How to seize the best opportunity to speculate on US election meme coins? A complete analysis of key time points and concept coins

24-05-16 18:23
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BlockBeats update: On July 14, Trump was shot in the ear while giving a speech at a campaign rally. He raised his right fist while being protected by security. After that, Trump MEME concept skyrocketed. Trump concept meme coin TRUMP skyrocketed nearly 70% in 1 hour, breaking through $10. MAGA skyrocketed 33% in 1 hour, and FDV exceeded $100 million again. In addition, several related meme coins appeared on Solana, including $FIGHT, which rose 23 times in 4 hours after its launch, and $EAR, which rose more than 60 times. As of the time of writing, both fell back.

Affected by the attack, the prediction market Polymarket data shows that Trump's chances of winning the US presidential election have soared to 70%, and there are strong voices in the crypto community to support Trump. It can be foreseen that there will be more hype and profit opportunities in the subsequent election process. This article sorts out some important time nodes and important meme targets in the US election process.

Written by: Jaleel plus six, BlockBeats

The concept of the US election Meme is popular in the cryptocurrency circle.

On May 13, Trump invited some of his NFT holders to a dinner party. The video of the meeting went viral in the crypto circle. In the video, Trump said that he accepted the development of cryptocurrency and said that Biden and the Democratic Party have always taken an attitude against cryptocurrency.

In the past two weeks, the community has experienced a transition from excitement to quarreling over voting for Trump, and then to discussing the issue of "cryptocurrency and politics". Trump's pro-crypto move has given the community enough "emotional value".

"If you support cryptocurrency, you'd better vote for Trump." has become one of the campaign strategies of the Trump team.

This also brings out the resurgence of Trump's Crypto Meme track. In recent days, Trump's eponymous meme coin TRUMP, which has been sideways for two months, has risen sharply, with the highest increase of 140%. Related reading: "It's more appropriate to buy $TRUMP directly than to vote for Trump"

Obviously, in the past 6 months, as a person in the currency circle who continues to pay attention to and hype the concept of the US election, there may continue to be more opportunities to make money. So what are the important time nodes and important targets that need to be kept an eye on? BlockBeats has made some arrangements in this article.

Key Time Nodes

At present, US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump (Trump) have defeated their respective challengers and are almost certain to become the final candidates in the US presidential election in November.

Source: New York Times

Nikki Haley, who served as the US permanent representative to the United Nations, tried to prevent Trump from becoming the Republican presidential candidate again. The "last chance" has come to nothing. In the "Super Tuesday" primary election on March 5, Trump won overwhelming support, forcing Nikki Haley, the last opponent in the Republican Party, to announce her withdrawal from the campaign. Biden also won a big victory in the Democratic nomination.

The result marks the beginning of the official campaign in 2024, and the two will face off again after the 2020 presidential election.

Most polls show a tight race between Biden and Trump ahead of the November 5 showdown. There are still six months to go, and there will surely be plenty of drama.

June 27: First debate

Presidential debates have a decisive influence in American elections, often dramatically changing the course of an election. Debates are not only a platform for presenting policy views, but also a battleground for candidates to disparage their opponents and spread dirt on each other. Historically, debates have often been turning points in elections.

For example, in the 1960 debate between Nixon and Kennedy, Kennedy's outstanding performance helped him win the support of a large number of voters. And in 2016, Trump's debate with Hillary Clinton also made headlines many times and became a hot topic of discussion among voters.

This year, Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to debate in June and September, and the two sides have traded barbs on social media about the prospect of a showdown, foreshadowing a testy showdown.

Biden posted on the X website on Wednesday morning that he had received and accepted CNN's invitation to debate Trump on June 27.

"Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020 and hasn't debated since. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again," Biden, 81, said on his personal X account. "Well, make me happy, man!" he added.

Biden then added in another X post that he had "received and accepted a debate invitation from CNN," and quipped, "Your turn, Donald. As you said: anywhere, any time, anywhere." He also humorously added, "Donald, I heard you're free on Wednesday."

This is because Trump's hush money criminal trial is taking place in New York. However, the witness testimony phase of the case is nearing its end, followed by the jury deliberation phase. In this case, Trump is accused of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to a porn star before his successful 2016 campaign. The trial is expected to wrap up in the next two weeks.

Trump responded by saying he would accept Biden's challenge, telling Fox News: "I'll be there," adding that he was "looking forward to coming to beautiful Atlanta." Trump posted on Truth Social: "Crooked Joe Biden is the worst debater I have ever faced - he speaks incoherently and he is by far the worst President in American history."

