other US dollar equivalents to support them, then the narrative of Bitcoin usurping and weakening the US dollar may ultimately fall flat. At least in the foreseeable future.

Mark Goodwin's view on stablecoins

Who is Mark Goodwin?

Mark Goodwin is the author and Bitcoin expert of the book "Bitcoin - US Dollar", and also an advocate of decentralized financial systems. With extensive industry experience, Goodwin provides valuable insights into the stablecoin world and its potential impact on the financial ecosystem.

Goodwin's Criticism of Stablecoins

Goodwin's criticism of stablecoins stems from concerns about centralization and the potential for abuse or manipulation. While stablecoins are designed to provide stability, reliance on trusted custodians and centralized reserves introduces counterparty risk. Goodwin argues that because stablecoin issuers are buying large amounts of US Treasury bonds, the US Treasury market continues to exist, and Bitcoin enthusiasts should be extremely cautious and concerned about this.

Risks Associated with Stablecoins

Price Stability Concerns

Although stablecoins attempt to maintain a stable value, there may still be risks associated with maintaining a peg to underlying assets. Factors such as market conditions, liquidity differences, and redemption pressures may challenge the stability of stablecoins. If these risks are not adequately managed, it may lead to deviations from the peg and potential loss of user trust.

Regulatory Challenges

The regulatory environment surrounding stablecoins is still evolving, posing a challenge to their widespread adoption. Regulatory agencies around the world are closely monitoring stablecoins and considering their potential impact on financial stability and consumer protection. For stablecoin projects, effectively addressing these regulatory challenges is crucial to ensuring their long-term success.

Market Manipulation Possibility

Stablecoins have a huge market value and liquidity, making them a potential target for market manipulation. The rapid expansion of the cryptocurrency industry, coupled with limited regulation, creates opportunities for individuals or entities to manipulate the stablecoin market for personal gain. Enhancing transparency and regulatory frameworks can help mitigate these risks and ensure market integrity.

Stablecoins attempt to provide stability and accessibility in the decentralized finance sector. However, they also bring risks and challenges that need to be carefully addressed. With the development of the market and regulatory frameworks, stablecoins may further enhance the influence of the US dollar globally, so it is necessary to consider and mitigate the related risks of further concentration of the global economy in the hands of a few private capital creators.

"Original article link"

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