Analyzing the value appreciation mechanism and market potential of the Smart Layer ecosystem token SLN.

24-03-01 16:11
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Source: Smart Layer

The Smart Layer ecosystem token, SLN, has been officially released. Smart Layer has built a new infrastructure layer for token usability and liquidity. The design of the SLN token is to capture value throughout the ecosystem, which includes Smart Layer Network, Smart Layer Launchpad, and all related tools and technologies. The maximum supply is set at 100 million tokens, and the specific token economic mechanism can be found in the relevant materials. Each token project represents potential demand for SLN. SLN is positioned at the forefront of several rapidly growing fields, including gaming, DePIN, and decentralized finance (DeFi).

This article aims to answer four key questions:

1. What are the functions and uses of SLN?

2. How to optimize the circulation and supply of SLN?

3. What drives demand within the ecosystem?

4. Against the backdrop of the rapid development of the token economy, what is the bullish point of SLN?

Next, let's delve deeper.

SLN What are the functional uses?

SLN plays three fundamental functional roles in the entire ecosystem:


Projects and users can earn SLN rewards, SLN fees, enjoy usage discounts, sales price discounts, participate in governance voting, or be eligible to participate in Launchpad projects through pledging.


Projects and users can use SLN to pay for the usage fees of tools, networks, Launchpad, rental services, etc.

Gas fees and transaction fees

All transaction fees generated on tools, Launchpad, and the network are collected in SLN, similar to the way Ethereum uses Gas fees.

How to optimize the circulation supply of SLN?

Smart Layer ecosystem controls the circulation supply by utilizing these features and establishes a model aimed at promoting price health and ecosystem growth.

What will drive the demand for the entire ecosystem?

The demand mainly comes from the application of the four key components of the Smart Layer ecosystem, as well as the participation and benefits of stakers, project parties, developers, and holders in various ways. These interactions will generate fees for stakers, project parties, and Smart Layer itself in the form of SLN.

These four major components include:

1. ERC-5169 Standard Tool

2. TokenScript Framework Tool

3. Smart Layer Launchpad

4. Smart Layer Network

Regardless of which part or tool of Smart Layer is used, users need to pay SLN, pledge SLN, or generate SLN fees. SLN can be used in these components in various ways:

- Pledge SLN to configure service nodes to earn inflation rewards and transaction fees.

- Pledge SLN to earn rewards from the Launchpad project, and qualify for third-party airdrops, promotions, and other benefits.

- Pledge SLN to participate in governance voting.

- Delegate SLN to earn profits from node operators.

- Use SLN to pay service fees in the market and projects.

- The project party pays SLN to use the key components or tools of the Smart Layer ecosystem.


Gas Fees

A user receives a blockchain-based brand Smart Pass.

The project party issuing Smart Pass pays the SLN fee to mint this Pass, which is also redistributed to the stakers.

Repurchase or Destruction Mechanism

Considering using a portion of the ecosystem's funds for a buyback or destruction plan.

The SLN token will be repurchased from the public market and either reserved or destroyed, removing it from circulation, reducing the circulating supply, and creating upward pressure on the SLN price.

This article is from a submission and does not represent the views of BlockBeats.

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