September 10: Second debate

After accepting the invitation to the June 27 debate, the two presidential candidates also announced that they have agreed to hold a second general election debate on September 10.

It is worth noting that in the past presidential elections, there were usually three debates, but this time there were only two, making the importance of the second debate more prominent. The first debate will be hosted by CNN, and the second general election debate will be hosted by ABC.

Trump and Biden argue during the final presidential debate of the 2020 election in Nashville, Tennessee, October 22, 2020 (Reuters)

Both debates were a rare bypass of the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), the long-standing body that has hosted presidential debates since 1988. The debate agreement between the two candidates bypassed the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted the quadrennial presidential debates since 1988.

This September debate may be the final official showdown between the two this year, and the atmosphere may be even more intense, and it is expected to attract national attention again. Through these debates, voters can not only gain a deeper understanding of the candidates' policies and views, but also see their adaptability and demeanor in heated conversations, such as the two candidates' changing attitudes towards cryptocurrencies.

The process of the second debate will also have a profound impact on the results of the election, and it is a key node that investors who speculate on Meme coins cannot ignore.

November 5: Election Voting Day

The 2024 US presidential election will be held on November 5 (Tuesday). This election is the 60th presidential election in US history, and there will also be congressional elections, including the re-election of all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 seats in the Senate to produce the 119th US Congress.

Voters will select members of the Electoral College on this day, and the Electoral College will then vote to confirm the new US President and Vice President. Therefore, at this critical time point, in addition to speculating on the Meme of the US President, you can also speculate on the Meme coin of the Vice President.

On voting day, voters in each state will go to the polls to select the best candidate in their minds. Historical experience shows that there are often some unexpected twists and turns on voting day. For example, the election dispute between Bush and Gore in 2000 and Trump's unexpected victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 both show the uncertainty and drama of voting day.

For investors speculating on Meme coins, market fluctuations on election day can be extremely large, and investment opportunities and risks coexist. Therefore, paying close attention to voting results and market reactions will be an integral part of investment strategy.

January 20, 2025: Swearing-in

The president-elect will be officially sworn in on January 20, 2025. This day not only marks the official start of the new president's administration, but also symbolizes the completion of the peaceful transition of power. The swearing-in ceremony is usually held on the west side of the U.S. Capitol, and the new president is sworn in under the supervision of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The inauguration is not only a solemn ceremony, but also an opportunity for the new president to make his first speech to the nation and the world. In this speech, the president usually elaborates on the policy direction and governing philosophy for the next four years.

Historically, many presidents' inaugural speeches have left a deep impression, such as Lincoln's "When will evil be returned for evil?" in his second inaugural speech and Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Therefore, for the Meme coin market, the market reaction before and after the inauguration is also worthy of attention. The new president's policy direction, economic plan and diplomatic strategy may have a significant impact on the market. If the new president says some famous quotes with strong dissemination, there will also be some new memes.

Latest polls: Trump is still ahead, but he is not resting on his laurels

Faced with this "octogenarian showdown", the American people do not seem enthusiastic. Multiple polls show that most Americans do not want Biden and Trump to rematch. The Economist described the 2024 US presidential election as more of a referendum for American voters than a popularity contest, but the object of the vote is not to choose which one is good, but to choose which one is "least bad".

The final election result is likely to depend on the results of seven key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. These states are called "battleground states" or "swing states" because they swing between the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates and play a key role in determining which candidate wins the Electoral College.

According to a New York Times poll published on May 13, former President Trump leads Biden in five of the six key battleground states in a hypothetical general election showdown. The survey was conducted from April 28 to May 9. The results showed that Trump leads Biden among registered voters in Pennsylvania (47% to 44%), Arizona (49% to 42%), Michigan (49% to 42%), Georgia (49% to 39%) and Nevada (50% to 38%).

Recently, a poll published by the Wall Street Journal also showed that Trump leads Biden by a narrow margin of 47% to 45%. In a new survey that includes independent third-party candidates, Trump's advantage has expanded to 5 percentage points, reaching 40% to 35%. This suggests that, based on current polls, Trump has a better chance of returning to the White House.

This is little changed from the last New York Times/Siena College poll in October 2023, when Trump also led Biden in all five states except Wisconsin, where Biden had a higher support rate.

Of course, Trump is not sitting back and relaxing. Over the past few months, the Biden campaign has stepped up its outreach to voters, while Trump has had to deal with multiple legal cases.

