Taking stock of Polygon’s popular potential projects and how to promote the arrival of NFT summer

24-02-22 14:00
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Original author: NFTboi, encryption KOL
Translated by: Lila, BlockBeats

Editor's note: In the development of the NFT ecosystem, Ethereum has an absolute advantage and also has the most attention. In comparison, Polygon's NFT market seems somewhat quiet. Reference reading: "NFT transaction volume exceeds 1.2 billion US dollars, will Polygon repeat the NFT boom on Solana?" Cryptocurrency KOL NFTboi predicts in a post on X that Polygon's NFT ecosystem is about to heat up because it has a series of interesting "catalysts", and the effects of these catalysts are further enhanced by Dew, the top NFT aggregator and incubator on Polygon and ZkEvms. BlockBeats compiled the following based on the tweet:

I predict that the NFT ecosystem of @0xPolygon is about to heat up.


On the one hand, it is due to its inspiration from @Dew_HQ, and on the other hand, it comes from a series of powerful projects that are about to be launched.

For me, the Web3 ecosystem and their overall bullish outlook and performance seem to be driven by a combination of strong incentives, blue-chip projects, upcoming airdrops, and exciting minting activities. Currently, Polygon meets all of the above criteria.

Before introducing and experiencing Polygon, you need a @Dew_HQ account. Please note that I hold assets in MBC and Pluto and hope to collaborate with my team on all mentioned projects. Therefore, this article cannot be considered financial advice. Please DYOR.

1/ Dew

1) Dew is the top NFT aggregator and incubator on Polygon and ZkEVMs. They have raised $10 million from well-known institutions such as @0xPolygon and Circle. The team is composed of Web3 veterans from giants such as Binance, Tencent, and FTX.

2) Incentive measures for Dew.

Dew has currently introduced a points leaderboard to motivate users. High points can earn more rewards.

· To distribute the whitelist for the upcoming mint event.· Allocate and distribute a whitelist for their own Genesis Pass.

· Does points correspond to tokens?

3) The original Genesis Pass of Dew will be mainly distributed to the top-ranked participants.

These practical cases are quite interesting in my opinion:

· Free IP NFT

· Whitelist· NFT Airdrop

· Dew and Dew Studios plan to conduct a token airdrop (implying that it may not only be their own token).

4) Considering the catalytic effect of Dew liquidity mining + Genesis Pass, it is recommended to pay more attention to blue-chip projects in the Polygon ecosystem (which can help obtain additional rewards through related transactions, such as projects on @dokyoworld and @hyperspacexyz).

2/Pluto Misfits

Pluto Misfits is a flagship NFT project on Polygon, invested by Polygon and co-founders of Polygon.

I think it's quite obvious that this will be a top-tier blue-chip project on Polygon, serving as a hub for trading volume and rewards.

Since its inception, Pluto has performed well.

· Reached a peak of approximately 0.5E

· Collaborate with many top content creators in the field.

· Token airdrop coming soon?

If you're afraid of missing out but too lazy to take action, choosing Pluto might be a good decision.

You can check out my previous post.


translates to


It can be said that one of the best use cases for Polygon is its focus on gaming.

1)SA World

2)Summoners Arena

4/ Polytrade Finance

1)Polytrade Team

4)Polytrade NFT

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