Trump Appears in Court for Portrait, Refusing to Plead Guilty

Trump faces at least two major challenges: one is the lawsuits and the other is the shortage of funds. Currently, Trump is involved in four criminal lawsuits, with a total of 91 charges. These lawsuits are bound to distract him to a considerable extent, and as the situation evolves, they may eventually affect the decisions of some voters on the November 5 election day. However, lawsuits are a "double-edged sword". A recent poll by the Wall Street Journal found that despite Trump's lawsuits, his image and political status among supporters have become more solid. The poll showed that 86% of people said they would still support Trump even if the former president was convicted of a felony.

Funding issues are also a major challenge for Trump. Not long ago, Trump was fined more than $500 million, and he may face more fines as the lawsuit continues. Recently disclosed financial documents show that Trump's campaign funds for political operations are significantly behind Biden.

At the beginning of February this year, the Trump camp had a cash reserve of about $30 million, while the Biden camp had nearly $56 million in its account. According to Bloomberg, in 2023, Trump spent $51.2 million on legal fees, and he had an additional $23.5 million to use. These funds are expected to be exhausted around July this year. Perhaps this is also why he recently publicly expressed his willingness to accept campaign donations from cryptocurrency channels.

Trump Concept

Since its debut at the end of 2022, Trump and his wife have launched a total of five series, with cumulative sales of millions of dollars.

Trump Digital Trading Cards

Trump's first NFT series "Trump Digital Trading Cards" was launched in December 2022, with a total of 45,000 cards issued, covering a variety of fantasy images such as superheroes, astronauts and western sheriffs. These NFTs are cast on the Polygon blockchain and sold for $99 each. Once launched, this series sold out in about 12 hours.

Related reading: "Trump NFT, which increased 10 times in 2 days, was it issued by the former president himself?"

After Trump returned to Twitter and posted a tweet, the floor price rose to 0.193ETH, with a daily increase of 41% and a trading volume increase of 258%.

Then on April 19, 2023, according to Bloomberg, Trump announced the launch of the second series of "Trump Digital Trading Cards" on his social platform Truth Social. This series of NFTs is also minted on the Polygon blockchain, priced at $99 each, with a total of 47,000 issued, of which 46,000 are available for sale. The second series continued the success of the first series and once again attracted widespread attention and investment in the market.

As of the time of writing, according to OpenSea data, the second season floor price of Trump Digital Trading Card is 0.02ETH.

Mugshot Edition

On December 13, 2023, Trump launched the third NFT series “Mugshot Edition”, offering 100,000 NFTs, of which 99,000 were sold to the public. The series is also priced at $99. According to the issuer, users who purchase 47 Trump cards will have the opportunity to have dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago and receive a suit that Trump wore when he was arrested in August.

On May 8, after appearing in court, Trump flew back to Florida and hosted a private dinner with major buyers of his “Mugshot Edition” NFT trading cards.

The Mugshot Edition NFT series is also quite impressive, featuring photos of him being arrested in Georgia last year for plotting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results and various derivative illustrations, including photos of the arrest scene, illustrations of Trump wearing a cowboy hat, and a cartoon image of Trump holding lightning with “American Superhero” written below.

DeGods founder Frank, a well-known founder and KOL of the American NFT community, also participated in the dinner. In addition to the above video, Frank also posted another live video of the event on his X account, in which Trump said he “wants to make NFTs hot again.”

As of the time of writing, according to OpenSea data, the floor price of Mugshot Edition is 0.9ETH.


Recently, Trump expressed his support for the development of cryptocurrency in a video at a conference and called on supporters to vote for him. This video went viral in the crypto community, not only exciting Trump supporters, but also bringing new hope for the future of cryptocurrency.

Trump's comments not only caused a shock in the cryptocurrency market, but also directly promoted the price of Trump-themed Meme coin MAGA ($TRUMP) to soar. Because the liquidity and depth of NFTs are not good, the price of tokens may be more able to keep up with the changes in hot events and be more suitable for hype.

MAGA (Make America Great Again) is Trump's classic campaign slogan. The MAGA movement is a political movement centered on American nativism, which emerged during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

MAGA ($TRUMP) rose 78% in price within 24 hours of the comment, with a trading volume of $281.8 million, becoming the 13th largest Meme coin by market value. MAGA ($TRUMP)'s market value even entered the top 250 of CoinGecko's ranking. Trump's supporters were also excited by his openness to crypto donations during a dinner Q&A.

At present, MAGA ($TRUMP) is one of the strongest US election concept meme coins, which has continued to rise. At the time of writing on May 16, it broke through $10 and is now at $9.89, with a 24-hour increase of 29.7%. According to dexscreener data, the market value of MAGA ($TRUMP) is $436.6M.

Doland Tremp ($TREMP)

Other related digital assets have also reflected similar market reactions. For example, the Doland Tremp (TREMP) coin rose from $0.38 to $0.652, recording a 69.85% increase.

As of writing time, according to dexscreener data, Doland Tremp ($TREMP) has a market cap of $82.5M.

Mrs. Trump Concept

The Trump family's NFT project is not limited to Trump himself. On December 16, 2021, Mrs. Trump Melania Trump announced the launch of the Melania Trump NFT platform. The first NFT is called "Melania's Vision" and is priced at 150 SOL. On February 18, 2022, she launched the "Presidential NFT Series" POTUS NFT to commemorate important moments in American history.

In addition, Melania Trump also launched the "The 1776 Collection" NFT series on June 30, 2023 to celebrate the upcoming Independence Day of the United States. The series costs $50 per piece and is divided into 6 versions, with a total of 500 pieces in each version.

Biden Concept Coin

Jeo boden ($Boden)

Since its launch in March, $Boden has become one of the most popular meme coins in this round of political coins. This coin based on the Solana blockchain has attracted the attention of people such as zkSync, Phantom and Messari founder Ryan Selkis due to its amazing growth and unique cultural phenomenon.

These meme coins are not just derivatives of politicians, but also extend to the fields of entertainment, culture, business and religion. They often form a unique cultural phenomenon through homophony and variants of English words, similar to the "killing Matt" trend 15 years ago. In terms of artistic expression, it often presents an exaggerated visual effect of stretching the neck and tilting the head, full of funny and humorous elements.

Related reading: "American "Shamatte" is sweeping Solana"

As of the time of writing, according to dexscreener data, $Boden's market value is $268.8M. As one of the two major candidates in the US presidential election, $Boden is bound to usher in a wave of hype during the election.

Kamala Horris ($KAMA)

A Pew Research Center survey shows that nearly half of registered voters say they do not support Biden or Trump for president. Nearly two-thirds of respondents doubted whether Biden's physical condition was sufficient to serve as president, and a similar number of respondents lacked trust in Trump's moral performance.

If Biden is unable to perform the duties of the presidency due to illness, Vice President Kamala Harris will take over the presidency. Harris may become the focus of market attention, especially if Biden is in poor health after being elected.

According to the U.S. Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act, the vice president will take over the presidency when necessary to ensure a smooth transition of power. The order of succession after the vice president includes cabinet members such as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President pro tempore of the Senate, and the Secretary of State, ensuring that there is a clear succession process in any case.

Therefore, in this context, tokens about Vice President Kamala Harris are also worthy of attention. However, at present, the liquidity of $KAMA is lower than others. It is only used as a thought summary in this article, not as an investment advice.

Other election concept coins


Since May, the price of $PEOPLE has been rising, partly due to its connection with the concept of American elections. This token represents the concept of decentralized autonomy. Through crowdfunding to purchase the last publicly auctioned copy of the US Constitution at Sotheby's public auction, it has achieved the goal of "common ownership", a symbol of human rights and decentralized spirit.

The core of $PEOPLE has a clear left-wing color, which can attract investors with the same ideas. With this concept, $PEOPLE has an advantage in the market.

According to OKX market data, $PEOPLE briefly broke through $0.048 on May 15, with a 24-hour increase of 34.15%. As of May 16, the price of $PEOPLE was $0.0515, a 24-hour increase of 38.44%. In addition, Binance announced on May 14 that it would launch PEOPLE's spot trading pairs and trading robot services, which further promoted the price increase of PEOPLE.

As of the time of writing, according to dexscreener data, the price of $PEOPLE is $0.05216, with a market value of $264.3M.

American Coin ($USA)

American Coin is a meme-filled token with a promotional copy similar to the "Declaration of Independence", which gives $USA more cultural and political significance:

"Today is Monday, November 4th. Eggs are $20 a carton. The average home price starts at $1 million. The baby boomers stole your future, and you live in a 400 square foot cockroach nest, listening to politicians telling you just have to have Boden and be happy. This is a future that no real American wants. That's why $USA is here. $USA exists to fight against such a future. $USA is not a political token. It is a call, a cultural renaissance. $USA represents you, those who want to reshape the beauty of America through the power of cryptocurrency."

This narrative not only adds cultural and political depth to $USA, but also attracts investors who have a strong sense of identity with American culture and history. $USA is not only an investment target, but also a symbol of cultural revival.

As of the time of writing, according to dexscreener data, the market value of $USA is $62.7M.

Note: Most Meme hype is extremely risky and has no practical value. This article is only a record of ideas and not an investment advice.

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